... LITERARY-NOTICES. th WAUGHWS LIFE OF LORD %th TENYSON.*Th - in I believe iwprogress, -and I would cosrve the hopes of man -such is the keynote of gr Tennyson's poetry; and from the standpoint of of ...


... MAGAZINES FOR NOVEMBER :, The FortsigWly (Chapnian and Hall) con- i t tains a paper by Mr. NV. O'Brien, M.P., on sMr. Morley's Task in Ireland. It is sym- e pathetically conceived, and frankly recog ...


... ART NOTE, !, j Tis evening tbe-rewM be a oonvermvione at t! the liverpool Art Cdob in comectiell with tbej closing of the amateur exhibition. A paper will be read by Mr. G. B. Thompeon on 9Th 11a E 1 ...


... THE THUTRES Divers opinions were expressed ms to --The of aes ',wii thssfinewo had ocxupied the ?? a of a conedy-wich. e is utbd noonvenwnL One o~f the me rS i i Dte a period in whiich. t there is a strivmig ate- moement on a higher . n pbsn, sof-as~ thstgi cocreM PiM , ?? by keen perce of the pretensions and the o- g -ranra w =ich are thre altetziationa of dhaly I ,6 life. has ontraived a ...


... be - is In awcordane with a practice which has long e$ obtained, the dates of the concerts of the Liverpool re- Philharmonio Society's sason of l892-93 have ir already been fixed, but the committee, so far as irs, we can learn, have not yet approached the matter 'en of the selection of executants and subjects. r lks Sir John Stainer and Mr. W. G. M'Nanght B a were in Liverpool this week, ...


... ART NOTE& EXHIBITION OF MARINE PTCRES. At Mesm Grindley and Palmer's gallery, Church-street, there wre at preset on view Lsome S0 pictures and drawings by Ayerst Ingram, an artist who has done so much to b bring British painters into rapprochement %ith the Australian public in Victoi*, New .South Wales, and South Australia. Mr. Ingram's o sympathies, as shown in this exhibition, are with the ...


... 'i By ZiroS. a n. Those who have been apprehensive that the a *d ordiiiary musical proceedings of Cardiff would . In suffer by reason of the festival just over, will leara re withi satisfaction that Monday night's concert by e- Senor Sarasate arid Madame Berthe Marx at rhe e s Park-leall was fairly well attended. Two A ac years ago, when Ltie distinguished violinist p first visited Cardiff, ...


... 1 nt .Iy [BYv ZETUs.] as. 'Two concerts of ?? imtportatnce occu- it- pled thle Great endi Leeser Park-hiails, Cardiff, on C Ilie Wednesday evening. It is a little roystifying why C' Ii1, the responsible muanagers of concerts al ways lix A lii it on WotAeoisdtais. An unfortunate cllanidg o~i Parne InI Wednesday nigh-t wits thle consequence. Noitwitit- Glad! ild standing, it wees rgrettable, to ...


... RE.C.ENT PUB3LICATIONS, Th/c Lider' is itlrprovinrg. Tie M;ry nufirbar' is distiliriily, gacl. Jsrcrur is Ilrioit fit Iris best irr Ilis ?? Nteis, and nil the otier hi rigs iii tire b'rok, atirighlr Mliterirg in chlatrtler, reacn n high poirt. of excfllenop. Mr. Arnoid's * uther frd thli T1'.icri: 'r ' is !I beautifil p tiece otf tvIitiTi:, whiletlrr man rin idoea is irrisiril red ...


... ICARDIFF MUSICAL FESTIVAL COMMITTEE, *es THE 1895 FESTIVAL, er ge A meeting of the provisional committee is appointed to make kyrangements for the festival to take pilce in 1895 was held on Wednesday E tet afternoon at the Park Hotel, Cardiff. The meeting s0 was called to elect officers for the next two yesrs, ODn at the expiration of which period the new t. euaranters will be called to elect ...


... LOCAL AMUSE1MENTS. ''TiE YOUNGI rILCl{'U1T`' AT TILE T1IAEA'1TRlf RO0YAL, CARI~)IIF. 'Tlwire WhOs 1k caltatll asslla'ibly tit thet Thpal re Hlcvil, C wxilly, Oil Monday ovollin~ to witness thjo lurst piitdiictliin in iii i town ofi 1 tilt burlesque olpera, ATho Yoong Itecruit.1 Sir Auguetusr Harris iii uk tiie haxs been the enesnoS of placing before thle putblic oprars and plays which have ...


... iOCon' AL AMUSECMENTS, flT AND SULLIVAN'S OPERAS AT CAI.DIFF THEATRE ROYAL. [Liv ZavS.1 l retleets the ilighiest credit on the patriotism Ile liritisol publc that the operas which have tibo the strongest hold on its affections are of native authors. And when it is ,,tlered bow fashionable it has been r, to the performances and praise- v e itliotit sense or reason-tbe productions 1.reigp ...