... - Yesterday, the Court of Appeal, consisting of V the Master of the Rolls and Lords Jnstices Bowen C and Kay, disposed of the appeal of the defendants B in the ease of the Tharsia Sulphur and Copper F Conpany, Limited v. Morel Brothers and Co. and ]i Richards and Co., from the judgment of Mr. Justice Charles, on further consideration after R trial at LiverpooL The plaintiff company, which B ...


... p DISTRICT SESIONrS. t PRESCOT. ?? Elenry Parker, of Peinwood, Enynon, ewas sunisnoned fo r keeping a ma~nservant wvithoult ia lieense. 3Ir. Hleald, of Utigan, su~pervisor U' ?? Revenue, prosesuned. He stated tha' ,r ?? last defendant was5 served with a not:es ui epay for the ritnewal of his servant's license, but lii o had failed to do so. On the 22nd Aprit ri officer called, sod found the ...


... LIVERPiOOL T'RANSFER. SESSION.1 ; A ses'ion of the bench oF magistrae for the 1 e tra$nsfer of licenses wa~s held yesterdaby in theI h jpolice court, ])ale-stieet, teh court consisting of 166 Mr. Alderman Livingston (chawirman), Cot Maor-j tw risen, Messrsa Joshua Sing. John Henderson, J. 20E r. hNorris, E. Browvn., F. W.T Leylanld, P. FOJ ew r) Hemeiryk, and Elisha Smith, A~mirnl Cough. l I- ...


... LIVERPOOL PObLICE COURT. L . - 'a FRI[DAY,.] .ULY 3. er B'FORE: ML; STEW ART. Xr DIsorsDERLY Hoursss -Catherine \\atkct ra as fined £5 and costs M.iary Gibbons 20a. antd co . ss and lilly Necwton (wiho bad been pre~io,'iwy (03, lie victed), £10 and costs, for having allowild th hous~es to be used for imnmoral pulrposes. ?? i~ MNoss, w~ho prosecuted, called avi:nesoes toprw ,that lcoose cht ...


... er BEFORE MESSRS, W. T. JACOB, W. rEAP, JA=ES ;s SMTlH, AND CAPTAIN MOLEUX. it A MIDNIGHT Vzrroe.-An elderly man named in John Fisher was charged with being on the ae enclosed premises of Mr. Henry Simpson, West- be holme, Penkett-roadA Liscard, with intent to corn- ?? mit a ?? deposed that he went ke to bed about half-past ten o'clock last night after at having fastened up his premises. About ...


... GREAT 1 OItTII OF SCOTLAND RAILWAY COalrANY I SUED FOR £500. ! In the Abordeen Sheriff Court yesterday Sheriff Brown closed the record in an action at the instance of Catherine Allan or Cumming, widow, Brooinhill Place, Aberdeen, against the Great North of Scotland Railway Com- pany, concluding for £500 damages for loss sustained by pursuer in conseqnence of her ! husband having been killed ...


... Ir. 'S~rUGHE~s9Q.C insraotd b BI dI'Gnigl), leaed uilt onbehlE o th pr soe to tbeUNT iniomet ANTRIM-, I~th at CROWN COURT. : The LoaD Ca3i1E JUsrTIE (Sir Peter O'Brien, Bart.) entered the Crown Court of the County Courthouse yesterday, and continued the business of the assizes. BMr. 1-I. MlNeile M'Cormick, Cleri of the Crown, was in attendance. ALLEGED OWOUNDING. Catherine Murray was indicted ...


... -:RELAN-D. ,, - in MR. REALTYS ACTION FOR LIBEL. lasct (RX OUR eoGRESOhNBSNT ects. LIMERICK, TuEstSy NIe this To-day the hearing of the action of Mr. T. lue IM. Mealy, M.P., against 2The Sreeman's Smams! t (Liwsrted) torecover 5,0002. damages for alleged libel, he veas proceed ed with, before Lord Ju>stice Barry anda rcnt special jutl. The court was crowded, the greatest in- lces, tercst being ...


... SERITOUS CHARGE AGAINST A I MILITARY OFFICER. 4Z.L.LJ..J.L itr I VX . £ .LY LsL ng, John Rutherford Smith, late a captain of the reld Blauk Watch (42nld Highlanders), was corrneitted ion for trial by tie Uckiield (Sussex) m agistrates, yestec- 'ho day, for sending threatening letters demanding money the of Mrs. Euphernia Williams. the wife of a gentlommn am, farmer, living at Basted. In ...


... 0 - ~ ~ 3 A I:1:_14 In the Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Divi- sion of the High Court of Justice yesterday, Mr. IJustiee Jeunle had~ before hin, the case of Sands v. Sands, Barton. Morisscy, and Oliver. The petition was .E.- that tO the husbandl, er. Wiarir a Hastings Sands, a barrister fm the dissoeltion of the miarriage on the is 151 grounld or the alleged mliscoullct of his wife with the ...


... MYSTERIOUIS POISONING CASE IN THE HAYBIA1BKET. hli Ut Last evening Mr. John Troutbeck, the stal er coronerfor Wesiluiuster, resumed and concluded his yill Lis iquiry at the Board-room, Poland-street, NV., con- Jud ae erning the death of Charles Vales, aged 40 years, a AL to jeweller, who ?? at 27, itupert-street, Haynsarket, on Mrel in the 15th ult., shortly alter taking what purported to be ...


... ?? 0 - - ?? fi r d The case of Kittoc v. Drewe came before Yr. PE ae Justice Mathew and a special jury again yesterday. 15 *r The plaintiff, Captain Markham R. Kitte, sought to t recover from Miiss Mary Drewe a saim of 200?., which he alleged she had, in writnag, agreed to pay to him for St -finding out a gentleman named Ewing, whose where- qkr a abouts she wished to ascertain, which he did by ...