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The Slot in Court

... 1 hbe Slot in Coutt, IT iS not impossible that, when an ' impartial historian in some romote age of the future shall examine with unbiassed mind the achievements of the nine- teenth century, he will be disposed to aver. that, among the greatest of them, and its only inven- tion with a respectable claim to immortality, was the slot machine. We may well be proud of our generation, though we can ...


... LONG ASHTON POLIUE COURT. VRc-r-lnT A l YESTERDAY. Magistrates ?? J. Mirehouse, Chas. Hill, E. J. Swaun, end H, Cary Batten, CONVICTED OF POACHING. George Gate and Riobert Hynam were chirged witb trespaesing in pursuit of game on lands in 0o Occupation of Sir Greville Smyth, on December 9th .Ar Carter (Clifton, Carter end Co) prosecuted. Gate ws further t harged with an assault upon John ...


... THE LAW OF BILLY FAIRPL&Y. Yesterday, Mr Baron Pollock and Mr Justice Caosrles, sitting as a Divisional Court in the Queen's B-neh Division of the High Court of Justice, London, had before them the eases of Brace v. AhresraLnn Coal Company and Higgins v. London and South WVales Coal Camnany, in the form of appeals by the defendants from the decision of Judge Owen. The important point raised in ...


... BEISTOL POLICE COURT. YESTERDAY. BlagiEtrates ?? S. Wills and WV. W. Jose. CAUTION 10 DRIVER,. George Brooks was charged with working a horse whilst in an unfit condition. Mr Carter ((lifton, Carter, and Co.) defended. The first witness was Inspector Daniels, of the Bristol and Clifton Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. He stated that on the afternoon of the previous day he saw ...


... YESTERDAY. Magistrates ?? W. R. Barker a nd A. K. il r Price. s A LICENS1E ENDORSED, , William Russell, landlord of the Old Ship inn, r St, George's road, was summoned for permitting 51 drunkenness. MIr J. E., Clifton represented the V defendant, who was too unwell to attend the court. P.C, 13 C deposed that at 9.36 p~m. on Monday, February 9th, he visited the Old Ship and found v there two ...


... I ?? ANn VTRznTfl-h INQUEST AND VERDICr, Dr Danford Thomas held an inquiry yesterday at the lalmpstead Dispensary, Hampstead, on the body of Kate Carter, aged 1I, a domestic servant, lately in Fervice at Kilburn, whose mutilated remains were found on the line between Cricklewood and Child's hill stations, on the Midland Railway, on Thursday Inst. Detective-Inspector Bannister and Inspectors ...


... Yesterday, at Edmonton police court, Arthur Cecoil Fenton, 31, ?? as an accountant, of HIalliford street, Easex road, London, was oharged, on remand, with stealing a gold repeater watch, valued atn 20, a gun and case value £15 15o, a set of miniatures value £26 Os, and a sealskin jacket value £16 l6m, the pro- 1erty of various persons residing in different parts of the country. Mr G. B. Howard ...


... BIBHObP ELLIUOTPT ,'VlATXONi t CHARGE AT CIREINOERMEBi y Yesterday the Bishop of Glouceste sad Bbletol r continued big visitation, at Cieaceater,nRd followingt on the charges already reported 3u the BRI5?0b, 3 Mmovi, opt) e so follows o he sabjet of The! * Appeal to Ohriot :-Hitherto we hvie considered the. * details of opposing theories and the fats ou whithi . the two modes of re=arding the ...


... BOUIANGER'S SUICIDE. A. retired diplomatitb -who was on Intimate terms with General Boulanger gives an interesting aeoouat of a conversation which ne bad with him during his last visit to Brussels some weeks ago, He had not Been the ?? of War since the death of the lady to whom be was so devotedly attaohed, and he was quite appalled at the ebange that had come over him, So far as his personal ...


... SCEIE IN A. POLICE COURT. An extraordinary Cene was witnessed at the Oldhaiu police court on Saturday. A weil known woman ws charged with stealing a skirt, and her condacq in the doek was so violent that e had to be held down by c two policemen. She cursed, and shrieked, and swore at the witnesses and the magistrates. It wa t with great difficulty the depositions were taken owing 9 to her ...


... BIBITODIA BANKRUPTGY VOURT.. YESTEaDAY. .(Before Mr Registrar Wright). Be Whi. Jcpnr Baxs6 redalii and C- g- on buaiuise at 54. Stapleton road, iroismnger.-1mr Pers bou-, for the trasee (Mr E. T. (dolou), ased tthe doblar omquese. Tho dbtr statetat hivwife had eoeamom ey ,A baight of hime two housem at -214 and .147, subject to morteadee. 4terwazd, segling those hous, see bought another for ...


... POLICE COURT-TEIS DAY. i Befoes ?? Saunders Kuox.-Gore (in the ehair) and Mr. E. Vivian. . ALLIGAD THEFT OF MOTTLES. WILLIAM MdAOeNEY, of Pirnlico, was charged with s stealing a quantity of bottles, the proporty of Joseph Patrick iearn, rag and bone dealer, of Perroti's buildings, Pimlico.-The prosecutor gave evideacs to leaving a bag containing the ?? on a wheelbarrow butaida Martin's ...