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... I MOVEMENTS OF LOCAL VESSELS. Rhosina left Alexandria for Hull 19th Scots Greys arvd New York 18th Sapphire left Norfolk for Hamburg 18th C W Anderson left Bayonne for Cardiff 18th Treherbertarvd St Jean de Luy 17th Labarrouere left Alicante for Kouen 17th Walter Thomas arvd Marseilles from Cardiff 18th Fountains Abbey arvd Lisbon 17th Egglestone Abbey arvd New York 17th Allonby arvd Sables ...


... ENGLISH CRICKETERS IN I AUSTRALIA. Saturday. An immense crowd assembled this morning to WitJWS3 the contilllution of tho match between the Snglishm-n and the combined Australian Eleven. Last night it was announced that S. Gregory would take the place of his fellow- colonist, Turner, in the Australian team, and much satisfaction was expressed this m.-rning when it was found that the change had ...

Lawn Tennis at Penarth. —«•- i

... Here and There. One of Archdeacon Farrar's sons is a journalist in America. The new Midland station at Leicester will cost £150,000.. America has shipped to Europe this year 1,454,000 barrels of apples, Mr Dd. Owen and Mr Bright, who have been on a tour through America to contemplate the tin-plate outlook, are on their way home. Captain Owen Thomas, of Bryndu, has been selected as Unionist ...


... I ) A JUMP FROM CANTON BR!DGE. I Strange Freak. On Tilurzii 'ay evening, between se\'en and e'glT-t o'clock, z4 Yc)uiif,, inin named John Sulh- yan. apparently about 26 yeara of age, and tivmg in Mary Ann-strset, Cardin', while in a state of semi-:ntoxication. v/as seen by the pedestrians parsing over Canton fridge to suddenly mount the iron balustrade on the south side and plunge headionEr ...


... TO-DAY'S MARKETS. con: GLASGOW, Monday.—Market was generally quiec, buyer., bomg few, and to promote sales less money had to be accepted. Maize was 2d cheaper, at 13s 6d on the spot. Wheat was dull, at 17s for Scotch. Fionr and peas unchanged. Beans were little asked for. Oats were difficult to sell, and lower quality were clieLi,er-i)rice, 16] to 23s. LosnOK. Monday.*—Market flat and inactive ...

> Doncaster _Spring Meeting. I

... > Doncaster Spring Meeting. I T> ON CASTER, FRIDAY. A stormy night wa.? A stormy nighr was succeeded by a showerymornin, and it was raining heavily, and the heat was intense when a commencement was made with the second day's programme, the ground, of course, being very soft. The attendance was surprisingly good considering the wretched outlook. I)et,,tils lAS-The PORTLAND STAKES of BSeach, ...

Salisbury Meeting.I

... Salisbury Meeting. SALISBURY. FRIDAY. As many visitors who assisted at the opening day's port journeyed on to the Metropolis last night, there was a great faliimr-oiT in the attendance to-day. The meellng;, however, has been tolerably successful taking it altogether. Some nice raiu fell during the night, which freshened up the foliage, and the country is now looking beautiful. The weather, ...

I I . -Northampton Meeting. I

... I I Northampton Meeting. NORTHAMPTON, TUESDAY. That the winter has not yet departed was in strong evidence this morning, as the fi.o,t. was very severe oaring the night, and the course almost as hard as a turnpike road. The sini, however, fortunately came out early, and softened the ground long before the time appointed for racing, but the wind continued cold. There was an excellent attendance ...


... FACTS AND FANCIES, Energy will do anything that can be done in this world; and no talents, no circumstances, no opportunities will mako a two-legged animal a man without it. Our life is determined for us and it makes the mind very free when we give up'wishing, and think only of bearing what is laid upon us, and 'doing what is given us to do. Professor: This eccentricity you speak of in your ...


... On Tuesday and Wednesday a. very successful sale of work was held at the Mission-room, Iddesleigh-street, Cadoxton, the proceeds of which will be devoted to a fund for the restoration of the Parish Church. On Tuesday afternoon the bazaar was opened by Major-General Lee, who said he had been asked by the Rector (Mr. Morris) to come there and open the sale of work, which he did with great ...