Advertisements & Notices

... NO= TO ADVFRTISEPiS. EIQUIRY OFFICE bS F O~te coisulted.e ul, - ?? IrmG =0! =.b Le~w _'tI tlI sid h T b e Ha E ~ t E W i 70t L N E H I O In a b D A I L Y &IR Sl~' of PHHI'AID ADVERT 8EMEET(NT C-c v .edlng three lhss s I less )r eferg t o Sli oss UOLI e ned Penos W ased Praet to be Sold or Let. Aat 6 s er e. a r .oUi a l te M issal sas o u W a ts ci ilis cO nl ,4 si nt7 . 5s sEX PENOl The c ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1OE -G- TO AD. _ .R. 00ev is itn -aliey, b hmmstcfeonno Uo Ansti t Depsrtraet. atwhic i to Advertisents ?? the Lteersooi a eremed tree .cbre. ad wbere flies o the , ie M May. b nx -HARGABE VOU IN4SXTIOW in-: zbe DAILY b UMERCRY of PEEPAID ADVR!IESEMENTS (oT1 ex- ?? enil rsteniisto Breathers, Houses ] d- Wanted Propertw to te Sold dr Le, Apart * mees. Oad all thde MslaossWanWX ofth crn f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,].BION MILK AND SULPHUR ] SOAp_-PUt,~. roost ?? an~d m~ de* Xife W; ma* it a~whOre. Uneqt~ld for I, f o il ~ r irtateobY a the mbat iendi ?? - DBe l-kz Ad teoa? M _~aldeis~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. ExQUIR-Y OFFIE. ¶>a ThnfrO i~s in Roe-alley to imm~edia e~,n tien witb the A dM t Deennt, at whicb ?? to Ad;stief tg ar in ti eo are recerved free at dbaee. SWd wle sies tf tba XaerWT m& be mnslte:L The CHARGE FO1B flNSERTION in the DAft. yxwautr oif PREPAID AI)VE it??ISnM (ot ex. Cdeding tcree lines in lenth. referring to Situation, Hois and Pcnons Wnted, PropertY to be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OURT THEATRE .CARL Rosk OrA Oo. . aT gfFSDAY!, FOR POUR %NIGHTS Ofly, CeaLLI 3udt his Celecbraida C=D~y in the ?? fl Drs- by LA-i CR&lIS, pASON THO'| pd Evry Eveuing Dii the Week, at 7 30, pIS0N THORN; S, O. 1£ 'AY OF TRANSGR3SSO we CflALLES, Author of The Curate,&' wr. wiain Thorm. .31r. Sh Ca LTLIS. T kTTR ACTION FoE EAST WEEK. iB A7TGUSTUS HARRIS'S Gre Drary-Raue Soss, Of gE pRODIGAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ^,IL OLET SERVICE, with ric~h emboased de~o. f) tbe $el0eIe, igo!d. 55)tlZva ue P-Evans,U.a ht, p of Bold-street). 4aDIO tic ?? y'sofdhandome D RES-S TRIMMIN G. sunable6 f& t ?rrao drzssinG go0wn, unsoiled, Lie. the lot; valne50& s-- 3 . . .Luke'Ii -place . . .. 4a -Y'-rtollEWhatnot CABINET in Japaneseola2w40 Jj1 i.ý j1rs er, shelve, and remonvable foat6 richly Ml _ -- oldevisesý, £S;vaine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NUTICE TO ADVE'RTSE . _ = its e AdXri:$C hs the oo Cbq ho A ?? so 01che,,'adwbri -e Meewj t wo~~ ~ In t~~m DAILY V LYand all t.te X&ioeeija~,,,~ ' Wane o nd th no SIX~~y~~ Theehuzc fo Te~t CON- ped ?? 42ah aiad. N Ad,,tiaeinnte f i A P-60at~ willb ?? b libearge e O- 5zls r aep tweic ae. toal ano mns to ?? charge f cl tl~ atatnps -orC y p staeoul ranse 'ad'~e o. To, to tte,~to hefduay, th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~CUNARD LINE. TheSteamers of tbh Line followthe spee~ed Outward and Homeard Track.s adopted b .t1. eading- Li verpool and New York Slema~ip ,Zmlhal ROYAL MAIL STEA-mMERS FROX)X LIVERPOOL viA QUEENSTOWN. TO NEW YORK. I TO BOSTON. CgP,&I A..Sat, April 22 PAVONIA ?? .Tb. April r hEEIA ?? Sa.. Apre 29 SCYTHIA ?? Thn., May AL`RANTA ?? Sax.. -May 6 i ClI`HAIAJNIA..Th.,VMay 11 7.WT0I7llA ?? ?? 13 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... txe CRAT, a ?? nnoz W =1Y e14 W ?? ~ A T13 lt-tkA y g ves LIVERJPOOL .s- heV hel4 gro ver~ per C BOSSSAD C LS CR~S Inb~sandja B PR I~ BROSSE AeD LACKWELL'S P tJ V12M1GAZ allu Of , in ?? qua boMLe. ROSSE AND BLACXWEILUS A C B JEB:S. . Oange, lemon, Porc and 0 ft CROME AND BLAcKw9iLUIS 4 JAM ?? O&A1,G1 MB. UD-E. h& Pf~OSSE AND _nLACWE WLLa'S I 5JIn pint aitcaart tiDa. SOUPS. 'Dea w~~~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOT1CE TO ADVERTISERS. ENQUIRY OFICE._ 055' Fs Ine -aley, in Uesediate cornse Lr r1 ?? es~t DeFtnaet, at wbhien ?? ,~nde,,,nts~ appearng in the )srrie Mrear1 are to -; e~lm i of dthere ot r~ o *cwp m ay V 'ahTeVA-57A t FOR A SSFRID ONF iD the DAILD | J4fP.pAJDVERTISEMENTS (not et. do. xedi e sr 'inc length) reftilu to St ^s Hoses ! rr WUKL Me RCaURYhd d Pr reer c to be Sold Or A pa !aer Ns ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !OT1CE TO ADVERTISERS. ENQUIRY OFFICE, -- S te ArtveztiS emuns Department, at svtict PReplies to r ppearing in tbe Liroa. 3Ireqry are X -d ,r o' chasre, and where tilef of the Mcmenry moy rtco1sedt --L . FA FOP. IN'F.RTT0I1 in the DArrY pap g8CLgY ot PRItPAID ADVERTISEMhENTS (not ex- f ines in lengthl referring to Situations. Hiose A de: P ey bS o r or alls tne Mliscellaneous Wants of the cam ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL - A a LIVERPO vA LINsE i TIO NEW YOAL I TO BOSTO. - CAMlPA A:ti.S Ant IS jSYTHIlA. ?? Aug. 17 ?? uAg. 26 CEP£ALONIoA , AIl.24 EXTTR.A NEW YORK SEMVIO - ?? es- Aug. 22 S ?? Soe.L 5 For 6be convenience of Saloon asensgers havogslag Jd A and the South the embarkation hour for the Saturdwy ?? c 11011 QUEBE C01MO ANtDia rnoderote 2beso c Via Lonanddszry. Srl5 .UANA uD ST HIDP COMPiANYY L.SDEL ...