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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE BEV B. McALL. SIR R --U- +,h rDE x vA?4It. na to te A PaYis correspondent writes with reference to the lt death of the Rev R. W. MoAlS :-JIis grandfather, a :y Scotsman, was one of Lady Hantingdon'a ministers; n and big father, Robert Stephens McAll, who died in rO 1838, wan an Independent minister, the author of m several theological treatises. Mr McA&i1 was born in )t 1821 and was ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FASHIONABLE MARRIAGES. Yesterday Afternoon, at Christ Churho, Dawn street, Piccadilly, London, the wedding took place, in t'e presence of orly the linmedlate ?? and intimate friends of both parlic, of Lord Digby, of Mintexne houme, Dorset, and 39, Belgi;.va squere, London, and Misl Emily Beryl Siny flood, eldest dalghter of the Rlon. Alibrt EHc?, A couain of the bridegroom, the Rev O. Tilt-n ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Mr DavidDaee tt@ahtqi ic OfeoC Hlealth for aSjPeviO of, twinty-oze 7h did yeoman seivice far sanitary 5Ci5ei and. lthefow dation of Bristol's present alveedtate of :ttfo:4- before ?? that wvrki ovatef Whis son anclau rsoo IDr D. S. Davies, the preeretMedleaA Oficot o£ tba dty-. died yestdrdayinoraing, st Absere, his soat'in Cadinni. : Bay, where he retirod on his resianation in 1883. HEj last ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF MR W. GALE COLES. The remains of Mr Wm. Gale Colee the Iste ree- pected magistrate for the counties of 4loncesters hire and Somerset,.lwere laid to rest yesterday in the -little in churcbatd. ajoining the church at Winterbourae w Down, bA -WI be seen - belosw large number of w BriFtol .friends as well as relatives were present to bay their last respects to- the deceaied gentleman. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . ?? of 0t ]Robert Oldher. We xegret to record the death of a well-known V'8 Clifton artiet, and the oldest member of the Briitol yaV Academy, Mr Robert Tucker, the father of Mki Ada 11 Tucker, whose oharming studies of domestic ?? have made her name and works so familiar in Clift con a nnd the neighbouring counties. Mr Tucker died on Tuesday at Cheddar in his 8Brd year, he having retired ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATE OF M. JULES SIMON. ,[RnUTBB'8 TlaLR . - ' XIales Simon died at 11 40'am. tdy. m i Julo e Simon, fte Finolh satetsman wo- a born at Levi eat 41Merbihan) Douember 81,1814. -A yevar ofta * hisaruivat ?? flawbeame tha' signoial leesurer ait the. Normal School. In 1889 Ve oucaeetd04 hi. Ches, atibe request of the tatt la too ?? comrse, and for 12 years had a. brilian Career* M one 1845 ie war ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDDING IN CLIFTON. f3 OAIJIRAITH-NICKOLLS. 1A wedding yesterday of much local interest, both f in C:lifton and at Chow Magna, was that of the Rev ,,John (Caibraith, vicar of Chew Magna, and Miss Ada Frances Niokolls, third daughter of the late Mr William Niekolls, of Chew Magna, and of Mrs rNicholls, of 1, Fosseway, Clifton. flespite the rain byhr a ~arecnrgto at St. Paul's Church, e ythe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 25ir4, arptffr?, 40 ztm10 GRVNDT.-Aprll 15tb, at 1. St Ronan's avenue, Redlnd, the wife of Herbert Grundy, of a daughter, HALLETY.-APTJi165 St 3, Avenue terrace, Olddeld park Bath, tbe wr oi f, allet, ot a 90n. ?? 13, at Queen Camel, Somerset, the wife Of Frederick Hobbs, of a son. PARDoE.-slayr. at Walton houte, Barry, the wito of J. CParhdee, o1 a onfl WVIIENSBEI,-APril 14. at I, Vincent ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGE OF MISS F. M. RIMH. Yesterday afternoon was celebrated at the Chip. penhnm parish church, in the presence of a large con- gregation, the marriage of Miss Franess Mary Rich, second daughter of the Rev Canon Rich, vicar of Chippenbam, with Mr Cecil S. Joy, eldest son of the Rev Cation Joy, Vicar of Benenden, Kent. The bride, who was given away by her uncle, Lient,.Colonel . D., Rich, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... rn FUNERAL OF ME T. W. WALTON. D Despite the faot that the late Mr Walton, divisional superintendent of the Great Western Railway, Was Te burled at Compton Bishop, near Axbridge, a consider- d able distance from Bristol, there was, in addition to I se the presence of many sorrowing friends aud relative#, as quite a representative assemblage of railway men from the Bristol Division of the Great ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ato tJivtti0, @9avtafigf, anu @'eat~,i Nu. ., Wge ?? Notices of Bivner, Lumag., asn Deathb is One fhilaing foz Sirteen Wors auL 8sPxsnae for every subsequent Eight Wors, eaoh 4&y. hkey are repeated in the BB~eToL MnnnIaJBY SuPPLmN with- out estra charge, The name man @adds efthe sender the ut ie every cae accompy the notce, Om md BIETHS. lief BARNETT.-FSeiember 2, at Fishponds, the wife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... The . eode~ h on.uerdayjiast of Ms Willism .jiIg, elders on of Mr s..E.Ails4.t Bewlliey villa, r, ?? the-easly p10 of 41, opused ab e ?? atttaqu s Lwzdl. to whom ,,,be incte oDauriy, 1i ,Jlasd.. beasemleneis,. .in uv f~ aryipg ?? . T 4nljembos~ofheieigici d railtoua known as tbhe * . '~hretad~inbJafi, ..wora p at. the QddtelUowa' ,Sbal, a&perb reet, esx, ...