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... BRISTOL POLSH OOUtT. SATURDAY. Maglitratea ?? Charles Wathen and Mr F. CHARGE OF MONEY STEALING. William Healey Wur charged with stealine Al from Mary Ann Gulwell. MrRoblnoon (Mesars Wanebrough and Robinson) defended. Proseoutrir said the previous night she went into the Crown inn, Gloucester laue, to fetch her husband, She had iomethiux to drink, and when she took out ber purse the money fell ...


... The Edinburgh correspondent of the Times writes :-Something of the nature of a sensation has been caused by the discovery of a wholesale manufac. ture of autographs and literary and historical doou- ments in Edinburgh. A suspicion of fraud has beea in the air for two or threo years, in oonsequenne of the number and variety of ' invaluable relics put ian circulation by antiquarian ...


... SCEIE IN A. POLICE COURT. An extraordinary Cene was witnessed at the Oldhaiu police court on Saturday. A weil known woman ws charged with stealing a skirt, and her condacq in the doek was so violent that e had to be held down by c two policemen. She cursed, and shrieked, and swore at the witnesses and the magistrates. It wa t with great difficulty the depositions were taken owing 9 to her ...


... BIBITODIA BANKRUPTGY VOURT.. YESTEaDAY. .(Before Mr Registrar Wright). Be Whi. Jcpnr Baxs6 redalii and C- g- on buaiuise at 54. Stapleton road, iroismnger.-1mr Pers bou-, for the trasee (Mr E. T. (dolou), ased tthe doblar omquese. Tho dbtr statetat hivwife had eoeamom ey ,A baight of hime two housem at -214 and .147, subject to morteadee. 4terwazd, segling those hous, see bought another for ...


... CHARGE AT BRISTOL POLICE COURT, Yesterday, at Bristol police court, before Iaisrs W E, George and J, Fuller, William Robert Nianauley, a young man of respectable appearance, stated ro be an aotor, was obarged with obtaining food and lodging, to the amount of 12e 7d, by false pretence., from Joha Blayes, grocer and provislon dealer, of MI, Berkeley place, Clifton, Mrs H~SeB said that the ...


... A singer in the Nautch Girl Company, now viaiting Huddersfield, committed *uicide 7eoterday afternoon, The company arrived at HEdderifield on Sasday, and aince then the deceased, whole clothes are marked Leonard, and who was called by his cmpanioau Arthur Leonard Rooke, bad suffered fromiuasomnia, A doctor wao caslled in yesterday morning, and found him suffering from an ulcerated throat, ...


... ANOTHER DEATH. STATEM1ENT BY A LITTLE GIRL, The terrible traledy in the Coftity Kildare his caused a feeling of hoiror thboughout the country. The weene of the murders is negr Moyvallv, County Kildsiare, and is a lonely and ?? inaccessible place. It vas vleited by large numbere yesterday, including the Icpector.General and stilf of con. stabulary. A thbid child of Sergeant Ragan diei late on ...


... YESTERDAY. w a Magisbetrates ?? C. B. Hare and W. 0, t o Beloe o A MIIDNIGHT SURPBRISE AND ITS RESULTS, it Robert B;ake, Elwsrd Rosoer, James Woeks, and it f Jobe Bolman Stark, youngl men, were charged on g: t remand with loitering about for an unlawful purpose W on October 6th. Late on the night of the 5th of A j October P.C. 26 A watched their movements through el f several stleets, and at ...


... BRISTOL FOUOE COURT. YESTEBDAY. Magistrates ?? W. Tribe and Mr J. Fuller, 'ALE OF AN 1.O.U. Joseph Leonard, a reapeotably dressed young man was aharged with the theft of article. of clothinr . ad a pair of solitaires the property of James Blake. The ptoseoutor said Uhat on the grevioun day the:. accused came Into- the hair dress C and hosiery hestablibbmentsat the joint station and had a shave ...


... BRISTBO P O QURT. r eag p ?? Ti Weafeiemoos , James.- - - i . }tJLol, aFI Walirw : with , nuh. h:ge& aoweM ?? teal , , ae salmon. S¢ v~1ftf2t the property of iani kee con n .I 0t Clitono : defidW, ey Lou:S anete eployf comnrpllnmnte, sdd t= : n ues wa in the ! Liverpool Sten,8hip re 0 ?? where there wa a n ubibseol ag g tin. salmon. About sven q'cleh In the eveng he ?? I the defendoinkitto. ...


... BAKERS' I-NTI IDATf ON. ALLEGED CONSPIRACY. At the Bristol police aourt, yesterday, before Messrs J. Wesley Hall and 0. W. Cope-Proctor, Caleb' B. Phillips, John Westlake, George: Walters, John Baldwin, HenyTooze, Lawrenoe Oakley or-lolcom ic, Frederick Duffy, W. Coleman, and W. Williams answered adjourned aummonses at the lnstance of Iesaa Wilmott, George Davis, and Charles Tacker, for ...


... TEE OHELTENHAM DIVORCE CASE. /7_A 1> ?? AX ZM n ^- b ^ Am.^/s ;-t ;n U, Before Mr Justice Wills and a common jury in the Queen's Bengh Division, Yesterday, the case was again celled ?? which Mr James Lewis Robertson, dental surgeon, residing in Royal crescesnt. Cheltenham, sued Mr Obarles Ball Jessop, solicitor, practising in thesameotown, to recover dame es for alleged negligencesin ...