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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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... BELFAST RIFLb; ASSOCIATION. ON Monday evening the members of the above association met on their range to compete for the Martini Prize and Junior No. !. There was a full muster of members, and the shooting was good, considering the day. Mr. W. J. M'M3inn won the Martini Prize with the good score of 95 points out of a possible I05 for the first time. In the competition for the Junior No. I Mr. ...


... THE proposed match between Blackburne and Lasker has been broken off. It was found that l the latter was unable to fulfil the required con- ditions. l 2 On the 23rd inst., at Cambridge, in a room in 3 the University kindly granted for the purpose, the L, meeting of the Counties Chess Association will commence. The entries for the challenge prizes are coming in very fast, and already include ...


... I , ; I N.I.OC. v. GARRISON. This Match was finished on the Ormeau ground, yesterday, and the result was a crushing defeat for the military. The Rifle Brigade Band was in attendance, and under Band-sergeant O'Connor, played a capital selection of popular music, The attendance was by no means a large one, but those ladies who braved the inconsistencies of the climate were supplied with a cup ...


... - SECOND_ EDITI0N. By OUR r,37VA&TE W i : '1ff 7, -nw LoDN t O GA- BLIUNC AT MO 1TE CARL0. The Stanisrd' Nice correspondent Nays--oli result of the great coups at Monte Carlo, Of wbiof so much has recently been beard, is that enatmOI crowds of ' punters has been beseigitg ?? casinos, especially daring last 4t-t. flrtly if ever, have . there been 80 manlĀ§ people in the rooms. The playerstound ...


... o ENGLISH SPORTING NOTES. Lob-n, SATUmDAY.-No sooner had the rainy season terminated than winter set in with such severity as to raise the fears that the present week's fixture list would not escape interruption. The fears were unfortunately realised, an)d sport under National Runt Rules was not possible after Weduesday. The Croydon Meeting was only got through under difficulties, for whilst ...


... G OLF. COOUNY GOLF CLUBt FOURSOME TOURNAMENT. ;nncs, the various Icind of competitions in vogue amongst golfers the four- some tournament is becoming one of the most popular. The draw for partners is based as much as possible on the principle of making a line of de- marcation between long and short handicap players, a s-stem which gives the long-odds man a useful stimulus to ...


... YACIHTLING. BANGOR CORINTHIAN SAILING CLUB, it, RACE for eighteen-footers sailed on Saturday last. by Wind from south-west and very light. The boats started in the following order:- a, . ?? He. S. tt, Ulah ?? 35 26 on ?? 1.335 27 ly Miss Peggy ?? ..3) ?? 31 a. Mosquito .. 3 37 7 as was a beat to first marikboat, and a reach to as second. The wind here fell so light that Ulah and *m Mosquito ...


... STORPTING. : LEICESTER MEETING. 150ICB5TEE, W2DNESDAY.-It was only fitting that the day selected for the decision of the vail- ,ble Leicestershire Royal Handicap should have been fine, for the enterprise of the Oadby execu. tive in promoting such a race dreserved to meet w.ith reward. Consequently, with the sun shining ?? the morning lots of folk were tempted to make their way to Oadby, and ...


... PC RET'ELLER'S NOTES. BY GUM PRIVATE wiRE. GATWICK. MOiNDAe Nisat-No fears need be B ntertairned regarding the success of Gatwiok meet-' inx, whi ch comnmences to-morrow,. The prograrcrae is not only well filled, bat the prizes are so liberally I distributed that good fields must be expected. especially as the course is ina excellent order. For s to-morrow my selections are briefly as ander:- ...


... G O L F. ROYAL DUBLIN GOLF CLUB. THE COLDSTRE&Y GUARDS CuP.-The first copetition for this cup took place on Saturday. It was recently presented to the club by the officers of the I st Battalion Coldstream Guards (as the name of the cup suggests), at present stationed in Dablin. to be played for twice every year, by strokes, under handicap, limited to 18. The entries for the competition were ...


... SPORTING? JIlT TLIGEN CE. BY OUR3 SPZU. AL EOORRESPONDgNT, . DEOGEEDA, XXEDSESDAY NcsnzT - Splendid weather favoured the inaugural 2a of the Eel- hawstowfl MVeeting, anld with fair fields doing battle for the various events, the proceedinugs par- took of an interestinsg character. The attendanlce ass somaewhat limited. asnd,as a oeusequsacewager. jag was not very brisk: and in w;hat took place ...


... I ROYAL ULSTER YACHT CLUB. ANNUAL REGATTA. Commodore-His Ezcellency the Marquis of Dufferin and Ava, X.P., G.C.B. Vice-Commodore-Mr. Johnt Mulholland, D.L. Rear-Commodore-Captain. Sharman Crawford. Honorary So cretaqry and Treasurer-Mr. Hugh C. Kelly TUan annual regatta in connectio nwith the Royal Ulster Yacht Club opened at Bangor yesterday in cbarming weather. The event naturally brought a ...