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Northumberland, England

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... ?LL lUGHTS IUi?&E?VED. SUFOPP InNG NOT.ES AND| NOTI5ONS. ORE~iNTAL E3.BREOIDER.Y. L~ovely Oriental embroideries are produend by a firm at Cairo, end arc especially designed for fients of bodices, collars, and cuffs. T-ese unique and distingu~ished trimn- ruiuins ore wrorked out so geld and silver metal, arid the mneanfecterers guarantee the geld untorniehablo. Silver, though of the best ...


... ALL EIGHTS F.ESERVED. TH:E STOR'Y OFS. ALIT.t- BY PERCY FITZGiERALD,| Au thor o f TOPSIDE ASSDTDRUVT.' S Tes: Loreo as Gsaoucs, One:NICESco OF BOwV STREET PoLIcE OFs'toz,' 'FATAL Zsao,'tko., &o. TAlhe Royal Mfansions, Limcited, is thename of that huge well-known Doma Daniel which beetles so threateningly over the quarter in which it stands, and whlich is mysteriously said to COntain ...


... FLOWER SH.OWS;. NEWCASTLE. Tue sixty-elcib autumn flower shots of the Durham, Northumberland, and Newoantle Botanical and Horticul- tural Society, was held in the Leans Pack, Newcastle, on Wednesday, Tltnreday, and yesterday. The judges were ?? James Douglas, [herd; Mr 3. Grieve, Edinburgh; Mr 3. Maconoehie, Alozondrie, NXB.; Mr B. 1111cc, Noitwicls; Mr Malcolm Mcintyre, Inner- loilbon; and Mr ...


... ALL GWUS BE3RVED. Br A LADY. WORSTED BRAID MEDALLIONS FOR SERGE DRESSES. In a former letter I mentioned medallions made of worstet: Iraid as a trimming for serge dresses. This form of dezora- *tion is newer than flat rows of braid laid on the edge of the skirt with repeat on the bodice-a fashion still popular, by the way-but medallions are quite novel and very effective. This form of ...

Wit and Wisdom

... ?? t A1 ?? of' acoustics ought to have sound ideas. Housewvives are neow asking mathswa r t they camuphor. Whbat the scriptural wvidow found to do she did with all: her mrite. Silenlce is golden; but it is the other fellowv's silence 'ktha1 is mneant. That is shear profit, sa~id the formuer, referring to his wool-clip. When a man's temnper gets the best of him it reveals the wrorst of him. ...

Art and Literary Gossip

... P -a- S Messrs Chapmanl and Bali's is edition oef Dickens, cr. 4-to, hasroached part 10. Inte ecurrent number Barnahy Roog&' is flniohed, and forty-six chapters aro given of the ' Old| Curiosity Shop. A5 volume of somle Interest to Wo~rdoworthiacs, dealirs wvith the poets and poetry of a district of Scotland reodereri classaic for all time~ by the pen of their M~aster, and pecu- liarly ...


... ALT, BlIGHT BEERVED. IKATHLEN'S REVENGE. fBY THE COUN TESS DE SiULJMALLA, Author of PSTSIBU'TIOS. &C,, &c. PART 1. Thoe largest ostate owner in the County Down, and one of the mest unjust, inhuman of Irish landlords, was Lord Bellinglhim. His teuants, one and all, hated hfm, end thnugbt there was no forrn of death too cruel for hi. ts snrler. En turned a deaf err to the cry of the hrungry ...


... ALL BIGHT BOSmWED. FE'MININE HIAIRIDRESSING AND| | ~HEADGEAR, 1x .m -s-- O)ur great grandmnothers dressed their hair so absurdly *high that they added someotimes three feet to their stature. A quantity of towr was placed on the top of the headE; over this the heir wees drawn, and tales hair in curbs, tsies, plaits, &c., covered with powder, wiere falstened tD the structure. Over all these were ...

Art and Literary Gossip

... Ott an gwitcrar,? 6n5iq., The Counteps of Aberdeen is about to become the editor of a neav penny monthly magazine, which is to be brought out towards the end of the year under the auspices of the Haddo House Association. Professor H. Logeman of Ghent has been fortunate enough to discover a biherto unknown Anglo-Saxon inscrip- tion at Brussels. In the cathedral of that city (St. Michael et St. ...


... CARD)INALJ ~EWMAN. ?? to the virgin heart, the crystal brain ? Peaco for one bour througlh all the cam!ps 01 tlhoug'ht I O~ur subtlest min~lbd hue ict the *cil of painl, ?? iound the trutb he sought. I'ho t;DOVVS 1Vb3'2 pae0e thoss novw-born eyes have re~i1? Xf this set creced, or that, or nones he best ?? Let no 3trif e jar abcva thi- sacred bead I Peace ior a saint at rest ! EDmI ND Gossg, ...


... A&L1 LIGHIS RESELVZD. STAND FAST, CRAIG-IOYSTON t' A NOVEL. Si BY WILLIAM BLACK. 5 Author cf A PDINC~iS O TlitULE,' SABIN.A ZMRA, al TtlE INYW PsUSCE: FOi.TUNATUS, 'SaC. q, CHAPTER X.-Blly NoitlncEr.N SEAS. d Ecre. in front of the great, squore, old-fashisced Scoton b: m^ansion, which was plulsantly lit up by the morning sun, ir atood the faintly wtigcenettc vhich had just been filed by r ...


... | (Specially Comfiitnoui) RHYMoES ON PLAC§ES. The following is taken from the elder Ireland's PiG turesque Views on the Avon:* Abouts seven miles fromn Stratford lies the thirsty ?? tow n ot Bedford, famulos for its ale, where twvo societies ot the village yeomanry need to meet, nuder the appellation of the Bedford Tepees, and to challenge the lovers of good ale of the neighb ouring ...