Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MR. F. H. HENSHAW. We greatly regret to announce that Mr. Frederick Henry Henshaw, the eminent landscape painter, died yesterday evening, at his residence, Green Lanes, Small Heath, at the age of eighty-four. He was very seriously ill some months ago, when he found it necessary to submit to a severe operation. From this he recovered in a manner remarkable for a man of his advanced age ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... d)EATH OF LORD CHEYLESMORE. The death is announcel of Lord Clheylesrrrore, which occurred unexpectedly at W ar'saw, it, Poland, on Friday. His lordship left Eragruard sonre weeks ago for a tour in IRussia with (nolieral Du Hlat, C. B., Equerry to the Quceri. AfM r visit- ing Moscow anid St Petersburg. hc was detitillrl at Warsaw by wvhiat appeared to be, a slight Crill, aWll the ailiment ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGE OF MR SYDNEY GAMMELL ON DRUXTOCHTY AND COUNTESSWELLS. TENANRY REJOICINGS. Yesterday Mr Sydney Garmmnell, son and heir of Ithe Rev. J. S. Gammell of Drumtoehty and Countesswells, was married to Miss Alice Stobart, Wykeham Rise, Totteridge, at St Andrew's I Church, Totteridge, London. Rev. Mr Gammeli, father of the bridegroom, in tile absence of thi Bishop of Lincoln, officiated at the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE I DEATH OF MR. PARNELL ARRANGEMIEiNTS FOR THE FUNERALT - _ ?? LOn-nON. FRIDAY.-ThePress Association says:- PI The committee having charge of Mr. Parnell's hi funeral to-day received a communication from the RI secretary of the Glasnevin Cemetery committee C placing any site they might select for the in- aI terment of the remains. At nooi Dr. J. E. B. tq Kenny. Mr.T. Harrington, Mr. Richard ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ',;DnatsoN.'-At 376 Lansdowae Terrace, on the 223 inst., the wife of Robert Andersen; a daui-ter. AKCN;BAL:oiAt The Gardens, Kilmardinny, en t h d inst., the wife of l'obert Archibald ;wp4s (sen and dasrhltert)-ail doing well. ?? 5 Gienavon Terrace, Parlick, On i irs^., the wife of John F. Beaumont; a dant iter. ZLACL-At 4 Righ Street, Lochmaben, on the inst., the wife of Nlr Jdames Black, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... AUSM-- 5t inst. t1BI CIIItS.l I Hie,~,reford, th Ie wife A cN~taA It A il T biopsi' a Lace, InfantrY, ol a ,en. 'YAn, Sitteire igh 13tAL.-7$tl ilst., ait 3, Alwyne-siluare, Ganonuryb teu if E . Wellis It. hal. of at san. _s1irSWtl i:LQ7IFIELD.-2 ll int., at 22, 1l,.reford.siae A. h siie of Arthur C. Itloistiold. of a soil.- RiAY..ltitllGet., t The ILirs,,el'ontefiwl(t, the wife of 0aptain ...

:e-The feath THE sud

... den and quite unexpected of death of Mr. PARNELL, removes Mr. Parnell. from the political field one of the greatest public figures of our time. This is no exaggerated description. Mr. PARNELL worked of necessity within a limited area and with small resources. But no man could have worked his small resources to greater effect, or commanded for the arena on which he fought a larger amount of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . - !. LIRR AE.1?TA'S, a4.V-D DEATES. oul s ll ust be Wuliv atrthnixca'ed atdxx -l . o by :at eniiaxxx. at 2; 6d for 46 xord or 'aor each ?? 9 xords, wxithout white o! 0 ?? b'e .'xeltt'i. ?? ?? 'brts, 231, at .The 'inor tlowus, Coll]- , : . J.InI. ix' ix;'xxx 'a -I s- . ?? .oy, ?? 's'2r 9. 1'. r. 1, a' '7 i .x uard. East- e 'Le. or itle it-; IRo-i-ald D G( s a of adaugh- ?? ?? a' S ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Xivths. ?? 12 Ullie Street, 13tb iCst, Mrs Win. svyd ; a daughter. C u. - At Woodside Cottage, Grautown-nen- Spev. on the 12th inst., the wife of William (tI;rrie, Calcutta; a daughter. C :us.-At 4 Gleocairn Drive, PsIlhisethiolds. on Iw,:h inst., the wife of Williana Gibb, CiLy cashier; ?? .-her. Uh ?? Elvesna Cotta;,e, Dosrnfontein, -&aurg, Sosuth Africa, wa the 12th inst., Nlr- Louis ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Domestlo Ooourrenoos. W* Axmnouncements of Births, Marriapes, and Deaths aie chsrged Is (cash) and Zs 6d (credit). SS Noticas of Births. Marriages, or Deaths, are received at this office for insertion in any foreigp, London, or provincial newspaper. BIRTHS. Bincn-On the 24th inet, at Corvillo, Chester, the wife of Hfenry J. Birch. of a son. EVANs-Oa the 22nd inst. at 118, Craven-street, Bit ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,e ,. 1. 1. 'n urn ' o ..e: on tke2i4th uit.. thle Usl. Jsi i ;. IS i' -ritd . oti u dl.t'twh't' 1 > 15 i ' .t II it[. 28th tii., 3Irs C. ?? liapToN, 'nM tim 25'h uit., th Nvif;u of Mir IV. 11. Thoep.- c-on n ti.' w4l1; U:-, th'e i;'ie of C. Sehoerins' of IcL ?? ?? r Ap;o i, 0 n thi 2hh ult., tn x.i cof .fuiin E. Fi oi a deaig'htor. I;'I E 31 ;lnt., the 11 ie of Jo-. T. Xl'IslIV;- 11(12-. ? ...

Births, Marriages, a

... nd Deaths. BIRTHS. BALLARD. -Sept. 28, at Abbey View, Biabopetleet, Brooks's Bar, the wife of F. D. Balari, ofta sou. HOPE-On the 25th Sept.. at Derby House, Burton, Derby- shire, the wife Of Herbert Hope, of a daughter. KELLICK-On Sept. 21, at Red Bank, Chorley, Lancashire, the wife of W. Menrv Elick, of a dauzihter. LEES.-On the 27th Sept.. at Sand'hurst, Talbot-street, Southport. the wife ...