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Advertisements & Notices

... Colquittistreet, seven: paper by Mr. Hugh B. Jones, M.A., ALD., and Mr. Herbert E. Davies, B.A., B.Se.. on 13Excessive Infant MortalitY in Liverpool: its Causes -nd Prevention. Archli tectural Society. Royal institution, 6 30; Paper by Mr. C. I. Alward ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MOTHERS! When your infant is suffering and restless from Flatulence (or Wind), Griping PainsJ, Sickness, Di&IrTe1a, c-everish from TEETHING or from any other cause, lose no time in procuring a bottle of WOOD WARD'S 'GRIPE WATER, OP. INFANTS PRESERVATgSR Being ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LUGGAGE from March 1. ?? ?? BENGER'S FOOD F B , For *L Infants, Children, and InvalidsL Gold Medal, IDENGERWS FOOD Health Exhibition, London. For Infants, Children, and ,BENGER'S FOOD Invalids. For Infants, Children, and Invalids. y The Lancet says: Woold ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AND PROVISION X ME RCHANTS. ]2ENGEiR'3 FOOD! 1BENUER'S FOOD For Infants, Ohildren, and Invalids. ' Gold Mledal, Health Exhibition, London. Highest Arward, Adelade, 1887. B ENG FOOD For Infants, Children, and Invalidi. The Lancet says. Would be assimilated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the dead dates back to th- time & the Romwan, since when it has elways been popnfar at~cr'sit Ive- tern nations. The great mortality eir toni conttnry, considering itc sanitar- arrangements., Il en birh a rmber oS shopo exchbsvely for the SALE OF MiOURN7iNG ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 8370, Robdala Rload, Manohester; or from James Woolley, Sons., a~nd Co., Marktet-street. WOODWARD'S T For all Diesmess- of Infants anmd Children. Prevents G ConvnIsloas, Invaluable in Sold by Teething. Chemists, W A T B , Groccrs uroccru v T Price Is. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 870, Roebdale Roal, Mfanohester; or ?? Jarres Woolley, Song, and Co., Marl:et-street. C)0ODWARD'S VV For all Diseases of infants and Children. GRBIP:EI Preventg l Convulstoes. Invaluable in Sold by Teething. Chemnists, W AT E R.p ( rroeers a 'V Price ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the dead dates back to the times of the Romnans, since when it has alwavy beea popular amongst Western nations. The great mortality of this country, considering its sanitarv arrangenients, hsas given birth to a number ot shops exclusively for the SALE OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... annually per 1000 r ?? population. The deaths regictered tidusing tae same period numbered 246, meanig a fro rate of total mortality equal to 19.8 annually per ( 1000 of the population. Of the deaths 58 00- Tb .curred m publio institutions devoted to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... blaek forthe dead date,;back to tbetimes of the Roina3,-nelhni hsav xsbe Poopular aamonust lvesternw nations. Thie Great mortality a of this country, conleidering its sanitary arrangements. b las g~iven birth to a number of shops exclsusively for the tl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the dead dates back to the times of the Romans. since when it has always been popular amongst Western nations. The great mortality _ of this country, considering its sanitanr arrangements, hss giver birth to a nuiber of shops exclusively for the SAtLE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ocurred Owing toth S Among children the mortality is ver, and over 160 cases of sunstroke Wre rt Amongst horses the mortality is eatraoi,1 most of the large cities east of the Mississipph is also intense, and the mortality is eqaallygZ ALARMING FIRE AT A COTOiN ...