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March 1891
92 1-7



Monmouthshire, Wales

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.FRIDAY, MARCH 6TH, 1891. ----

... FRIDAY, MARCH 6TH, 1891. The Public Service. WHEN we say that newspapers serve the public, we simply state a well-known fact that scarcely needs repetition in these days of enlight- enment. But such service of the public, though a duty involving the exercise of no little care, and entailing upon those who under- take it no trifling amount of anxiety, is not always rendered as easy as it might ...

Published: Friday 06 March 1891
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 573 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... PROTEPJT AGAINST NEW POSTAL ARRANGEMENTS AT MAESXCWMMER. public meeting was held LrnlS p001^ to protest against the re- S sfde of from the Monmouth- Heneoed T> wver' at Maesycwmmer, to ...

Published: Friday 06 March 1891
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 736 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... PRESENTATION AT PONTNEWYDD. The usual quarterly teaiheeting of the Hope Choir was held on Thursday week. Tea was provided at the schoolroom, and a goodly num- ber sat down at the tables. After tea an enter- tainment was held in the adjoining chapel, the chair being taken by Mr. Stanwell. The pro- gramme consisted of a pianoforte solo, Miss E. Parfitt; song, Miss A. Saunders recitation, Miss M ...

Published: Friday 06 March 1891
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 709 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... FOOTBALL, &C. BY 11 ENTHUSIAST. Great Scott Do my eyes deceive me ? The were the remarks I made use of when I ror Jpc(il into Tom's Saloon last Saturday eveni-Dlg- and saw a telegram received from Swamsea,, rubbed my eyes and looked again, but stil.V 'Yhe figures stood out seemingly larger ,ver Five goals 4 tries. Phew Was e,?er*such ?-never. I do like to chaff some of the liot-headed ...

Published: Friday 06 March 1891
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1906 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... Of all the bread which has recently been put to the test, the ANALYSTS adjudge, U Furlow's Housekeepers to be the very best.—ADVT. Epps's COCOA.—GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING.—By a thorough knowledge of the natural LAWS which govern the operations ot digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fin ...

Published: Friday 06 March 1891
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 218 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... OMNIBUS SERVICE BETWESi?: JPONTITOOlf TOWN & PONTYPOOL RO]) STATION. BUS will leave the Tcvw M.z&, Pomy- A daily ('bys excepl-ed)i ca:l ?ng at tho in ccftuection w-?th- the- followimg TntinEf, leaviiag the Clarence Rci?l twc,, minutes- after tfte times given jJeiow. YMRE FOR EMJH PASHa: 1 &:1. WiJi* m Extra Charge for Hea^iyy Lwggage. j Times af M*rtiȤ. f For ISsrth Express; Aborga- P9 ...

Published: Friday 06 March 1891
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 601 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... ITEMS OF INTEREST. WVKTS. The meaning of the word vake is T ail or eve, and the term was origmally appJj6 the annual feasts commemorating the dediat10 The word now is more 'common# applied to a 2nd of revel held by Iris^ peoff over the a departed friend orreluti In Scotland something similar was custom Ajry till within recent years-, though even now occasional instances may bo ...

Published: Friday 06 March 1891
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 297 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... iNTYGLO AND BLAINA LOCAL BOARD. usual monthly meeting of this BOL,.rd held on Thursday, Feb. 26th, when the1e present: Mr. Thomas Morgan (chairman), anchors A. R. Harris and W. Parry, Messrs. P. D. Williams, WM. Parry, E. Harris, L. Griffiths, J. Bainton, J. Allen, R. Rosser, J. A. iihepard (clerk). Dr. H. C. Bevan (medical officer), Gr. Stephens (surveyor, &c.), and a. Williams (collector). ...

Published: Friday 06 March 1891
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 3990 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... A circular letter is being issued by the Controller of the Navy to superintendents of Her Majesty's dockyards authorising an advance in the wafges of the men. The circular skates, that the various petitions of the men have been carefully investi- gated by the Financial Secretary, and the Lords of the Admiralty had arranged with the Treasury to grant increases of pay to various trades as pre- ...

Published: Friday 06 March 1891
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 200 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... Messrs. Frederick Carr and Co., of pastel por- trait fame, have transferred their operations from W.rihi ;Before qaitting the premises the large .g .t.6 of gl Is employed in type- writing, &c., were summarily dismissed by the penon in charge, a man said to be of American, iastionality. A ren*y to remind the creduloug of the olhita le operations, t e -j,'rout nature of Carr Find Co.'s windows ...

Published: Friday 06 March 1891
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 273 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

[No title]

... TLTF-JPMTE WORKERS' MEETING AT PONTYPOOL. A district meeting in connection with the Eas- tern Division of the Tin-plate Workers' Union (which was preceded by a delegate meeting at the White Hart Inn) took place on Saturday last at the Crown Hotel, Pontypool, and was well attended and successful. Mr. J. Stafford, district resident, occupied the chair, and was supported *r. T. l?en3amin, A ...

Published: Friday 06 March 1891
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1416 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... A QTTFSTTOIIT' i connection with the discussi ,Rte 13i]l Procodui-e l?ill, wlictli??ft- Iier House can si-t outside the pr?eiiie., iiiiister Palace. Of their ri&4t t o ,so there is no doubt. I'lie celebrated CUIII't' colisaqueiie4io t,f tItC l?LbO ?g- of 'lioal I If uire into the ei)nli. tioii of the Ebglisli pi,. sitti6gs botlt at tho v?, Fleet aud at ilio Alarolul' IT is a sigii'ificant ...

Published: Friday 06 March 1891
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1436 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News