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Daily News (London)

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... CRANJTR MONU?IE?TS. &c.- 1I??Ii. ?od ?w?1 co. rLiinit'd? t1??:c A. ?Thcd?n?ld t?k? ? ?h0k ) the Lrga,? ?tLMt Vt ?taIII5' ?orruIneat$ in tim CO'AfltTV 102) be ',een itt tbemr LON7DO\ 1'reum*s.-}ux dimigiic ?? PCC? ad'1Y??, as tO t? Ab?nk?n (tt?i?.ite Vi'orkm, ?7iDE??i Or 373, ?toteo*road, Lcnd30. N. ?V. JTALIAN HOSPITAL, Queen-6quaro, W.C.-Opcn I t 11natiore-. irrespeotnonof acred or ?? {omfre ...

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... THE PUi3LISI*ErS, OOLLMN. MSSIRS. _MMILL4NT arid Co.'s NE`W LIST: THE LIFE 0OF AIX ltfI1lrOP TAIT'. r~ear scialEin, is 2 dv'..B loth 3Is. net.. offAICIItaII CAMPBELL ir. CH BISOn ' atw~ 0-iNS'&11 ?? ?? Li!.,o (..t'ae,s ?? to TIM FLi.-To - ,'a.el no'.ATdi LiN taut, n cr40 ROAs.EC. each.. U SIR PEIICIVAL. liv tho saama Autrbor. TRlE LATELY DISCOY'(vi:IlWOKOz RSTTE batPahistd. i-oin ?? Cloth, s ...

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... ?? Wnuo5t ri orare v ovL .vuvL' .o 0O °NDERTAKEES. - DOTTEIDGE BROS. - e in Fa~st Train Orders. Engraved Brass ta-e rn Fanit e.Oak. Elme, andl !5rtal Colbo-s rsnd Cases in ttk. Ai2x-ragrrut recfor Funerals coming to London.- W retlorks, East-road. City-road. ?? DEVITTandNMOO E'SAUSTRALIAN LINE. Th e folowing splendid SAILING VESSELS will :s bdc.spacesleutor SYDNEY. asselow, bho'ing p_ ...

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... V lLLIrU\'-S 11 XII\qLD)IC 23ooAt, 2I,5, Candf- -~ Yata ?? ?? ?? Libary~ 1,090 ?? -i!ri3t 1.11 112:1 i~~btaehi kr al Fll aml:ies. * ttO'50411 paintted. 4 iU UII VUXNE1ALS.L],-D. CO{K.SEY, 266, ; : - : I:5r. .:i tnl. id? {tint: ?? l Si?; lswo ltchaogs -Ne toe:: talos: sx ::dlss.. 1,rs ' IItU, Vi x'1 iPY al its branches. Earth to g >. ...

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... THE PUBLISHERS, COLUMN. BELL'S LIST: I i &RISTOTI oil tile ATHENIAN CONSTITU- A I2; Tzrsae r tollt n ;tes, by F. G. ZyY~s, w..&.,3'ello o!3aigdeete-n College. Osford. 1. Small Pape2rEdition. pevc Bvo. printed on ha nd-made paper, at the Chiewieth P>e o. arnd boouud n buekeaun se. 8d. 2. LYarges PaprRR Edition, posxt Svo, limlited to ;53 Copies, its. net to the 28rst2 aplimzpts. 1 Both ...

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... grond. -IP. p in loving memory. l b t - \URSDNG INSTITUTE. N, G5Os d4, Houotet-st, Covent-gardeu, W.C. men staoblisbest 1492 Solely un'dndicdal direeto an R.ESMDERT SKILLEfD MSEflICAL. osnrgiesl, deIntal, sad ?? 0lssthbl Hoapital trainedl NVRMb3E StPI'PLII)D at a ?? tion, zotieS also, IeURSES p ecialjt fo: PEYER CASES. Terns and loeX: OiLcl,-5 forw.arded. 5 rA1XED MA)LE 1tSIS for all cases. Co ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE PflBLISIHER~Sr COLtTMY r jPICIA-RD PENTLEY and SON'S LIST: i 0 NEAR ARBy 2U. A. BE-NaoOUR. In 3 - Vols., crown 8vo. BY THE AUTHO OF '-TIE DEE.R'S MARRIAtGE.1 TEE ADER~I'S CHILDREN. By JAISEs ursnRIC11AaDS. In 3 volt. Crown S'o. AT~n.Atho SCoNI)5 EDITIf O-Nf OF NOL MAD's L.OVE. By IvE Mx.klT-. ('rown utbor ~fTin- Sin of Joost ,'vclingb.'I In3 vots. THY, ALLE'TT-,S: A Country Town ...

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... PUBLICATIONS. ut NEW NOVEL BY ALGERNON GISSING. Ig Now reEdy, at ull the Libiaries, in 3 voos. crown 8vo, at MOORLAND IDYLL. BV AZGLneRow GISS12M, d- A u hor of . A VilLage Ilampau, Both of this Paries, &c. ls, HurSt and Blackett (Limited), 13, Great Marloorough-streot. e DVNEW SERLIES OF CEE.P NOVELS. Now S oeady. at all Booksellers' in 1 vol., crown Gvo. 3s. 6d., ;, 1tISTRESS 3HEATRIC ...

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... D itm m-A-N. THEAT.RE ROYAL.-Leo'tecialI I? D Manrg;. 'AU(11-6TUS 11131905~. - -NG ?? EVERY EVN ?? 7.45. 'it.~t.:btIFiI1IS Tra ..t ?? . 7 r. t1 .C A u. I . I3.ptonrriK, rit ?? .%r MAItN qt iNTit.)\ At.. or .7, ?? .Ir AUST't-e MEi~.11'iOtU . I.1 ?? -.r, \XALTttIR RtUSstECL. &i l,, .. ?? xM . 7 Uk.XX1AN 5. ?? ._ 710 IItAl:C K NlcI~L IA ?? M~r. U 'L 'ttlu'iC IL,kI- rFortnoo-&. Ti .l`SzztII MtI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,rMc k T1TEATPL, I'OYAL.-mLcsec ean ~J 'Tj -rXL OCTUS l!_kRRsls. -TO-NIGTX1 and 0. NitNir ot 7.15. r'te Irs 1-ral drama , he (B.arb> 81 ?? . T0 2V3Eli TOO LATE TO MENTveoOj theJS o002 cang t>0,-rzil car -0? Charles3 Woaner. Mi.' E'dnennl Wu G'rI: Erwi 5V1-1m 'rril N11. Ju'ian CrL- M. M~ark QtZiTn- Pt-tab Ia.Pn r Mr.IHoary Liraiine, M.SanrHwr.1 1 .Maaabr. 20.s Cx'.rte wal-lace. and IMis esi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE PUBLISHER~S' COLUMN. INHATIO and \YINDt'S'J BOOKS.-THIRD SA4 t Ist-Saf. lot .I? U le' or:'ens poo-neo for the put- I., svo, ?? Xtora, as. 03. emsCU joio' So, adoo~toabd 104111, TnI ,The L'ADNC'ASIET. TI1A'2 OTHER PERSON0. THORNCIZUrIOSir'S DEL. 1: it~o.picture bozrdo 2:. ski' WRS1aWI nd liL-stUiI.: bog.Uolaotec by' by 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. By JOHNSntt If WINTER. IUtB BOB, (5th E tio~n.) 13; the Author oi Ifoat1.i Be' . Ainsy Soit, Beantifu Jim,Th &c. Yn Victume Be~reds to. IF, ACEIRD MY CI.OFTJN By the Autho er of it chro'PAC fS ..IcY i POa'NT By Ostite ie BY MIEN A'LYA Ie.e. '~vLI 1M FATE (Ncn; EUti aon . in. the Author oDi~ JL T'Su Wo~~a,-a OW' in, ;t lace ce. Uoath. an. If. r~10ILEBS oi BIABYLONK Rdn -eiedm) ...