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... GRAND THEATRE. The nttraction at. the Grand Theatre this week is the' nelodrlnin ?? A Big Fortune, which if; played by'li. Willini Bourne end his well-known company. 'rile pliy is one of considr.,ble mnerit, and detteigwitli situtitions in Erngl'itid and (he gold mining distilic of tile United Stet~e. Many realistic incidents are develoned in working out tli plot, and in. the hnnds of a good ...


... PRNCE OFYWALES DANUBE MR ALEXANDER AND THE ST. JAMS'S THEATRE COMPANY, IN THE IDLER. Mr. George Alexander long ago won his spurs on the Birmingham boards, and his many local friends and admirers are glad to give him right cordial welcome in his appearance at the head of the admirable London company that he now so worthily oontrols. Mr Alexander is, indeed, a very valuable addition to the ...


... ITHE WARWI°XSHIE AGRICUTURAiL I I . I~ SHOW. . I Yesterday,.the second day of the Warwickshire Show at Alcester, proved as pleasant as the first. The weather was even more brilliant, and, as the priees of admission were lower, the attendance'of the first day (which was about 2,500) was very greatly exceeded. The jumping in the horse-ring, of course, was a great feature of the second day Soce ...


... v .. | 1'ERVOBMANCE BuORE0 THE QUEEN. Mr D'Oyly Carte's Comic Opera Company gave a performanceof the Mikado atBalmoralonFriday night before the Queen, the members of the Conrt, a number of the nobility and gentry of the district, and the principal tenants on the estate. The ballroom in which the play was per- Iformed was comfortably filled by about 250 persons. While Her Majesty has not ...


... I * m ) i . I., ul wi; i *l*oJI IA , l . ?? Z,,, ?? pttrn i; ' ?? We Rhet.Not R#et, b'y Atthtir 'F Oh9ppi e (;l~ouls i: atbli FIt is, 'n ?? I fn oro'rh'- wtoit %-tH4 ' ttit're8 qe w pac' but.f rnien tibths~phtz; rel~gcfki secu}na8 tsd,#,i t~~elt cV I 1~l q~eo, tqep~ pxprps~,v~d,.,,, t ToidaeselIst National.{hbrary wenots thwudditifm of '.(iol~itrnith'R Piays.'f'nd 'tJ dr,, les ...

Theatrical Mems

... zeatuieal fjrm0, The ?? of the Gaiety Theatre with the second edition of Joan or Arc' .han now been post. poned nutil to-morrow owing to the alterations not being complete, Nius Fanny Brough has been nufferinr from a sore throat, which bat kept her out of the bill at Drury Lane. Mr Leonard Bavne has alo been absent from the Adelphl through Iliu, Mr Seymof Lucas, AiA.IA, who was sesrouslp ...


... I I .w s r As _ __ Z _st __ ?? J- - its The foyth show of sportieg and other dogs, Clu under the auspices of the Glasgow Kennel Club, n openeo in Brhbak Halls yesterday. Theowetries Ste were ftwer then last year. The quality, however, Js wAS fairly good, although it musto be said that is one or two classes, particularly in the collie section, T Y there were animals which ahouid not have been ...


... I wrHE ?? RSA A: .Lamtzgt a j epla o Xtk agdiezlle wer treated to a s Theanuflcemenlt of the .,pcqduoticn of* ii 'flovaWp dJ4 4Lt itT4 ve:.y -large audiege, but ?? theill WaM of %dmc Bwrna .this opaa^ Jds1 tS be Phanged at ve ry short np9ee. The s-batitte se I g'oo. Soine credit is due to the ?? £pr £diec boldn ess with which they selected as a to8p gaj an opera fu'l of diiculties, auid ...


... 11 i ?? MY DEAR MILcs-When I lived in London I was sickened of the word loyalty by the nar- rqw, extravagant, and intoleraut view of it taken D a by one of my best friends there. This gentle- a man, though an ardent and even an Irish Tory, P freely forgale me evcrything in my Nationalist d politics except my lack of veneration for the I Queen. It was vain for me to urge that, Va the! ...


... N EWTOWfNAILDS HORTICULTURAL I SOCE'TSY'S SHOW. i Newtowvnards, Thursday. To-day the thiirly-sixth annual flower ahow and horse jumping fetes Nvere held at the Nurseriee. NewtwNTards. under mtust favourable auspices. The attendance wili larger than ussu;!. The floral disnliv could scarcelv iso eurpassed. Oil th4 wstlol tih eonas grz'. n'7 sles a'core ry p:-aise::> me ry,and Ishowedl thlat Sile ...


... GAIE:TY TFEATRE- TIBE BOHEMIAN GIRL. -- Last nright the ?? and delightful xmasterpecc of Balfe, ' qhie Bohemian Girl, was producecd at the Gaiety Theatre be'ore a crowded auoiernce. However much critics may exsnaust tieir vocabula:y of praise on grander and greater VwcTk, they can never do iustiee to the melodious charms of this lovely creation. Its airs are as famniliar as our national ...


... ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. By a. L.EDn. THIS BY THlE WAY. I hope that nosne of mV readers intend to indulg-e in |aterials patterned with hairy discs, which look very like lar';c moles or incipient bheard,. They are really gro;s to a rafned taste, as suggestivc of wnat cannot Ic ?? to the eye, nor in any ceto be delsi-A. TIIE BEGINNING OF T1IE TRAKIN. Literally, all newv sltrts are muadze to ret a ...