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Exeter Flying Post

Devon Quarter Sessions

... Devon Quarter Sessions, |efor h1 TIlTs Day. Before big Honour Judge Edge, Mr W HI Halliday, Captain A ' Rogers, and Mr F B !st dvans. A North Devon Agricultural Appeal TnH Cvisua or HVoisi Y TMY Sua- ?? oF T~x a I3BAUNSTAPLI.-rTi il was an appeal Iuder the eaw Agrioaltural nt, Rating Act,-Mr IH I Duke, with Mr Hawke be (instructed by Mestrs Battishill and Houl- la, ditch) was for tbe appellant ...


... The jdidsuvo teex Qu~irtor Sesitions 'fbr the County of Dc pen were'heild at- the Oistae of Exeterion Tu esday before his 116noui'ludge Edge, Yr W hi Haliato.y, and other justices. Befra CQOWN uOURT. te Bfr his il-onour J'ndgo Edge (inth chair), the othtcr jasti&,ae present, int ?? to Mrl' fHall~day, being Lord Coortenvy, Gemra Sir WIf Tet~Nplo r Hug~hos, Colonel 1;1lake, Mir Trehawhe! ...


... (JUS~lV1A(,CFI A NST\ANEX LTi: B13U'I'C-I J R. 1111 ,.ANY ]';ENA LTY. At. t;, }lxo or i'oliee Cim tl this mov nil .lferoklJohin Le evis a he telvic, (if 3,.1!ldosrilid Stlreel, Was stirnorrecd for iiaving io hi ?? aulid ulepsited ais 3, 1 oldsilmlizii sorroot, 10er flic food of rnlt, dliierq c jicees beef whichi wre rirfitt for snlich food. ?? Deld m (f Mfesls. 01uid aii(I Bakob appolere!l ...


... ] At ?? County Petty Sessions on 'Wednesday-befere~r. G. C5. Da~vie, General Olhichester, and Mr. A. H. Miller-THlOASs I@ILWIIL, of Jraun~ton, wans summoned under ?? Mines Regulation Act, 1872, for not causing the tops of two 'shafts of an old ?? to be properly fenced round on the 20th March--Mr. T. Barr, Bristol, prosecuted on behalf of the Treasury, Mr. W. A. Roberts defended.- Joseph Samuel ...


... Before the Mayor (Qr. F. A. Payne, ?? Messrs. E; M. Winton, J. F. Ellertonj and Ian M. Amory. ASSAULT AND BAD LANGUAGE. ALFrED GftEENSLADE, butcher, of Town- send, Tiverton, was summoned for having ,ased obscene language and assaulted P.C Garland on the 20tbl Novenmber. Mr. W. H Martin was for defendant, and apolo- gised for the latter's ?? Bench demurred to defendant treatinigthem in this way ...

Horrible Affair in Ireland

... Horrible Affair in Irelandi A special court was held at Clormiel on . Tuesday by Colonel Evanson and Mr Cambridge Grubb, magistrates, to bear charges brought against ten persons of baving murdered by burning to death a woman, named Cleary, because. she Nwas ?? to * -be possessed- o-au -ei'l Rs,@tlTlitT He d ?? i include -the husband and father 'f the deceased and a local herbalist, A worpan ...

Another Murder

... Another ?? George Hewitt, aman ?? f ll-t, . Byker, Newcastle-on-Tyne, ?? fair.- from a revolver at a ?? n::me, in Shields-road on Th!;r idav- Tti,:; t slhots tookc effect, and G lrcy fell to t ; .. bleedinacopiously, diu diali l Hewitt was ?? by Sol; r after a prolonged stru£1e. b . the prisoner had qnarrelled sora yeaii Mistakien ldenity, A curious case of misotie dend!v occured at South ...


... 9OF PiiOMISE G3ASE. ; - _ _ ~mn Solicitor. ?? a Nt~iiOW10H~ lul vrllfor Defendant, Vterdidt 1se 8ley v, Creed was com- LC lse edvaY ard resumed on.Tues- cu Queens 7Jenouh Division ts i° court of Justice, before I fgakitit and a special Jo.- d! Q (a, ani Mr Germane for Arl dIoler'idfge. Mr C Mathews, and y'1t 'ot defeflduft. }IC5 i .tt -red that the action was a5t r fo ; Se alloy to recover ...

Exmouth Carrier Summoned at Exeter

... I Exmoutl Caririer 3ummoned |a Exeter. At thiy Exeter Police Courr tbic; morting- before the Right Worshipful the Mayor (M4r 1R I'ople), Mtessrs S PO ltorce and S Jones- Edward James Upcolt, arrier, of Mimouth, was osemonec ny Inspector William Finch, 11 ?? for causing a horse to be caucellv illtreated antd tortured by directing it to be worked wh'lit in an unfit state on the 8th ?? Wren, cab ...

Wonford Sessions

... Vionford Sessions. c- Before Mr ?? 1, Collins (in the chair), Lord on Courtenrav, Colonels 1mev, the Itev Anson i ite Ctrtwrigiilt, Mr T Relcewvich, and Mr W T i as Thenmes. Iearrim, cattle dealer, of Hols- Wortlthy; s:; smieanoced for allwilig cattle to rv ay at hrt 'iomas on the 29th Mareb.-Mlr tyi. n 1ier vri Otuoen itrid Baker (appeareil f, hor te siendastt.-P C. Vanstone provid9 , tl ,ti, ...


... AUDACIOUS ROBBRY. A FOjTUND STOLEN. - - LYONS, Saturday. A house in the suburb of Neuville was broken 'into last night and a laige safe carried away. 'lTe safe was subsequently discovered-at a' distance of vtwo arfles. from the house. forced4 openand rifled of al its conttents. ''The-latter. IAachlded secerities to the value of 100,00 'ftancs.payahle to bearer~armlu 20R,80&francs' in--notes ...


... ATTVMPTED SUICIDE AT EXETpit. 'A P0U0t MISERM BLJ IIJEING. At Lite Exutcr Polico Court this morning (i .n Porkins. 42, a tailor, late an inmato ol it Cirxv Weo klodiso, who wvoro a very lojetcd anail careworn appearance, wa%, ,;li rged w ?? attemi pting l[ici de by j imping it') Ihe Ilill lent iil linnhay-road on Wedpes d.qy eveninig last, as reported in our issue ov Ithat eve-riing.-Mr. J. ...