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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF SIR HENRY YULE. We regretto announce the death, on Monday, of Colonel Sir Henry Yule, whose health had caused grave anxiety to his friends for many months past. Although he had received the well-deserved honour of knighthood, he will be best known .to fame and remembered by his friends as plain Colonel Yule, the editor of the Travels of Marco Polo and of many other standard books of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OBIT~ARY. Mr. Williama Reynolds, for many years an active mem- ber of the Dewesbury Town Council, and who only ceased his connection withiat on the 1st of Novemuber, having lost his seat as an Alderman on a contest, died yesterday, at his ho use in Tw-eed ale-estreet, from chronic bronchiti s. For a considerable period he was one of the Committee of M1anagement of the flwebalry and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be inserted unless sothenticated by tte name and address of the sender. The charge for the isertig of such notices whes prepaid is, Is. each, provideO the space occupied Tee- not exceed five lines, an4 od. per line for anythingadditiionaL A chargq of is. estra will be made for k oing. BIRTHS. EHERMAN-Dec. 30, at 4, Infunti;idon-road, Cam- bridge, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... u lhlhlhL OP BORHRT BROWNING. t I ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _c BY OR SPECItL WIRE. LONDON. TuESDAY.-With simple state befit- J ting the funeral of a great poet the remains of Robert Browning were laid in Westminster Abbey this afternoon. The claim of fair Florence to be the last home of the poet was waived in order that he might rest in that corner of the southern tran- sept of the abbey of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. ADAMI.-28th Dec., at 184, Alder-gattreet, the wife of JMioi Adan.s. ?? of a daugter. ARtlSTRONi.-27th liec., at the Cottage, Birtall, Loicester, P the wifc of A-adrew C. Armsirong, of a daughter. - BATES.-28th LDee., the wife of iqduey E. Dates, of a d daughter. IEvclyU JeAe), premlaturely (who survived her birth a fevr hou).. BI3Pl'SON.-t211 Dec., at the Walnut Trees, South Cerney, Z ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'E TATE BISHOP OF i DUB1HAMt - Tihe lbeantifol cross reived at Aucland CAStle 10r thi' late Bishop's grave, sine tile funeralis fi ols Is aitriug, of Slandeilaud. It is I O~tipO~'d f te hii~i en Nepoltanviolets. Alias lBiyd. of BI~ H~ouse, 17eneouxtes, hiad sont a secoid u reath, comnposed of wvhits bya. fi einths ard a pink he~ath. A rut Rv. 0. z. txDEH. G 's Rnral Dlean of Aueklaud, in hsic ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... A I.BAG}Z AD 9EATH&1 S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AsinorSCae~nesce senkr tube headig as's casred ibr a JalOrS :-JIe-i3~age. 2s 6d; rew ir :faerafascice 2s 6d; daieuRToy xotice, }s 61g. Birtle, 2S 6d. rTa ecerei case each aansouitces;eitc mireS be prepao cad didy aws-deatizcscd. :i 1 1 T-H S. S0RE,:-December 23, at 7, Cadogan Square. iLen- don, Lady Constance Gore, cit a son. MAYSE-December 25. at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF ROBERT BROWNING. In close proximity to the tomb of Geoffrey Chamcer, the father of English poetry, the remains of Robert Browning were yesterday interred in the Poets' Corner of Westminster Abbey. The site chosen for the grave is pecu- liarly appropriate, being almost surrounded by memorials of eoan who attained distinction and honour through their poetical genius. Alongside is the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -h BROWNfitiS, RT * -- N) -. The remains of te late -aobert Brosrnmg ere daylaid to c.fie rest: n1E ,. Wetise Aby h fro Florence, havei lai ithe, dunomof2 B -urreandedan~d: covered w~ith umezouagin~if- 0 including Baroneestern,. r ST tedk Leighton LodYernn fal, Si The~odbre an hd Ld M~arin,-Ladyindsay, the Misses Law iiLeiton. 'h c we of ?? ?? e *oreg'.ona71l~ T. ?? Dereema err12,889,.- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 3SMORIAL TO THE L&TE MR. ALEXANDER JOHNS, J.P. A atmETINx was held yesterday in the Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of considering the pro. ject of a memorial to the late Mr. Alexander Johns.J.P. The Mayor (Mr. C. C. Connor) pre- sidad. and amongst those present were-James Muegruve, X.P., chairman of the Belfast Hlarbour Commissioners; Sir William Quartus Ewart, Bart.; Captain MICalmont, M ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. A ezrye Of OsE SStLtNOG, p7rpid, is rC for the abore sates'., _Wi ezeoea6ip weals Sordi For every aaitionr line (Vat ss'rdai Siepnee ectre Posta notes nsut be fe-tel tdi rs'nzent. AnoaeaAaets mwus be ?? by Lke 2&ame and ?? a aceseadr. MeinoriaufGI ?? ?? ;en 3faeang I a re t ?? siaeelarraics BIRTHS. DALE.-On the 26th nilt., at Ardencaple, BrookIlands Avenue, Can ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - ?? ~ ~ ~ ?? ~~ou, the Dvilgh-e Bnb =b uuti_~ i: roa30th ult.,- by dh . lev.a Buh4GEa~ ar Bbv.; a son I71 19 U119si05 the t, 3e - l. ., e wire~nr ?? ;f'a rie brg bU onM 1Lt, by. th a, ro h tb.n the e t A. 100 reysiffle -uceo tobie tIone, eidest-daugh~ec. ?? Bla b i, , est. 14 GIVI.-t-U NVA.A - 1oa otlO * A~il~en~r Dodcor piTer- OAm the 3-lxs -iAt iepdarrecn, G~ meck on . daughter. a ouf the- ...