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... [SUBJECT OF ILLUSTRATION.] RICHARD and George Davies, charged with the murder of their father, at Crewe, were again brought up on Thursday at the Court House in that town, and their arrival from Sbafford Gaol, where they had been lodged during their remand, WaS witnessed by large crowds of people. There was a thronged court. One notewvorthy feature of the prisoners' condut while being conveyed ...


... ITALIAN',PfRDER TI HOLBORNT. d ITALtAN'WPUJRDEI IN I ULtUNrIN ia .b rJ vz ?? night ai murdei was committed ih br o0 that parb ef 'Eolborn where ildeaboub two thousand to a 'Italians, wko esbsist by organ tplaying end& dn El: e; lee creay In the summer, and selling hot potatoes th 6e'zand baked chestntsbinthewinber. In the middle ki nf of 'Eyrc-sbweet-hlll, turning out of Clerkenwell-road, go d ...


... I - n DIABOLIAL CRIMES. Sdli hese T,( bials? ,Z % Q D . day 0 lids, (FRox OUR ?? argo -- B~uL , Kov Nir. of (cl According to advices from Warsaw some details have now come to light about the WQ3 uae dreadful ?? murders committed there by the isa midwife SkIublinaki and some other women hort who have diteady been arrested, Siublinski 2blie resided in an attie, and the other inmates of se or the ...


... - - AT Southwark PoPole-oio-ur on Saluirday, John Whitham, fifty, of 3, Crosby-row, Snow-fields, Bermondsey, described as a wholesale wastepaper M dealer, was placed in the dock, before M.. Slade, cc charged, on his own confession, with feloniously in a ni termarrying Susan M'Cartby, his first wife Emma ti being then and now alive. Inspector Mountlord said that about eight P.M. on the evening ...


... rATAL QUA3RL SW THE -BOO'UG. At the Soufhwark Police Court, on Monday, Edward Lamb, ?? salesman in the Borough Market, was charged, before Mr. Fenwick, with causing the death of Alfred How, alias Howard, by striking him in the eye with an umbrella. Mr. Besley, barrister, defended. John Blackman, a salosmanu in the Borough Market, said he occupied a stand opposite that of the accused. On the ...

The Murderer's one Request

... Tbe Murderees one Request. THEaE are moments in life when it is meet, as HAMLET says, to WipO away all trivial fond records; but, bas most people must have noted, there is some- Spew times a curious propensity in human nature to Spent occupy the mind on solemn occasions with Hlarce trifling things. Only on this principle can we delive account for the strange response of W.LMAM Chan Row, the ...


... John Lupton, 38, a sailor, of 211, Abbey-street, Bermondsey, was charged, at the Thames police- court, on Friday, with indecently assaulting Susanna Bailey, a girl of 14 years, living at 240, Tabard-street, Borough, while travelling in a rail. way carriage on the District railway, between the Monument and St. Mary's (Whitechapel) stations. --The statement of the girl (who had been for a month ...


... Mr. Hicks resumied his inquiry, at the Star and Garter, Church-road, Battersea, on Friday, into the circumstances attending the sad death of Miss Jessie Rogers, aged 24 years, a governess, lately residing with her parents at Era house, Surrey- lane, Battersea, who committed suicide by taking sixpennyworth of laudanum on the 12th inst. At the opening of the inquiry evidence was ad- duced ...


... UIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. O CHANCERY DIVISION.-FnIB. 21. (Before Mr. tustice Ciittt.) rm C1IEL ROSA O PEIO COM CNTy (LIMNITED) V. aU7NTLNGTOZ Mr. Romer. QC. Q.Ar. Bray with hi ra) moved on be- bai l of the planntiff cm ny for an inju ucttiunrrsttruin iog the defendant ?? A. ntin gton, frm or performinat n t anc e, eithe r on weel- day or Sun day, at any a lrge term o f her engageiieit with the p ...


... ST HAM. [SurJgEr or .ILLUSTRATroN.] THE girl Amelia Jeffo, aged fifbeen, who has been t missing since Friday evening, January 31sb, from a her home at 38, Wesl-road, west Ham, baa been found dead in bhe cupboard of as atbic at bhe heuet No. 126, The Portway, Wesb Ham. The girl, who was known by her ?? and her parents as } Mlianiei-,ie the daughter of a respectable working man, and she has ...


... THE POLICE COUWTS. 4> 11 BoW-STREET.-CHwE AGAINST A CLERGYMAN.- it In the list of charges before Mr. Vaughau there was - one against Robert oDynys, ?? 66, clerk in holy is orders, of 6, Carumore-road, Twickewham, for beiug ;- drunk and disorderly in Wellihgton-street. Upon the :o case being reached it was sa0ted that the defendant did id ?? Mles said the defendant was Il charged au Tuesday ...


... I COMMITTAL OF THE ACCUSED. At the Richnmond petty sessions, onl Wednesday, Bliabeth Vincent, of 84, Sey. mour-street, Edgware-road, Marylebone, was charged, on remand, with attempting to murder Major Isaacs, M.P. forWal- worth, on October 8 last, at 110, Church- road, Richmond. The court was crowded to its utmqst ?? prisoner was brought from Holloway gaol. Upon her arrival at Richmond railway ...