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Hampshire Telegraph


... IA DO MESTIC TRAGEDY, I TT7 .7 - A L\-.7 ,7 L.. When Mke Guests- Failed to Come, C, r They had only been married a month and it was nl ie their frst dinner party, consequently they were m a both a little tlu'-ried when the time came for the II v guests to arrive. f et She had superintended the arranging of the w It table herself and now stood surveying its obvi- 1, ously new silver, glass, and ...


... {0L_1D ?? 'iE POLICE C, } a .ok r ¶ ' So '1 0 K T S B1 (3 T U1. Sals; ?? Mayor (Air. Gt. E,.,Couzi.leic) an1d Msr. ten nCII it. IdJ. '1.t - CburKe. Smitti, ?? '-tzttnii, 4,)1 (15 cltgocd O 'ilit with tottelo it~i1g 0 1 ?? suicido by N1iking into the s;eaot ttxlh eacu ont dfn i. i aii19eared that. b'th pcitionf' and heor liihuttiid, anl 0>±-Iteid Alttill(7t'3'11011, dranlk anid ft ...


... EASTNEY BATHiNG FATALITY. INQUEST AND VERDICT. At the Town Hall, on Mlonday, before the Coroduer (Mr. T. A. Bramsdon, J.P.) an inquiry was held as to the caase of the death of Charles Henry Vincent, aged 13, soil of Henry Vincent, a lloyal ?? Artillery peusioliet, of 58, Chante-strect, Landport. Deceased's father said that his son left home about 8.40 on Mlonday last, saying that lie was g ...


... Mr. ?? A. Bramsdon (the Boroughl Uoronet) held a s' inquest on Monday, at his court, in the Town Hall on the body of Mary Jane th, Lovegrdve, a domestic servant in the employ of tio Dr. Lyrauder Mavbmy, of 9, Hampshire.terrae. ?? Mr. ,Lovegrovc. ot North.street, Havant, a Ba certibflated teacher, and registered medical student, identified the deceased as his sister, saying o lares lhe could ...


... e Tlurscey..-Bef ore His Honour Judge Leonard. . BUYING A Bow-Wow.-M.iss Mary Eimma Cuns- tance Oldfield, daughter of General Oldfield, of . Highfield, ?? suedtorecover £10 fromMrs. a GordonLynn offLowcay-road. Soutbbea. Themoney ?? balance due on the sale of a Japanese spaniel D belonging to Miss Oidfield.-Mr. G. Elliott (in- 's strutced bv Mr. blarg) appeared for plaintiff, and d Mr. A. T. ...


... AN OPEN VERDICT. The death of George Janmes Hutson, whose body was found in the water at Soathseta, formied the subject of an inucuestyesterdayatfternuonaiirthe Town Hall.-The wife of the deceased, who was in aI mutst distressed condition, said tbat her husband was a clerk in the Gunwliarf. Hle had never threatened to tako his life, and, so far as witnless knew, hc had nothing to worry about. ...


... TFE FRATTON FATALITY. ss IS-QJE:ST AN-D V'ERDIQT. On Afonday, the Portsmouth Coroner (Air. eT. . Bransdon, ?? held an inquest an the remains of the unfortunate point-clealner, g Villiam. Dunaway, who was killed in snoh a d shockinlg maniner just outside Frnttou llailway Statlon on Thursday afternoou of last week. h- r. J. McGovern of the Detective Department, w atched the case on behalf of the ...


... R-tOUND TH lE POLICE COtIRTS. P 0 R T S Il 0 TJ T H. C &Basary.--Before Dr. J. Ward Cousins, MTr. J. liead, and Air. I. Errne. TvoUsLis ATETit A FlSsT.-'Hoenry William fRawices, 14, was charged with obtaining, by means of Tiase pretences, various quantities of I sionge cakes, buns, cakes, and pastry, valued I together at 12s. 7d., the property of Thomas 31enry Frankllin, baker and confectioner ...


... 'rnrsrl Dr- r .r - -- THEIR N UMBERS AND THEIR PAY. In the course of the Home Office Return of 5 Police for the counties and boroughs in England r and Wales for the year 1895, Captain F. J. f Parry, Inspector of the South of England and .s South Wales District, reports favourably as to efficiency and management. T.m CouNTY COU( STABULARY. The Inspector's report on the Hants County t force ...


... | | A - - the iug, sent vard the ered arge rob I to ing. ) e ture s of nett rva- the Iked and ten Hate .e a here (Dr. tne utne the and ped Fire ir 0f erly tate tioD. tre here iS ill were reb, trie red, auce nod. S to ?? ,tion 'able illg, -tilt the by a ther llge Tithl vere oral for hese cel, Slion uear .ady pied that the part ress, ery- d in the the I the St ot usly rch, the We 3 the [ley. ...


... I THE POISONING TrIAL. A MERRY-MAKING JUJRIY. trrs Madame Joniaux Gn Monday (Gatys the ?? OZ correanondeorof the Daily Tele,graph atAntwerp) Idid not appear refreshed, but w~orn, very sallow anie ais ad nglaties, Shead evidently spent. Sunday la her air. akig ote, orshe handed abuudle of papers to M. Graux. She is suffering from isonoa. He Everybody else, however, was in high spirits, WwOc ...


... n. - ?? . ?? M.; TW -,-l1 ?? I .L 'J Lw stU L 1 Jo . TsImrsdai/.-Before his Honour Judge Leonard. stE d AN INVENTOR i- DinBT.-Henr, Voisey, aboot- !. maker, of Grosvenor-street, Southsen, sued Francis by a Beck for £2 Os. 6a. for boots supplied.-Mr. G. qo d Hall King, who appeared for the plaintiff, said that sl- e the gonds were suoplied in 183i. Defenuant was a Di e shipwright in the ...