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Advertisements & Notices

... INFANTRY CLOAKS. CAVALRY CLOAKS. P1J WtirrW T!WATERPPROOFS JUST £t rAPPROV-ED bil tie WrAR OFFICE A' tisrrit; are seltin g I i hare the SOLE A GEN'YCi'fr t7 is Distrrict. TLA NCOS CJRLEY, 76. HIGH STREET. 21C73 WINTER HOSIERY. GEY.TLEMfEi WLL FLED AT THE G -P.4 R A U-0 110 TUSE. 7' Jigkb Street, a ?flll. e C /it ?? in LcmSl'sso Vlests and P f.wlau 2.r 6 to ?? 6d, includin2g al7 snakes, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I. - I.Mig C -LAN E --I £ICELLXXLNu- 1 FURNSHIqNG AND ENGXNEERIWAI CO. - ITSD}, Have a Luge Swok oet rXEcraopLATED SPOCR;S - NPOgRE70 , : } ?? TABLE CVTL1;.Y N ICKEL SILER SPONRS iiz WAS ,ENDERS, R S I tau fot Fhectadc GASFITTERS. Agnsfr3mrnes SafesI, Votx~ for Electric ubting. 50fx e enenl, Engineers, hc., &e M3 4. M. ad ?? STBRi6. am3 THE FREEMAN DIARY FOR 1891 . OW READY. PRICE ONE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BUIrS3CARDS .LJdientangled Manl Laudry Dudrm;Ofieo street, Dublin.P16U F PS;themape Peige, tlw beet Elngis~la es Moess; suitable for taltle, floor, or pni~L~san' Son's, Csomi street, Dublin. p4 Tx: F in s prtors sent out; distance no objetlmn in F to suitable Pupils. Address, BibrbMser S Upper Parliament at, Liverpoo.p42'w I A. ZV'K OY's, Christchurch place. oe o odlab iYhl, Caps, Cardigan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I P.S. S. A. ALLEN'S HAIR RESTORRE. Itever fails to restore gray hair to its youthafl ab it aes~iry upon the rootks of the bair ?? them;* cleanses the scalp, remlovin aanldrnf, rederig thc hairOft, silk, adgssy, auddisposing it to rema tin any aevired position. : ?? isawraelaItR~estore~r. h f rRS. 8. A. 'ALLEN'S and Hair.Dressin .LYI WORL3YS comrined in i-rA1R RESTORER. one bottel . The secret ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .PLETJ r rS MA CUSTOMER TO GROGE--'WhPat ?? the Pure Soap has you sold mae last week. It has eaten the skin on my face, so that it iscoavere& with blotches 1 GROCER-' Well, the truth is, sir, all s ?-i.r Scas .do tibat; the oulrser:p I kno0w Withoat an appetite is ore with extra cream, like VINOLIA. SOAP. You see, sir, the alkli set free in the water must eat something, and if it Can't eat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITN Memoriam Cards at Eaton's; the largest assortment L in the city is at Eaton's; samples sent post free on al- ilication; the newest, cheapest, and best in quality, de- rn, price ere at Eaton's; Irish, English, and French pat. terns;aton's photo MortuAry Cards are a speciahty; Church Porch and Oratory Cards in great variety; Notice at Deaths, Funerals, and (Memento 310ri)Ofmoe Announce. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PiROSPE~CTUS- TvB.,- soi D TFTELDS, PRO- EM ,nv oi? PANY UTLI ED (NEW S~rT~r WALE S2). 18O (bpt M ie, divided onto I-C~OGO pracorty unares otSS r2B0,0Cf0 ocidnery sbares ofl -1 b-i Isloleof 050,k35pri~orits sloace- Payabile is on ipz 'o`atin. to On alktimizt-- ,Cs cue month, after al lotment. Tbe ordinary ghareg will receiee no profit alltil divideude ggreaiig 10 pe cet. avebece. paid oni ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IFOR SALE. EST BISHED 1s42. ROYAL V CTORgIA HEOIRSE BAZAAR. 31 AND 33N, CRLORaST% STREET} BELFAST. 1) .ArD 13, MO VrSOM I STBEF.ET, I I TO-EN ROBSON bega to intimate that he has aways on han e. for Private Saile, I 10 NEW A2I.D 'SEC0OND-~i~4.D CAR- RIAGES of aiil descriptiona; also 10SETS OF NEW A~sD SE-12ND-IA-ND 100' EARNESS. bay good mak;ers ; S~addles, Side Saddles. Brndles. gc. Horses. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUUTIONS. SMALL FARM AND DWtELLING,, TALLAGHT AND HAROLDS CROSS. DWORTANT TO FARMERS, GRAIERS, AGRICULTURISTS. DAIRYKEEPERS, AND OTHERS.: A lXDEW J. KEOGH has received instructions from '4hs repreentative of the late Mrs Wridget A enny to offer for SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION, in COORO'S GENERAL PROPERTY SALEROOK, 10 LOWER ORMOND QUAY, on FRID3AY, 12th December, 1890, at the hour of One o'clock, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GALT- r. AL OXZ f i 3 ALWAYS ADmw A RBE HSBG -TONIC.. A :- )7LxxG--. PICK-mEUP. GOI'OT84L i.RIROPS OF Di, g- Wul-nt is ab~solutely unziiallhdfo 2S9d, of ?? an Store, 0r by poat from tle Manager, Swt -IeC4 Works, V14erpooL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. MR. OLLEY ESIRES TO DRAW SPECIAL ATTENTION to the fact that he has enlarged aad altered gila Premises to meet the Chnstmas crush. He bGlS~ the hargest Stock of Books in. Belfast. suit- shle for Prizes and Presentastion, all cffered at aost reasonable prices. PICTURE BOOKS. ¶ot-lhing can sucrpss the variety and beauty of the above. SUNDAY SCHOOLS yog$tliberally treated for cash ...