... SHIPPINNG APIPEAL CASE. f Ssrrr AIND CO. V. WYLLIE AND OzRS.-O Yesterday, the Court of Appeal, consisting of the a Lord Chief Justice, the Master of the Rolls, and f, Lord Justice Fry, disposed of this appeal of the deteodants from the judgment of Mr. Justice a Butt, in the Admiralty Court, dated 12th August a last. The action was brought by the plaintiffs, t who are bankers at Hall, to ...


... I THE CREWE TRhGEDY. ±I1J.Ji ULbUU111LJ ALtb.LAULjUL. a EVIDENCE OF THE WIDOW. COMMITTAL FOR WILFUL MURDER. The magisterial inveetigatioa. into the charge preferred against the two youths Richard and George Davies, of the wilful murder of their father in Cre-lane, on the night of the 25A e January, was resumed yesterday murning,-at the e county police court, Crewe. The fact that since X the ...


... W I L CE ?? INTELLIGMINT .E LAkW NOTTCE_,S.-'PEis DAr FRoos TE tEGAL MARlY.a tmd'~eeeate ' or ladguiient I ); c' ralt1 !r0 a balkrupt (D. c ROLLS. d 0.Preston. 6 :2n~l.2Pr[itl 07' APPE entt lle 2. dyer (5) Herhaw ~. Gn'aC ?? i ?? B I-tef Rbiewa v.K II alr1-lI. CVir a'cowpaux (1C); Se ,AIntyre ?? (1.d V iC- tAftn.7 !AL; R',s s- 5tepi' S El; A1)ea V. lss; ?? R te;' v. - owler )a:mgidenk v. ...


... ALLECED LARC ENY in COLR-ATNE. A sPEciAy, court of necr> secsions was held in (Coleraine Courthouse rye.'rday to investizate a charge preferred azainost MrS. Kane. Bela Doherty. Warren Mooney. Kate Mooney. Jane lMooney. and P arah Ilooney for alleged larceny of goods from Mr. J. L. Anderson'e shon in Coleraine. There ,vere nintv-trree articles found in the different pawn-office's in town. and ...


... A? ?f k- t.- ? 11.. 'I i .LAW -::4 Hi S j n -. , eo £s - ?? .'i E .-iL- X _ i.-. ?? *P1A ?? ?? I Laa~~d Ceisaisafi, Azkons--.one v U -w at ¢h.i.;, Slurray -Adt=s - A V WaXa~rm.0S UTK S r'Pani, :Wat .vStees tt S;ationai Bakv Claneb~y. ir~ ,+ha5+Nc ageral Maunsel .n ?? IC.-QkE.LOct ?? ?? ,outi-&?1priamw Saua : Actioa-ttorney- eneral v 'Doweli - LA, D LJUDGES. (Beo ,,the, 1igt H ononurable ...


... Louis CArLON, Jacob Janket, and Israel Falman were aharged on remand, at the Thames Polloe- court, on ''riday, with the unlawful possession of posbal orders, supposed bohave been stolen. Thomas I Donaldson, grocer and beer retailer, Cable-sbreeb, St. > George's In ?? said that on Tuesday evening Louis Caplon entered the house, tendered a postal order for 103. 6d., and asked for change. Wibness ...


... CUM- MaxM TI*AW4 ;i1 - snteJ y :o; - giap now r i: pone ' : d -frIbs* ?? 'cli9,CiVI ,: Io p- .fp-r is~tit 40 euE* *Mc,.4ia iipy mmark WWX 'ide, p :W g.. gI*1 X ?? ! R - - - -; ?? I 0 E0W QQUT O JVOi m . r . g :- . 1zy8Xi DBC Dl .-SIOD -. 13.0xt-:f ^ appordt- J tcbk linsealibdt s ?? . ?? f of :libe Ineleding e . ~ ~ ~ ~ i l-dsi :oo hi& att Whb. neat th byan oe udl to. . 3LZfII nranSD s-eom ...


... -BURUNGHAM COUNTY COURT. YE5TsE AY.-Bef'c His Honour W Ju c Chdners. ASoTorCB RUININ11 - DOWN ClA. - Richard Johr. Drury, of 176, Broad Street, Birmingham, doctor of medicine, sued John G. Dennis, of 141, Great Lister Street, cab proprietor, to recover £19. os., for damages to plaintiff's horso and brougham, caused by the negligence of defendant's servant, on November 2, 1889. Mr. Earfitt ...


... ALLEGED SYSTEMATIC FRATUDS. Before the Potteries Stipendiary (Mr. H. C. Green- wood}, at Burslem, yesterday,% William Perry, alias Bennett, a young man of respectable appearance, was charged wvitl obtaining money by false pretences from various ?? was adduced to show that on the 28th ult. the defendant called at the establishment of Elizabeth Alice Johnson, the proprietor of a Berlin and fancy ...


... DISPUTE BETWER RECTORS. Judge Melville was occupied some hours at the Shrewsbury County Court, yesterday, hearing a case in which the Rev. S. J. Hawkes, rector of the second portasn of the parish of Partesbury, sued the Rev. W. Harrison, rector of the first portion, for the recovery of S05.i as damages alleged to have been comitted upon the plaintiff's hedge. Mr. Williams was for the plaintiff ...


... YRS7Rn)nAT.-Before MDOsrs. Hal, Ryiand, and ratee ACCIDENTALLY CA( TJRnD. - Thomas Taylor, alias Reeves, cabman, James Street, -Aston, was charged w ith stealing a mackintosh, valued at 0i. 12s. 6d., belonging to a fellow-cabman named George Mason.-The property Nvas left on the cab during the temporary absence of the prosecutor, who subsequently saw the prisoner in possession of it in Wheeler ...


... TH[E ALLEGED CHILD MURDER AT I STOCKPORT. EXTRAORDINARY REVELATIONS. THE MAGISTRATES' DECISION. | The Stoclport Borough Police Court was crowded i on Tuesday on the occasion of the hearing of the I charge agaiinst Thomas heck-eth, an old man, ofn having wilfully murdered his - illegitimate male infant. The prisoner cohabited with a young I woman named Elizabeth Ann Parker, at Windsor- I street ...