... THE ACTION- AGAIN-ST DR. !MACAN; j o- -, . , A A Nt A ACHMUNT OTIOT_4N . Y.est':lerda eae ifz sor, before tile , hief Baron az9 A BarnDw.sre, mhr TM Rel, 3i' Pnstrcced:i i ?? ?? -7rtliarc .1 *? vapphdr en beifi tset ate intiffr. A j~bln aadth plaizitiff-alleges~ Catiefea:t I- aried plaitif's ide. A motion had beenl mzd-e . uipon a oesmion 4 pleading, and oa te ?? inst .-rie Medo PAss published ...


... John Lupton, 38, a sailor, of 211, Abbey-street, Bermondsey, was charged, at the Thames police- court, on Friday, with indecently assaulting Susanna Bailey, a girl of 14 years, living at 240, Tabard-street, Borough, while travelling in a rail. way carriage on the District railway, between the Monument and St. Mary's (Whitechapel) stations. --The statement of the girl (who had been for a month ...

The Police Courts

... E?je 61 UlTrI5., - U- OATESHEAfl-LIoNDAY. Jane Ann Weldon was charged with stealing the sum of 49 6d, the moneys of John Edward Grey, from a drawer in the bed room of the house 21. Salisbury Terrace, on the 14th of the present month. ?? Thomas Lamubert appeared on be- half of the ?? said he missed some Jubilee coins which he kept in a drawer. Prisoner Was employed bv him as charwoman, and, as ...


... ITHE DARBYSHIRE DIVORCE CAS4P MI. ABINGTON AIIDTHE ACTRESS In the Divore) Division of the High Court of justice, London, yesterday, before Sir James lannen~ fpresident) and a common jury, the cae of Dsrbyshire v. Darbyshire and Baird came on for hearing. The petition ivas that of MIr. Francis G. Darbyshire for a dissolution of marriage on the ground of the alleged adultery of his wife, .rnown ...


... t t I OAD OF TRADE INQUIRY AT it 1.i GREENOC. ?? The Beard of Trade inquiry into the loss et the eship Irex was resumod is the Sherif Court, 9 Greenock, this forenoon. Dominio Joseph M'Cready, outdoor superintend- sot withl Messrs Mulholland, stevedores, Glasgow, tdeponed that the cargo was properly stowed when the frex left Glasgow, awd evidence was led to showx that on the vessel's return to ...


... Mr. Hicks resumied his inquiry, at the Star and Garter, Church-road, Battersea, on Friday, into the circumstances attending the sad death of Miss Jessie Rogers, aged 24 years, a governess, lately residing with her parents at Era house, Surrey- lane, Battersea, who committed suicide by taking sixpennyworth of laudanum on the 12th inst. At the opening of the inquiry evidence was ad- duced ...


... STONEIIAVrEN SHIFRIFF COURT. In Stonehavell Sheriff Conrt yeterday, before an Sheriff brown. J'dwvard lianisay Wood, baker, ilervie, du failed tO appea r on a otarge of coinrnittiotg n breach of In tilte peace it] Johbslsinven, and hin bail of X1 was declkrmd forfeited. Alexander Porter, labourer, Ca Allardice Street. Stonehavee, was eharged, At the intaanot, of Fotterese,, and li ukarton ...


... I - l I., ToueviL. le LBefore the M1AYoR and J. BAILEY, W. BEMBOSE, W. n. HOBSON, and A. S. HASLA51, Esqrs.] I is THE PROTECTION Or YOUNG CHILDREN.-Agneq . Gregeon was sumratonoad for sending out her boy, under - the age of 14, for the purpose of selling newspapers, at as 25 minutes to 11, on tbe night of the 8th inst. Inspector P- Waldron Raid the buy'a mother lived in the Byron-yard, D1l ...

Published: Wednesday 26 February 1890
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2164 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... SATURDAY. CHIANCERY DIVSION.- - (Before- the: Lord Chancellor.) .Rzi Pamto, Soeici~s, ANV TIM SOtlCITOPS AC.--Mr. Wiliam Green wowed fOX an order that nihe Registrar of the Incorporated Law Society eshould be at liberty tO issue -to Mr.:Thomas Colis IPerrett a licence to practise na:a solicitor for the fcurrent year. It appeared froin the affidavit of ;Perrott that he was sw o6rn in as a ...


... UIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. O CHANCERY DIVISION.-FnIB. 21. (Before Mr. tustice Ciittt.) rm C1IEL ROSA O PEIO COM CNTy (LIMNITED) V. aU7NTLNGTOZ Mr. Romer. QC. Q.Ar. Bray with hi ra) moved on be- bai l of the planntiff cm ny for an inju ucttiunrrsttruin iog the defendant ?? A. ntin gton, frm or performinat n t anc e, eithe r on weel- day or Sun day, at any a lrge term o f her engageiieit with the p ...


... ST HAM. [SurJgEr or .ILLUSTRATroN.] THE girl Amelia Jeffo, aged fifbeen, who has been t missing since Friday evening, January 31sb, from a her home at 38, Wesl-road, west Ham, baa been found dead in bhe cupboard of as atbic at bhe heuet No. 126, The Portway, Wesb Ham. The girl, who was known by her ?? and her parents as } Mlianiei-,ie the daughter of a respectable working man, and she has ...


... Ti RAP ITY RATES LNQMlY. 'EVIDENCE AS T:I 'THE 'CATTLE TP jDE up THE 1NOR1TH. At the Railway Rates inquirv yesterday morni ,n dir. Holde'n. who represents the rattle t_^e_e c Fe 'Waliefie-id, Manchester, Newcastle, and rha nurej counties generallv, addressed the C-urt. Tho for whom'l he abp4jared consisted of unwarts A S members, aant paida3out £260,000 ifr r.iii-avjciay , annum. The' had ...