[No title]

... This ..p&ce is left for any special event arriving rliile thla edition is priuteuoil. WEDNESDAY HUBDL. Sversfield 1 Lucretius 2 ar.$, -7 1. 3 Ro,rai Duke 4 TAB -j I DEATH OF AN EMINENT LINGUIST. Sir Philip Whittington Jacob, J.P., one of the sub-editors of Dr Murray's new MuRhsh Die jionary, has just died, after a comparatively thort illness, at Guildford, in his eighty-fifth rear. He was ...


... CORN. LIVERPOOL, Tuesday.—There has bee, a moderate inquiry for wheat at to-day's market at prices for all desirable descriptions, Cahtorman esp.e'iallyfa.your. iug- seller-) Maize met a quiet consujlptivt demand at 4s'2d to 4s 2id for prime American. Flou taken in retail at sten. ly values. B;>aus slow ^ale. P^s, oats, arid barlev in limited request without material change. To-morrow will be ...


... ANTICIPATIONS. The Manchester New Y éC Meeting will be commenced to-morrow, anJ with no fixture what- ever clashing with iè a fair sniuunc of succees should be achieved. I fancy the fields will beott the small side. Below will be found my telecuosc for the opening afternoon Wednesday Selling Hurdle R-am-PILLAUST or RoYAL DCKIt. Maucuester Handicap Steoplechase-BLLipar or ASTEAOHAN Ciub ...


... GLAMORGANSHIRE HOUNDS, Fiiday, Jan. S.-Coedrigiait Lodge. At 10.46. LLANHARRAN AND STRAD HOUNDS Friday, Jan. S.-Ianedy Bridge. At 10.50. PEMRROKESHIRE HOUNDS. Thursday, Jan. 2.-Ti,eliaie. Friday, Jan. 5.-Pembroke. At 11.0. CRICKHO WELL HARILIERS. Wednesday, Jan. a.-I,Ianbecir, The Duffryn. Saturday, Jan. ll.-Llanelly, Five Bells lun. Each day at 11, THE RACING WORLD SATS :-1. 36, 51. 69, 76. ...


... IREUTM, TZLIEGRAM.) NEW YORK, Tuaay.-Money tight. Stocks at opening were a raction higher, and general advance in prices isued market closed dull. but tirm. Cottor uiet. Petroleum firm and quiet. Lard 8tra Wheat—Spot dull fu- tures firm. Fl ...


... CAKDII'F* SWANSEA.t NEWPORT; lMor Em. Hgfc. Mor. Evn. Ilgt. Mor. Evn. Hgt. 30 M. 0 35 1 828 2 — 0 15 25 11 0 48 1 21 28 7 31 T 1 39 2 1627 4 0 44 1 1825 9 1 52 2 2927 9 1 W 2 b5 3 3026 4 1 b7 2 32 26 0 3 8 3 43 26 9 2 T 4 1 4 2928 0 3 4 3 33 26 7 4 141 4 42,28 5 3 F 4 59: 5 25|' ...


... TO-DAY'S SHIPPING. I Lloyd's Casualty Telegrams- I The stsamer Edith, previously reported sunk after a collision off Tilbury, has been raised by the Thames Conservancv, and towed up the river. The brig Londesborougb. of Favsrsham, was totally lost on Hasbro' Sand* yesterday. Crew saved, and landed at Palling. The steamer S. W Kelly. from Rotterdam, arrived at Cardiff to-day in tow, with ...

I Manchester New Year Meeting

... Manchester New Year Meeting. MANCHESTER, WEDNESDAY. A rapid thaw set in at Manchester on New Year's Eve, and when the time arrived for the commencement of racing this afternoon all trace of the recent frost had disappeared. The course was 111 cap,tal order for racing, and the attendance quite up to the average for a New Year's Meeting. A start was made at one o'clock with the Club Hunters' ...


... ADJUDICATIONS, &c. [FROM TUESDAY NIGHT S LOKDON FIRST MEETINGS AND DATES OF PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. Jane Thoma- and Martha Thomas, trading as Jane and Martha Thomas, Aberystwyth, grocers. First meeting Jan. 16th, at 12 30 p.m, at the Town-hall, Aberystwyth. Public examination Jan. lbtb., at 1.3C p m., at the Town-hall, Aberystwyth. Charles Miles, of Clytha Park-road, Newport- '{oa. bui de.. Virst ...


... GLAMORGANSHIRE HOUNDS. Ft t &y.Jan. Lodge. At 10.45. LL&XHA&RAN AND TfSTRAD HOUNDS. Friday, Jan. 3.-L-aaedy Bridge. At 10.30. PEMBROKESHIRE HOrNDS. Thursday, Jan. 2.—Trehale. Friday, Jan. 3.Pt:lDoroke. At 11.0. CRICKHOWELL HARRIERS. Wednesday, Jan. 8.-IIaiibedr. The Dutlrya. Saturday, Jan. U.—Llaneily, Five Bells luG. Each day at 11. COURSING.-SULLY COURSING CLUB -Thic Club's Sixth Annual ...


... THE LIZARD, Tuesday.—Wind SW, fresh. Weather fine. Sea moderate. Barometer 30'06, falling. Passed blast—Monday—Netherlands American Line steamer Obdam, of Rotterdam, from New York for Amsterdam. Tuesday—Due Fratelli, of Messina Z-idok, of Elsflefch, from Mexico for Falmouth a four-masted barque for Falmouth steamers Holyrood, of Glasgow Sandsend, of London White Rose, of Cardiff Russia, of and ...