... GLASGOW SHER1FF CPIiMINAL COURT. A trial diet of the Glasgow Sheriff Criminal Court was held yesterday in the Justiciary Build- i ings, Jail Square-lefore Sheriff Guthrie and i jury. The following cases were diepsosed of:- POC32T. PICING IN 'DI ¶ONGATE. -Alexander MI'Donald and James 'Thoorrsonu were convicted of lhaving, on Nwci.Year's Day, in Troiagate, at- tempted to steal from the pocket ...


... A1N OLD SCANDAL REVIVED. I - ?? f lihA Ir the Qseen's Benoh DIvIslon, on Thursday, Mue ADI action of Miller v. Winans came on for hearing ?? before Mr. Jnatioe Denman and Mr. Justice Wills, doe In her statement of claim Mrs. Miller, the piaintiff, slxt alleged that in 1866, when the was Miss Dredge, she lei was seduced by the defendaub under a promise of pris marriage, and he became the ...


... BELFAST EECORDIEA'S COUR T. MRn. HENRY FITZciiBON. Q.C.. Recorder. sat in the Recorder's Court, Municipal Buildings. yester- day, and resumed the business of this court. M1r. Thomas Cunningham. registrar. was in at- tendance. LM.PLTOYER.CI LIABILITY ACT. ITARCCtTRT V. FLROWNE. In this case Mearr Harcourt brought an action to recover the sum of £93 I as. brintl three -ears -wages of her ...


... '0ti i IN IfE-ELLIiLr Ei A F R~OM OURL C'fltEEPOYDL>NTS. T 11 ARREST OF ITE DUO ]YDOhiL3,-E \;S. PARIS. TUzStAY..-The Du2ka of dluAnmirle an1 renmained f:r twvoitours trit.. the voaryPrince, whio a~pnsared to be much moved. The A(dvocates, Rrice and Lunbonrgr. csrherged With the defence of the prisoc-r. bad also a lorg conversation with hirn. 1Jr is improbablh tfat there will he any tgaoil- ...


... MAGCHEPRAFELT QUARTER SESSIONS. isArI1es.xeArFL. SATURDAY. - Mr. JOHN C. NxnwLIG . Qn., IRecorder of Londonlerry, sat in the Courthouse lere yesterday, ancd took up the hearing of the Crown business of these sessioue. His Lonour was accompalnied on the bench by the following rma-gistrates: - essrs. Cam-obell i aussen. Vim. .f. Derby, Thomas Milson, Robert Wi. Forrester, Thorinas Meek. Thomas S ...


... I ~ WORCESTERSBTRE ASSIZES. I YswTRDAT.-Before Mr. Justice Hawkins. THe ?AsSLAUGHTEEt AT BSAAL HEAnT.-John Weston, of the Electric Tavern, Balsall Heath, con- victed on the previous day of the manslaughter of William Evans, a jockey, on December 20, was brought 6pto receive ?? Lordship said that the senoe was a very serious one, and but for the circum- stances that the jury recommended him to ...


... ITHE DARBYSHIRE DIVORCE CAS4P MI. ABINGTON AIIDTHE ACTRESS In the Divore) Division of the High Court of justice, London, yesterday, before Sir James lannen~ fpresident) and a common jury, the cae of Dsrbyshire v. Darbyshire and Baird came on for hearing. The petition ivas that of MIr. Francis G. Darbyshire for a dissolution of marriage on the ground of the alleged adultery of his wife, .rnown ...


... -TH O'SHEA DIVORCE CASE. I ALLEGED CONTEMPT OF COURT. In the Divorce Court yesterday, before Mr. Justice Butt, the motion for attachment against thepproprietors and publishers of the 1Theeetan'a Jouiral for contempt of court in commenting on the O'Shea v. Parnell divorce case while it is sub- judice came on for hearing. The Solicitor- General, Mr. Inderwick, Q.0., and Mr. Lewis Co*ard appeared ...


... LIVERPOOL POLIGE COURT. rf TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 11. BEFNOR MR. RAFELM ENTBEL.ZTEMs. - Henry Richards, aged 42 years, a porter, who was employed by Mea sz1esix and Co., of Ranelagh-street, ?? charged with embezzling £1 2s. 6d. On December 5 he ww sent to collect an account from Messrs. Arrowsarith and Co., Denbigh-street, and on receiving the money did notipyy a it over to his employers. The ...


... |WALLASEX PuLI'E ?? ?? .- - WVEDNEhDAX. FE:F-- - BEFORE 3R. W. T. JAkCf .. xr ' Tart WAaLLAgSE Lc'CAL B-I- as- etoTs`s.-Mr. Laurene' L. f Brighton, Was ummoned . Wallasey Local Board for erect _ duelling house rithO. thoc ' 5' -1i ?? of tbe Pabh - .. ,. Streets) Act. 1ir. Pne artr. Board; and Mr. Pickiord O'G K.;= J Salmon, surveyor to tlrh bean'. ?? of defendant aboat nsC r n ' w -; being ...


... -- t CONTINUATION OP THZ EXAMtNATION. 0 At Orewe Police Court yesterday Riobard il Davies and George Davies were brought up cbarged n with the wilful murder of their father, Richard a Davies, at Hough, on January 25. The prisoners appeared stolidly indifferent to tbe terrible position in which they stand. I Mr Brooke, who appeared for the Treasury, stated ' that they could not conclude the ...


... ?? tYESTERDAY. Meaietrates present-MeesraeW. Gale Coles (chairman), C. Bill, B. Bennett, and H. T.Coles. E3LOPED WITH HIS WjFE'S COUSIN. Henry Vickery was summoned for deserting his wife. Mrs Vickery stated that she marvied the defendant on the 5th of April. 1877, and there had been one ohild of the nearris ge. They lived at Long Ashton. Oa the 4ib of- epts ibr, 1888, he eloped with her cousin ...