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Drogheda Argus and Leinster Journal


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Drogheda Argus and Leinster Journal


... country (hear, hear). Referring to the forthcoming Municipal Elections he said there were three sound Nationalists and three Whigs going out. They had honest Natiosalists in the Fair Gate Ward, Messrs Gorman and Lyons, who had been identified for many years ...


... themselves hu. must accept whatever their English masters choose to throw them. That was not the doctrine by which, opposed to Whig and Tory, they won the Land Act, the Labourers Act. and the other measures won in the face of all opposing forces by the Irish ...


... Division of lb.. Drogheda Union. Their old friends, Maar, P C Greene and Healy. were being , ippored by Natiooalia's of the Whig type. They hid Mr Patiick kiddy coming to the front; they had Mr Patrick Pentotiy. of Drybridge, and the, had Mr James M•Quillan ...

SCENTIFIO DR&SSMAKING. MISS A. J. PALMER, 411, LAURZNOIC ar, DROOLVIDA (Opposite the Kant a halted). Is ..

... any °barge lemma reported to him or shy o'ber person. or for say other reason is required to ledge au objeci toe thereto, 'Whig the par tooter• of nit denten t, and Maly verified. with the maid Clerk, on or he'ore the lot day of biusereber 1%92. and to ...


... Boyne water. As the ecottish bard says of the famous lilt of l'unagorurn that Whig and Tory all agree to dance it, so all our political parties. Indepen dents. Fe.•lerattonists, Whig and Tory however they agree to differ on other lines are in unison in c ...


... the half acre plot was not tilled at all. If they get the acre be didn't auiw what hey won't with It, A MAN OF NO POLITICS—WHIG OS TORY. The Clerk rnitoooced that he bad receivel a cheque for 6 .3, 17. on account of prolate dory. Harney—YouNr are making ...


... He trusted they would set to work to organise their districts so as to meet the enemy face to face. They would reject those Whigs who loved the flesh pots of Egypt more than their country. iir John Kelly, organizer, next addressed the meeting. He scarcely ...


... th- same whether it was a Whig or Tory Government that ruled over us, we are simply in th position of Irishmen living in their own land to quote the words of Jobs Mitchell, who save They may fight amongst th-mselvesi— Whigs and Tories. bat when it ...

THE DROGHEDA AR G US -SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1892. In reply to farther qusetious, Dr Kelly said the ..

... LMAMY in United Ireland. The new Par• nellite papers in Dublin were firm in their belief that Mr BALFOUR would dish the Whigs. Mr Joss REDMOND in the debate on the first reading said he came prepared to give the Bill fair consideration, but it was ...

IRISH NATIONAL FEDERATION. DROGHEDA BRANCH. The usual fortnightly (nastily/. of this branch was field on ..

... their great leader, Charles Stewart. Parnell (applause). They would not allow the 72 Whigs to postpone Home Rule to please the twig of the Radical Party, and it the Whigs are weak enough to do so they would fight them in the country and flog them (hear, ...

League wunl4 alf ird facilities to every man in I trogheds to have his vote properly registered . The Clerk

... vote be would be sure to be elected (applause). The Chairman in putting the resolution said that the vistory was won by the Whigs, by the ignorance and treachery of the men of coutb Loath, and on these teen, especially the farmers, lies the responsibility ...

patent'errant of the Crown. An inquiry was 1 assistance I In the face of all the facts—an held spree years

... tenants and their board. cause have been let go to waste in the bands or It was weed on to give him 2s 6d per day, him and the Whig party. Noone could say it was which, by a curious calculation, the guardians &crime to press forwunithe cleans of these men ...