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Advertisements & Notices

... AND PROVISION X ME RCHANTS. ]2ENGEiR'3 FOOD! 1BENUER'S FOOD For Infants, Ohildren, and Invalids. ' Gold Mledal, Health Exhibition, London. Highest Arward, Adelade, 1887. B ENG FOOD For Infants, Children, and Invalidi. The Lancet says. Would be assimilated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... warm weather experienced in the early and late months. The excessive sumner heat was the cause ot a somewhat heavy mortality among infants, but the rest of the year was so healthy that there were only a few places with rates above 20 for the entire year ...

Advertisements & Notices

... disease, two from brain disease, suA two from diseases of the respiratory organs. One death, that of an infant, was uncertifed, There was no mortality from zvmotic disease, Five died agcd CO and upwards, and one undet a year old. One cate of Ecarlatina ...


... inspector, because it was intended that she should give instruction to women in their own houses on the feeding and rearing * infants. Those who, like myself, are members of a sanitary authority in a poor part of London, know how many lives could be saved ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11.1, Norwich 10.3, and Croydon 8.4, The only noteworthy feature in connection with the provincial towns is that mortality among infants, and from scarlet fever, lever, and diarrhuea and dysentery continues higher than it is in the Metropolis. The Vi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... King-street, Cheapside; Sinigh and Co., 2, Fenchurch-avenue, Lime-street, E.C. THE HEAT AND THE DEATH-RATE. GREAT INCREASE OF MORTALITY. According to the records at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, last Week was the seventh in succession with the temperature ...

Advertisements & Notices

... thme RLight Ie-. Feet-lgatis to lhv e tree ..hif t whenor I a1reried bhoe o found my peer lg othe' slldetrceg from a mortal disease inv her riezht leg. I begged Of her iot to sob- mlit to lice operation, and leer brothier, who arrived frtli Bristol ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the dead dates back to th- time & the Romwan, since when it has elways been popnfar at~cr'sit Ive- tern nations. The great mortality eir toni conttnry, considering itc sanitar- arrangements., Il en birh a rmber oS shopo exchbsvely for the SALE OF MiOURN7iNG ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ( NEAVE'S 00).-First Established 1825. ( Nl 1:F Best and Cheapest. EAV OOD.-For Infants and Invalids. E F For Growing Children and the Aged.- (- N EAVES F )OD.-For Infants and Invalids. 11 A Pure Cereal Preparation. In Patent Air-Tight Tins. Sir Charles ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 8370, Robdala Rload, Manohester; or from James Woolley, Sons., a~nd Co., Marktet-street. WOODWARD'S T For all Diesmess- of Infants anmd Children. Prevents G ConvnIsloas, Invaluable in Sold by Teething. Chemists, W A T B , Groccrs uroccru v T Price Is. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 870, Roebdale Roal, Mfanohester; or ?? Jarres Woolley, Song, and Co., Marl:et-street. C)0ODWARD'S VV For all Diseases of infants and Children. GRBIP:EI Preventg l Convulstoes. Invaluable in Sold by Teething. Chemnists, W AT E R.p ( rroeers a 'V Price ...