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Glamorgan, Wales

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Advertisements & Notices

... SCHOOL BOARD. WANTED immediately, BEAD-MISTRESS (lIst I or 2nd Div.) for NANTYmOEL INFANTS'. Salar, t £70, with 5-16ths of the anucnal grant as per c soale. Also, for INFANTS' SCHOOLS Certificated ASSISTANT-MISTRESSES. Salary: Trained, £56i to £75; Untrained ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRADER AND SONS', 9, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. SOIE -AGENTS PROM1 BIIRIDGEND TO - .1 ZmFORD. 71739 I1 I CAIRDIFF. 'Tis not in mortals to command success, but we'll do more. deserve it.-Addiron. llDE CARDIFF InM MPIRE, QUEEN-STREFET. C Managing Director ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PHILLIPS !LOOTILA.CIE CURB,~ Acts like mfagic. Is. per battle. nype~ id1(. Bold by all Cbeisidti- I. IA CARDIFF. Pie not in mortals to commandl succes3, but ! we'll do liioro-deserve it.-Addison, 1au CAlRDIFF EMPIRE, QVTEEN-STREET. Managing Director ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J. BE t ELS. Man aging Diractor. TMYPBWRITIl`4G TAUGHT AT THE wEs~'EfN IAI oFFICEs. CA~RDIFF. CARDIFF. F'F. 'Ti9 not i u mortals to command sucaess, but we'll do more; deserve it.-Addison. RD. THE ^CARDIFIF RIPIREi, QUEEN-STREET. GC Malfnaging Direotor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARLDIFF. Tunings by Contract or Casually. ~ Estimates and SPseitcsvtions Soist Free. th RA45~s _ ~~~CARDIFF._- . ns not in mortals to command success, but we 11 do more-deservo it.-Addlson. b !E CAll1)IFp EM IRA, QUEEN-STREET. Managing Director ?? OSWALD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Estimates sand Specifications Sent Free, 70640 ,:IF WRIINGTAUGH AT THIP WESTRN AILOFFICE, OAR rF?. OARDIFF. s Te not hi mortals to commrnall sYUcess, butt F. vwe'll do more-deserve it.-Addison. HIE CAlRDDIFF EmPIRE, D. QUEEN-STRrEET. Gt Managing Director ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SWNE ROLE AGENTS FROM BRIDGEIRD TO IMLFORD. 71739 'TrMJy ITHE~Q YE iiNiN EXPE : ~~ul PRICZ &f~~M CARDIFP. R'is not in mortals to command sncees. but we'll [to lmore-descrvc it.-Addison. I)H1E gCARDIFF ]ESMJIME, QUEEN-STRIPET. Managing Direotor ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E lary, £55, risin.- to £65 per R1ttumo1. Atsla. for the IfEDDATl MiXED SCHOOL. no EN.P.T. (TFIMALE). to be ?? for tle I Infants' Class taverjage 24) and the Seving of the School. Salary. £48. rising to £55 1er II a5lcmii. Aplulications. withi eopies ...

Advertisements & Notices

... damages, if any, reserving the question of costs. VITAL STATISTICS. The Registrar-General reports that the annual rate of mortality last week in the 33 great towns of England ind Wales averaged 21,4 per 1,000 of their aggregate population. The rate was ...

Advertisements & Notices

... stitele I trR~l00 With' 7otl., Mf .. 70 0, or M~. -uri. 'rstr; B're, feors15 ci S 'oIi' tutto Fssino osid Drivirng BltrI, for J Mortals alsso Ce., till stre ?? stf~irttsr Huls ~sser icAOterassstte011 ~ PAIsO.Su, 515 C,. rrsshorssls. b 011 t I.4 MACHhINERY TOO9LS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... this Branch has also been ma10de oil tie biusis of at net pre- hiium viiliiatiois at 3 per cent. ilnterest, the labia of Mortality beiig Dr. Farr's 11English Bifoe Table,' No.3, Tile surplus of Assets over Liabilities anmounits to £294,609. ?? total sirplus ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dlecember to Vicar, 'Cl'wliwe, YslradL.'yrslis, llreconeshire. 2217z2 M ~~ANTED ?? etf cated Teahr-, It, W infergerteir, Infants' School. Ailso Two Fetnn.o As-oistants; Arot. 50; oamied selcool: tliurehssonicen- Itoe, L. A. Huches, 11, Adeline-strert ...