... . CARDIFF MUSICAL FESTIVAL, THE EXAMINING BOARD AND CANDID.ATES. TO TEE EDITOR OF T'EHE WESTERIT MAIL. iSliR,-IrI the ?? of tibe turf iC sal-fE iiotstlon, 3 the subscribers to the gunrantee lund, the rejected choir candidatos, anti tihe public generilly, I iaptend hereto copies of correspondence wvich t s passed between the council and mry~nlf, and, in order teitt tihe public might, judge ...


... As good a sixperinywortlr as we bave ever seen Divii is the English dictionary in Coillir's illustrated Mr. series. Well arid clearly printed, strongly borund, in tt containing nearly 300 pages, giving pronunciations, tionm an appendix of nbureviaiions, foreign waorns and matt phrnsos, and upwnrds of 300 illustrations, the book nre Eeems to bavo touched brittim in point of chep- At reas and ...


... PERIODICALS FOP. SEpTEMBl.I The N een Cerua Con taina tbir4e articles, varied in character and generally ofs erestin, Professcr Goldwin Smith really sums up for us she article on the contest for the Presidency in the United States, for, alter deveting more than % dozen pages to the subject, he says that the only thing Which is acertain is that between this time and next November there willy ...


... PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE The successful engagement of MrC. H. Hawtreyat th1e Prince of Wales Theatre, his first appearance in Bir- mingham, closed on Saturday night with considerable dlat. Mr. Hawtrey, unfortunately, bad not to wai; until the fall of the curtain for an occasion for a speecb. At the conclusion of the overture Mr. Hawvtrey came to the front and explained that owing the illness of ...


... LONDON COE OF MUSIC. At the recent exalinatiois, held at the Birmingham Centre, tbe following were the successful candidates:- PiaIno (senior): Elsie Raddciffe (honours), Ottie Davis, Jennie Race (honours), Elsie Mary Booth, Ruth Hannah Judge (honoars), F. P. Barry (honours), Ada Mary Rudder (bonours), Frances Caroline Winny (honours), Edith Emily Barlow (hcnoursL, Evelyn Stevens (honours.) ...


... e'ASBIONS AT THE. SEASIDE. At the French watering-aiaces white serge, says the Dcfi CAsonide, is ina specia' favour, and to be copurchic must be lined throughout with blank. A tailor-made skirt of . this kind has round the hems three narrow bias folds of black silk. The ?? wauscoat, much more behoming to the figure, 6e i' said, than the square cat-'is rather low, showing a shirt and tie, is re ...


... THEATRE ROY44 INOBEw' When it occurred to Messr Harry and Edward Paultoa that the theme of the animated statue that bad been so artistically handled by Mr. W. Gilbert in his beautiful play, Pygmalion and Galates,' and so -humorously treated by Mr. Anstey in his diverting story, The Tinted Venus, could be turned to good account in a three-act farce they weeerainy inspired with a happy ...


... Pick and seed very carefully one pound and a quarta of the best layer raisins, which put in a large bowl with on e pound of currants, well washed, dried, and picked; one pound of kidney suet, chopped not too fine; two ounces each of candied lemon, orange, and citron peel, six ounces of the best flour, half a pound of fine bread crumbs, half a pound of brown sugar, the grated rind of a lemon, a ...


... ?? SBSATTC3 : Reprint of Articles Contributed to the Satrday Retieze. By Sir JAMn Fm- ,0MfS STPEIEN, Bart., KC.S.I. Third- Series. r[1acraillan ] his volume appeals to a more limited elass of readrs than the preceding ones. The individual of i.sue and uncertain characteristics known as Ad the eaeral reader may reasonably be supposed to have 9 interest in JOinville and St, Louis, FrOissart, ...


... A writer in twood gives the following interestimp story:.- To-day we bave no cause for gloomy thoughts, as lighting our cberuots we scramble on to the pad elephants and give the signal for a start. Our road took us for a couple of miles along the foot of the hilly mroamd. into-which we then turned, and, making a circuit round the base of a~ long low hill, took up our stations at the far ride ...


... I E sAYS ON LITrLARE AND PEsoSOPHr. By EDWARD CAIRD. In two vols. [Maclehose. The second of these volumes, dealing with Car- ?? and Metaphysics, will have attractions for only a limited class of readers Abstract concep- tions and painful discussions about matters which lie beyond the realms of possible knowledge are innutritious diet for the many. Professor Caird writes with great lucidity, ...


... ?? OF.WALER T=EATg TH AM N RT WOA It is ; bright feather in the cap of 3f 1d H Cipto that he has been tbe first actor to induce the ,istmgmshed American niselist, Mr. Henry James, to -Write for tie stage. The Aierican,` as h ¢is filmpayisi evey respect callede o- 6 clusively proves that n him we ye amore than tl welcome addition to om not too lengthy list of csble Se dramatists, swhilethe ...