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... AN INTERVIEW WITH THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS; STANLEY is still at Cairo, and the eyes of the world are directed towards the Villa Victoria, in which the great explorer is busy writing his book. Stanley is too wise a man to return to London until he has broken the back of this book, which is to be translated into a dozen languages, and will be read by the whole civilized world. So we sigh ...


... ATVONMOUTH AMATEUR THEATRICALS. An amateur dramatic entertainment was. given in the Avonmouth hall, Avonmouth, last night, in aid of the pariah ohuroh funds. There was a large attendance, inoluding several Clifton residents, for whom special trains were run, The entertainment .was under the patronage of the Mayoreai (Lady Wathen), Lady Weston, Mrs Yats Stevens, Mrs Still, Mrs Henry Taylor, and ...


... NEW GROUND FOR THE NAhTURAL/ST. IN North Celebes the author of this handsome volume has certainly found a land which is ierraz icogroiia to the naturalist. Much of the wide area comprised by the Dutch East Indies and the Malay Archipelago has, it is true, been scientifically investigated by our countrymen Wallace, Forbes, and Guillemard-the Ad Cruise of the Ofarchesa is fresh in our minds ...


... i i TE E A T U R E. NEW BOOES AND NEW EDITIONS. A 1aot-AND MILES ON THE BACK OF AN ELEPHANT.* SECOND NOTICE. ic- ta r nti littlia indication thus far of what may be * tr milr Ygpliril aspect of Mr. Hallett's 'teat atpigregat' of populations, the great a r essurC in iu ltterai and precious stutes anda ni .b{r `t silvenelsi of the soil in rice-of f -f; ld sol'en of as the small yield * s e?.bvt ...


... MUICIPAL SCHOOL OF ART. hfL T. ARMSTRONG ON ART IN MANU- I FACTURES. The prizes gained by the students of the Birmingham i Municipal School of Art were distributed-last night, in the large Lecture Theatre of the Midland Institute, by Mr. Thomas Armstrong, Director for Art of the Govern- rment Department of Science and Art. TheMayor pre-.t sided, and among those on the tform were Alderman Sir ...


... n dri f INVITATION CONCERIT ATI e1 G/CARDIFF. It (By Zwrus.3 hi The Cardiff Musical Societv, which appears to rh be doing more than any other local musical pi body in resuscitating neglected liigli-cass II conipositionf, gave its seventh invita- II tion concert rn Tuesday ev.ning, at the rc Queen-street Ptblic-hall, Cardiff, which was at well ilaed by a seleco audience. Tie progrimuis IL was ...


... '1 tiS. I e, A Boston paper calls a female swindler l an impos- trix. Wheir an AlaIbama turnip in full grown it just ,tse e into a water pail. The San Francisco Vanity Fair says that the people e- of Monterey live opuq.minate and a little whisky d. 'T ske your ear of green corn in both hands to eat it, z1 and don't feel bad if the butter trickles down over iyour chin. in A Texas man of 62 ...


... TO-NIGET'S Enr ERTAI N MENTS DRUcRY LANE (The National Theatre). q-1IlS DAY (Wednesduy) TO-MORROW (Thursday), and SATURDAY NEXT: at 1.30, C,`'RY EVENING, flt 7,i5. and EVERY MTONDAV, 'AI':INESDV. ccii SATURDAY l-l0S DAUGUSTUS IASRS'S Pantomime, 3JACK AND THE BEANSTALIN prodocedon =are of splendour ?? in magnifcere, the displays offered to the un ari by Mr. AurlcuSrS ji out iseceisu yersand ...


... - ?? .Phe MRl oft 10? EnginniL -3ingto Hon'. hr. Bellevr Ed g~lan d.i..riB?.R Major e D ileft Dir. JE B= . Kn, in :. J.omas E1. Cauo, XP, hass e 1,sF- S,1. ,. - Wmn. Redmond, .wis -lefK for- E:gla-. ?? J-.E. Redmond, 7t'e fori1aglaund r -sq LaY Xoris has lef lRev. Dr. Mollky 7 .aes ;- yetra fromL Engiald.' -~sV ?? Dr. a. The follog n eg.taat ~Volezit~e BalT He1YD ?? KEg Nolant, bliss Anna ...


... NE W BOOKS. ; FOOD IN HEALTH AND DISEASE, Food in Health and Disease. By J. Burney Yeo. (Cassell and Co.) This handy little volume forms a valuable addition to the handbooks on dietetics. Dr. Yeo, as pointed out in the preface, has freely quoted the most eminent among contemporary writers on the subject, but he has also given his own views wherever and whenever he differed from his ...


... I TERARY NOCES. Dick Clckeger, or Th Wooiaq of the -Coe4 By F. KL toach. Bristol and London: J. W. - Arr-itb.-The author has quite gratni- tously handicapped himself by putting into his book a threud of Tory politics Skipping the portions which refer to Disraeli, the Reform Act, and the Disestablishment of the Irish Church, the reader will find a fairly good novel. 'witrone or two of the ...


... I - 1. J, atit, ,tv v. I THE AMERICAN COMMONWEALTH. That Professor Bryee'a great work on the American ICommonwealth '(Macmillan) should have already reached a second edition will surprise no one who a recognises the fact that a really comprehensive study of the constitution of the great Republic of the West, and of the political aims of its people, has long been a great necessity in England. ...