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Advertisements & Notices

... TIEE DROITWVICE BREIE BATHS, the renowned REMEDY for R TfE'TISSM GOUT. SCIATICA&. LlJUDBAGO, PARALYSIS, and NERVOUS D3S- ORDERS generally. Oen doring Winter, on Week Days from S a.m to 6p.m.. and on Sundays from S to 10.0 ant The SWIYLD'flG BATHS stro gyrecommended. by leading Athletes as. ls~ucicinl ?? t t --a S7 drg. Fabr. are kept a about The ART of SWIXMIG is easily acquired in the Bathbst ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WTANZLS'~! (LASS of ADVERT1EMENTS. For Co-,=Zcvk inser-onoa or the Clase of email Advertiseinent pb ised below thbe fOU ' ,nar.e te wpre.6d chac~es, whith snus bepaid in iiusta1 n=oo, Tall cases the. Address is counted as extra:- 16 Words, Once ?? fI 17 to 8~2 W-5ords. once, Is. Od. flitte, Three Bnsertoo. Is. Edl I Di=,a Three rinsertionst.. -Is. CIL Aldscrtsenmentis exceeding 82 words ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'ELIATE SICKLY CHILDREN D A will thrive and grow Dlunlp and fat on SCOTTS EbINULSiOli when their ordinary food faie toI nourish them. ElDIIATE SICLY CHI2DEh GDAa take and digest ScOTTPS EfsfSION when they utterly refuie DECATE SICKLY CHILDREN SCOT'S E&MISION because it is very ilaatable. it is three times as effectual as pleai Cod-liver Oil. 3iELICATE SICELY CHUDREN D ?? SCOTT'S EMUSION. It ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 51OTICE TO ADVERTISE 2QMRY OFFICE. ?? Rorealey. in Immeute Cocn wiH! tbe Advertlnint Department. at wbieb Bep b Advertisent P33W1U5in thle XDigbo 3ferVl ?? eled reoS ebare and wbere ?? of tfnt Meou, ni eonsulged _ The CH.&EI^S for fSt~R5T1ON In tbe DAIV MSRiB(7UY ot PBEP1D ADVERTXSNEME ST (ret eocki theluneaHS ia ?? referring to ?? 1 H~ouss asd ?ereoea WsL Proerty to be Sold 0r let. Ap~enle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? NOTiCE TO ADVTERTISERS. ENQUIRY OFFICE . Wt,3 Lc., 3,o; i n obe- Lit, irimoditt are ?? t end. to te toleht. t whc El 'd SeemJeote arpe Lilot inrcmr oh Llieamt thatur are cvedilr of chaverige andwerbe ek-s ofthe Mertury MaU 1 Th reit~a..e for InSEnuTbOr rt the DAILY - !dtIP~CVRY of PIIEP'AU) ADS~jRT (no eceeding three ves in length) referring to Situations. ID Houses and ltersoss Wanted. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - TIHE CU NARD LLNE.. F.OYAL MAIL STEZ.AP1Trx N I* DI.-The ttetanicrs of tim Lni5ne bavr for the t mtyi : ?? eulhW llr rc.ord thO ?? ?? b accoeirdgtothAeS aorstge jea - Fz:o~s LIflI':.OOZL Nj;2w~b Moiu ~~IA QUt~T~F 1 ETXLUIIA Jamn 31 S~F.VIA ?? C FTA.LT;TA .- 0 i ETRURIA .. ?? t'7B2.XIA.. *J e. 24 AUMRAN& ?? lItO3IIlVhr.?OOLTOB'S'0 EVERY THURSDAY.s BIIILA.&7200N ?? 13 I O1IAO& .eb:SI ?? 251 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B gonor d Ftrniteue, reitrovodl for 'ervenjence of srae to thre Aco ioc as. 40. Whitecha-el. ,JRFi (7RICE will Seil hy Auction, A Day IMordasl and To-marrow (Tursnly the; 189h anrd 2h instart, nt One oclocc cach day, at tib Rooms 40. Whivtbapcl. a Lar7ge Aesrtmeout of qWell-rs-lO FURNITURE. ?? hiindsomo pair wana2 s1wpedr tou t ltables. nh 1*idroom mIt, ,r.2ive slbrht: 're D brds.tgd, rwalnut ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L~ot 1. All tbat 7fvaebd Bever-lieyee 3BLCHOUSE kuo= as the 1Ge Maue selt nLwgcate- (oppwit~be~'O~ Hal). allwithh CungeM Tart at Disos Entry. knoer ath Rse ?? n te webaide of t eretO, ow~d asbottlingI N. LEWE1ON A SON Will t W .Sell Lb. above ?? HOUSE by o Arootion. at theirm nts Etoe SB!OrOa, Obmx$O*ch*=b1ers. Latid-of&raen-Tlaaer. Hull. On Wed&0d5Y DeX14 the 7th. Instant, at Falf-paet Two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f 1HOCOLAT-M&iERN- I ?? P IH8 B 2PAR EXflTBMO.N , 1889. E t CMOCONAT- IENUERfor BRfAEj 3!0HOCOLAT-MENMIRfor f LUNCHEEO: PHOC ~ ~ - Sales 30'HEOCOAT - MEYTER. _ j aily ; ?? 50 Tons. S !1TOCOLAT 44ENIER. yCI10 O PaP r, CHt(SOCOLAT~M.IR pink paperP rsnt.\ ?? Paper, .fltE CH ?? 1pNaer, IHOCO LAT-.MENIER, Yed p aper, CROCOLATXMENIERpEia ?? ; HCOCOIAT EYTEI, I ?? ?? ,C OCOLAT-MME N=IER, rhite paPer, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CUNARD LI, Th S fai ne rs5 of this 5 l~os h ave envqsn ed r er~cord of half a cnatury for se and c omfort, . and take o cae csording to the Seae oss Of the ROYALROAI STEAMERS FR ON j LIJVEPOOLL TO NiiW TOa. BOSO SERVIA .-O Jan.31 CATAIONIA ..Th. Jan. 29 C ETRURIA . ?? 7s C FHAlOiA.Th., Feb. 2 c 'UMRAIA ?? Fe.1~ AdIIA n. Feb. 12 UBRVIA ?? Feb.21 i ?? Feb. 19 SUPESPIOlt AONODAT 10 at moderate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CUNARD I2- M f f Tbe Stser ot thbs lire have an ineesllei c ecford of half a entin7 for fety and comlfort,. cnd tak spied Courses accoig to the ROYAL MAIL STEAhERS FROM LIVERPOOL To NEW YORK TO BOSTON. AUANIA.. s POa. 7 A 1A . TbJan.5 C nI hRIIA .. ?? .2 SYhA .~Ji SERVIA ?? v Jn.3 CATA ,.-NA I.Ja ETFIURIA ?? 1CEPHALONLLT.1.0 Feb 5 AIURANIA ?? 4 SAMARIA .. Th., Feb. 12 sUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MiONEY TO0 LEND lConrtinued): ONEY Lont ?? of' Ralsrr Alon e.- rfentirrrtnorf M loi Dcs rorr of Making Advnc tes ?? e4S~ tirroird. Mn NJ 5 per Cent. Ir tlercct, to Mo~le Or Feireole, Iitt Tolvi Or co ?? j without Bill of Sole or Sureltic., Andl strictly Privatle, for :noyi yeriot, riot exccedingit ell ?? tt- L D. VIL~T&IA3LM, Eisq., 1.161 10, York-rcr~dl Waterloo Bfridge, trorndo, SN.F to 4; ...