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Pall Mall Gazette



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Pall Mall Gazette


... The press generally, from Dan to Beersheba. is reloicing in the resumption of the international i. upbv matches, which is looked upon as an accomplished fact. But the truth its that a serious hitch has ;aken place in the negotiations, and the re oicnrg is decidedly premature. Vt hen the Rougby Union Committee, on the part of Englarlod c iered to refer the dispute to arbitration, everybody ...


... Another step towards the settlenment of the International dispute was taken on Tuesdav evening, when the Rugby Uhidio Codtibjittee met to consider the last comtimnunication from the boaro. As I predicted would be the case, the Minute of agreement and submission, so carefully drawn up by the board, did not pro.e at all to the taste oi the English committee. Accordingly an amended minute, in ...


... I A Cambrid-e correspor0dent states that the Un)iversity beat-race will be rowed about hialf-past eleven on Tuesday morning, April i, as the tide on the ?? iifg SatUrday wiii not suit. UN PUBLISHED MS. OF1 THE LAT! E CIHARLE MxACKAY. Tb e lafte Dr. Charles Mackay has, the -i't..:iews' understands, left behind himr a lar ge quantity of unpublished MS., most or ?? was quite recently written. It ...


... Of late years the public has chosen to recognize the matches between two or three of the strongest Rugby clubs as forming a contest for the championship of London, and the ?? thus added to certain of their engagements to muster their strongest teams. The return match between Blackheath and the London Scottish on Saturday, how- ever, found Blackheath poorly represented, many of their players, ...


... The season is just now at its height for Rugby club matches. To- morrow will see the return between Blackheath and Richmond, which is, as a rule, as atractive to the thoroughgoing Ruglby spectator as any game that is ever pla, ed on a London ground. As Black ieath have in their last two matches got the better of Somneisetshire and Cardiff, while Richmond were beaten by the Old Cheitonians last ...


... IV.-GOLF AT WIMBLEDON. THERE is quite a ' boom in golf at the present time. Probably morE has been written upon the subject during the past year than has ever appeared before, at least in England. The reason is not far to seek, Golf is becoming the vogue. The favourite pastime of one of our most promising statesmen, it has acquired a dainty laureate in Mir. Andrew Lang, and a no- less ...


... The return North and South match takes place to morrow at Richmond. I hear that an immense number of tickets have been sold already, and unless the weather is unfavourable there will be a very large attendance of spec- tators. The NXorth team was selected on Wednesday evening at feeds. It is by no means the same as that which suffered defeat at Manchester on December 2. In the first place. the ...


... THE NORTH V. SOUTH MATCH. The Southerners have this season avenged their dual defeat by the Norlh in i886-9. The superiority they exhibited in the North at the first meeting was more than maintained on Saturday at Richmond, for having the best of the play all through the game, the South fifteen won by the substantial majority of twogoals and two tries to a goal. Although the South were ...


... The International difficulty is at an end-that is to say. the dispute has gone to arbitration, and in the meantime the matches with Sc(tl;lnd, Ireland, and Wales have been arranged for dates in this month and next. After the universal condemnation evoked by their one-sided statement of the question the International Board found themselves compelled to withdraw iroin their false position and to ...


... To-moairov's International Rugby match, England v. Wales, will be the first that has been played by England for three years. In the meantime so many re.v players have come to the front and so many veterans have retired that the English fifteen will consist almost entirely of men who have never taken part ia a genuine international contest. Stocdart alone of the backs, with Hickson, Dewhurst, ...


... IS FOOTBALL DANGEROUS?' We are indebted to a correspondent for the following list of football casual- ties in the present season, commencing the first weetr in September last, to the thidwehekin he past month of January, taken from a carefully tabulated record ef such casualties as have been publicly announced :-Deaths, 13. Fractures: legs, I5; arms,4 ;collar-bones, 11. Injuries: spines, 3 ...


... The renewed international campaign opened most inauspiciously for England on Saturday last with a defeat trom Wales. But there is really no reason as yet for discouragement. As a criterion of the strength of the teams engaged, the match was altogether valueless. Football played under such con- ditions is almost a game of chance, and the result of the match is no more surprising than would be ...