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Reynolds's Newspaper


London, England


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Reynolds's Newspaper


... THE SBUACX WITZX POnTUGA.L At the opening of the Oortes on Thursday, the King of Portugal devoted the greater portion of his speech to the difficulty that has arisen between England and Portugal with regard to the claims of both nations to the sovereignty of certain large districts in Central Africa. That so much importance should have been given the matter by the King, shows how deeply the ...

Published: Sunday 05 January 1890
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 902 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... LTTA:CIa OW A R . A lcttcr fromt Pirvo' l illII)rlRi, to the o ot ?? it. c 'Cr 1 iF I rel'orts tirit Mir ijnor I 'lenlienilices, the o.reek Bigtr)o olf Gr'ebhnpt, wlrl 9rVereiy be-aten tire other rav b-y the Wailitebialn ?? o'i P irvroli nunl unr- rt'-VIV eeo ie ! beihg Ivitehel. It se'ers that the BIistron veln to Pirvoli 1orer to univ itt iji0et *osice trans ier N rbeld in thQ chuirch of ...

Published: Sunday 30 August 1891
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 614 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... MR.7 SItUJRGMOITS pL.PIT. A largely atteiided nimeoting of c itilRVC the Metropolitan Tiaitberniacle wi 's heldi Ii to consider what sieps shollld be t ke. toI Spimrgcon' s pulpit. The Pastor (RIv J. A. sI- isie itd , anid a resolution ?? ?? t. Pierson for Lis services, aud invitiniii' Hl's t from America. for which country Ile ?? ii- occupy the Tabernacle pulpit for a pru 'c Rev. Thomas ...

Published: Sunday 24 April 1892
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 529 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... THE DEMOCRATIC - WORLD. -Be coconneplaco and creeping, and everything is within your recho.-BIEAUSLSICHOAS. I The Enuolish are a buoy People, they have not tiue to be p)olite.-lfoieceoqUsU. 1The advantage of being horn a member of the privileged class is that it enables a man ait the ego of eighteen, 6r twenty, to claim publie anda social honiours with as munchs eon- fidence as another ...

Published: Sunday 24 April 1892
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4471 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... tHE ASSASSNATION OF LORD LEITRIM. A SENSATIONAL DEATH-BED CONFESSION. The following appears in the New York World of the 13th inst- A few days ago there died in Cambria, County, Pa., au Irishman known as Ifugh Boyle. He was about fifty-two, and, although only a labourer, was much respected for his teusperauce, integrity, anld in- dustry. About the same time the English journals announced the ...

Published: Sunday 24 April 1892
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 971 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... SUNDAY, JUN3 28, 1S91. SUNDAY'S EDITION. ,XE LIZRAL UNIONIST BsAMs Sir William Harcourt, on Friday night, in addressing a meeting held at Holloway Hall, Islington, in support of the candidature of Mr. Lough, the opponent of Mr. Richard Chamber. lain, exposed, in his usual trenchant style, the hollowness of the alliance between the self- styled Liberal Unionists and the Tories. Mr. Goschen, ...

Published: Sunday 28 June 1891
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1291 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... SUNDAYz L=CTSFJaI. f1'lrticulara iral-lod rea ch I 9 OJcc rot latr .,ar the Sotarda 1T.-Th'i Progrepsive Associatiou, Penton Hall, 81, Penton. vill'-rorr, 7.S'J, Captain 'folundesi', l[wa's Rights and Wrongs, and Enlahind's Duty. -Lalur Emancipation Lcagae, ouzside iuxtou Church, 13o0tou, Messrs. J. H. Pope aid }1. A. Barker, 1 Eluutitoe.--CclpouLa~nu Hall, 15k, C(:;p.ulmgen trcet, ...

Published: Sunday 28 June 1891
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1075 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... SUSTICE IN RURAL DISTRICTS. , 0 THE EDITOR Or BuYOLDS?8 NEWSPAPBR. Sie,-I am glad to find that this subject as been warmly taken up in at least one carter. Every question has for a time been ,lipsed by the baccarat ease and the Strike E omnibus men, but I venture to Bs.y that it ill be a burning question when they have ecu disposed of. It has long been felt that the system of ad- linistering ...

Published: Sunday 14 June 1891
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1819 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... THE DXSMXSSED POSTMEN. IMPORTANT DECISION OF THE POST. MASTERI-GENERAL. The following letter from the Postmaster-General has been received by Mr. George Howell, who had written to him to ask whether he could not see his way to restore the postmen who were dismissed or re- duced by the late Postmaster-General for attending outside meetings:- General Post Office, Nov. 1, 1892. Dear Mr. Howell ...

Published: Sunday 06 November 1892
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 494 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... I -Z23E!nALS AND THE COUNTY COUNCIL. THE ABOLI.TION OF THE HOUSE OF LORDS. Onl Tliur.sday evening at the Holborn Restaurant, the South St. Pancras Liberal and Radical Association gave a dinner to Mr. John Hatton in recocnition of his excellent work on the London County Council as mern- ber for South St. Pancras durinz the last three years. Mr. Percy Bunting presided, and nearly 150 Itdies and ...

Published: Sunday 31 January 1892
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 743 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... LONDON LABOUR MlOVEMENTS. END OF THE TAILOPS' STRIKE. TheStrike of the Wrot-end tailors foramininillun rate of 6d. per hour, in accordance with the terms of the uniform tins-log hals plracticaily closed. Mr. T. Flynu (district secretary of the Amalgamated Society of Tailors) on Friday F1ated that all the firms which had been struck ;nailnst in the .ayswater and Chelsea districts hadl rlrmeol ...

Published: Sunday 29 May 1892
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1383 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... Or course one swallow does not make a summer, and one dissentient does not make a party. But it is no use concealing the fact that amongst the Liberal party and especially in Lancashire, where the'influence of Cobden still lives, there is much anxiety about this legal Eight Hours DaT question. The capitalists are adding to their machinery every day, and they naturally cling to what they call, ...

Published: Sunday 26 October 1890
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1192 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News