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... V AUGEAN, 39. Strand. SECOND-HAND BREECH-LOADERS Latest Improved Principles at all Prices from 80s. upwards. A LARGE STOCK OF OVER 500 SECOND-HAND CENTRAL-FIRE BREECH- LOADING GUNS, by best known makers, at less than half their original cost, from £5 5s. For 50s. and a Double P.F. or Muzzle Loading Gun we give a 12-bore C.F. Gun. Use VAUGHAN'S NEW PATENT PORTABLE KITE. Can bo carried in a gun ...


... 6ILSSMITHS' SILVERSMITIS' COMPANY. SOLOSMITIS' SILVERSMITH' COMPANY. THE MAHtrPAOICEXKa show Rooms: 112, REGENT STREET, LONDON, W. (s^^w) SUPPLY THE PUBLIC DIRECT AT MANUFACTURERS' CASH PBICES, SAVING PUBCHASEBS FROM 25 TO 50 PEB CENT. High class jewel lery.- The Stock of Bracelets, Brooches, Earrings, Necklets, &c., is the largest and choicest in London, and con tains designs of rare beauty ...


... . . A little child lay on her bed of pain, With deep blue eyes, and wealth of golden hair, Longing that Summer hours would come again, With all their sunshine and their pleasures fair. With ministry of quiet, tender love, The mother watched beside her as she lay, A message came-- 0 joy, all joys above It turned her sadness into brightest day. It told of certain cure-- what words of cheer For ...


... STREETER COMPY-> DIAMOND ORNAMENTS From 5 Guineas to 10,000 Guineas. Cannot be surpassed for elegance of design and perfect setting. They are London made, and the Brilliants are white and properly cut. 18, NEW BOND STREET, LONDON, W. RUBIES AND SAPPHIRES From 5 Guineas to 10,000 Guineas. Direct from the Mines, thus enabling the Public to buy these Stones at First Hand after being London cut. ...