... A1RT NOTE&. Next. Tuesday, in hig stad%, PoolI-k D V South C'aatle-4treet, Robert Fowler, RL, w'ill place on exhibition a. niall buit important col- e lection Of pictures and dra'wings, some of which | - are intended for the forthcoming metropolitan 1 and other exhibitions. In the irsb room, the r decorations of which are uaique, is a strarge, mystical, and impressive. cpri gt picture repre- ...


... THE SPRING SHOW. I T'he tenth spring show of hyacinths, tulips, R azalea, and forced hardy plants, under the PI I auspices of tbe LiverpoolHorticultralA ciation, s was held yeterday it 5t. (eorge's Hall. Generaly speaking, theshow Sw8 5jaell to that of any prerious L -pring exhibition, and perhaps more bloam was notieed than usual. This w3s especially gratifying seeing tbap the date of the ...


... LITEARY NOTIM. Master DonI Gsaado. - By lam g Vg e author of The House by the Medarree, A . Tracslation by Mary A. Criig In to vu i (21s. London: Osgood, Mtflve, and Co.). It is only after this novel las been perased to d the end that its endurable, qualitie will be d I appreciated as they should be ; for, apart from a is plot which increases in intensityfrom chapter , to chapter and towards ...


... we 0. A reprint of Captain Cook's first voyage iB pro- to tmised us shortly by Mr. EIliot Sock. It will fe Jay be produced under the editorship of Captain mf o Wharton, of the Admiralty, and will include g91 i in oopies of the original illustrations anmi maps. A ItI pro- curious feature of this edition will be that some of a8 rfear the copies will be bound iii wood from Captain On it ib ...


... THE LIVERPOOL DOG' AMD POULTRY SHOW. The LiverpOA D~og, Poultry, Pigeon, and 7aRabbit Show [lag always been a featare of the hiti It I lr~ Ityear in the city and bas, over ranked high among 01( grdull ' hbtimns. FOr twelve years it has law gaulyprogressed in public estl toi .ha l!Portance, and in quality- and ths thirteenth show, 1,1 MI'which was opened yesterday at the North Hay- h a ...


... |TKE ROYAL COURT OPERA , if HOUSE. | I i- & . in 7 h- VERDIS OTHELLO. iD- rill Verdi is one of the most interesting and, despite ed his advanced age, one of the most vigorous per- F ed sonalities in intellectual Euroane. Even now, M in his 80th year, he is engaged upon an opera jal whose libretto carries the subject of Falstaff. A be A mervly cursory review of his career as a comr- con ~he ...


... DLNCING AS AN ART. ITS HISTORICAL ASPEC7. There has rarely beeo so nulwwoS a XStb g of the momners of the Liverpool Teacho Gui-:d and their fnend as was seen at L niver-ity College on Saturday evening, ?? E A. Strong, LLD., being in the chziz-Mre. G:rzU read a paper on The Hitorical Aspuat cE Dancing. This may bave beo partailly due to the fact that the antique dces of which she bs, were to ...


... -Right's Right is a melodrama of a conven- tional type, but it p.3ints a moral and adorns a tale. Obviously ite auther has extended experi- ence of tbe stage and the purpose of the latter, and this knowledge is skilfully applied. There was a large audience at the Shakespeare Theatre ?? evening when Right's Right 'vas nerformed by a company wboze members by their talents empba- sued the ...


... - I26th Agll AloWz the Piver: a Noel By the auth¶r I&ftc ef Lady Aadley's Secret, &c. In thre ham volures. (31s. 6d London: Simnpkin, Mar- on shail, Kent, and Co.) Somereaders will con- Anot Eader the title-pages of this work to be mis- chnr leading, as the novel ends in the second Jas , ,olue, and a ?? of eight stories makes I tc .p the third. The small tales are very pleasat corp redinl ...


... IiTHE ROYAL SHOW AT CHESTELI f_ -- ALTENDANCES AND GATE RECEIPTS. e The Royal 8sbow ground at Hoole, Chester, pro. le seated a very different spec on Saturday frot d thstwhich it had borne durinz the preceding six ra days. Large numbers of live stock had been re- ty' moed on Friday night, and on Saturday nearly the whole of the live eahibits had disappeared. The machinery and implements will ...


... THE ROYAL SHOWt.- TH E CLOSING DAY. FURTHER AWARDS. The'rain, vwhiob is gladdening the hearts floi agriculturists, had a marked effect upon the at- tendance at the Rwoal Agriculturl Sbow which ended last evening at Hoole, near Cheater., Up to four o'clock on Thursday there was a fair! prospect that the show in point of attendance i would have excelled any of its predecessors, the number of ...


... LOCAL AMIUSIMUM TS. TFlEATRE ROYAL, OAR 1FF The now draina produced ait ihe Theatre Royal, Cardiff, tiis week is, as its title suggests, of the SenrsaLiottal order ,and it is not fin exaggeration to say that it is one of tle best whiiol line been placed upon tite boaris in the town for several ionitls. It is entitled The Span of Life, and was originally played with success at the Grand ...