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Advertisements & Notices

... rT .ASDauncey, Big Frampton .. . Mr Thomas Morgan. Bil Frome . . . Mr W. H. Penny. th Gloceester . MrF S Lane 11 Leehlade . . . MesrsM.CIrnmecent&Sobn Eth Longhope .. . Mr WinWm. Constance. tbil Lydney ?? . .. r Thomas Garland, vI Minehinbamntofn * ., MrJames ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L, P!INGLA Hasezo ?? . ?? W. LLMVEwLLYN ?? ?? Mr P-F.OOD BeIpi M_ MIN2ss S iTOKD ?? Ms MIdNU MARY LIh&V Fritz Roebs ?? RS THOMAS Oonduclor-flr CL&UDE JAQUINOT. To be followed by CAVALLERTA RUSTIOANA 5W FOIt TE118 NIGHT ONLY. .EU EanAUZZI ?? Mdlle MAnsa: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOBSBEEEPERS.-Compresaed Corn, lie 3041b; T3Bran, 4 3d 1121b.-Thomae Merritt. Horefiatr. TDAILE!Y MEAL. 10a N241b- Pliwua, Us 2241b; Katze BAD MeI 10s ed 2241b; Poultry Mixture. Bs 3d 6(Ib.- Thomas Merritt, Corn Merchant, Horsefoir, Brlitol, 2068 rpo enaure ...

Advertisements & Notices

... numierou Seia Floos and Coast Scone,. Al-o A fine woik by J. HARDY. JUR,'DToa Game' Fire 3 th liv 28; sad exampleO by the folIO W ig letsf5:- W. Muller, H. Hardy, U. Jttaum, U, Park. Df. Hardy, Geoe Wolfe, ?? Ne T, the ovlnor. ones. (J F. Halpenr l .B Bird ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -WESTERN OOLLIERY G ACCIDENT (BRISTOL FUND), President- The Bight Worshipful the MAYOR of BRISTOL. Hoan. Treasurer - HERB]ERT THOMAS, REq., S.Pr. Hon. Secretaries- Messra WILLIAM BRIGGS and FRDEDRIOE S, SAGE, Omeies-1. Exchange East, Bristol. KILLED. 80. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... one) asitate at FAILAND, in ise P'arish of Wraxall. with the Gardons wad 'remiecs, oooupted by Xessrs William Faroores and Thomas Knight, Lot 2. All those TWO other COTffTAGE or TENE- hElENTS s ad Gardons adjoining the last lot'and now In thO Tespctv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... with any Clifton Work Society), WILL BE HELD WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, MAY 3BD & 4TH. A CONVERSVZIONE AT 4 PM,. Wi* which Mr B. THOMAS and M r GOODW)INhavekindly 1 consented to take parU. Admission Gd, TABLEAUX VIVANTS. TWICE EACH EVINING, From 8 pDm., Admission ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Made Old and Now Euglith BAY (to go of) 87 Acres GRASS, IMPLEMENTS, tc. B H. BHINEUT has received inatructiona M0 from Mr Thomas Weeks, in conseanence of his iving nO a large portion of the Lanud to SELL by AUJtION. o0 MONDAY, Octaober 23rd, 1893. Particulars ...

Advertisements & Notices

... any Clifton Work Society). WILL BE HELD WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY NEX.T, MAY 3 & 4. - A CONVEVRSAZIONE AT 4 Par. At which Mr D. THOMAS and Mr GOODWINhrave kindly ?? to take part; Admission td. TABLEAUX VIVANTS. TWICE RA}EE BEVRING, From 8 p.m., Adraision Od ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ot Gm A~D DRAWINGS0 an P~~~fl~~~T1NGS WyeS v: 01om ilnytflne Examles ot Ito JOHN 1BYnu (30 Works), oei W. Muller. B. Hardy. J. Hardy. Juan, D. Hard.J. C. P. W) K~lghS. VJackna. H Jutun, GorgeWolfe,1 ,.Jonsle, poI D. Bird. R A., and others. Alec', a number ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , 5600i 4782 mH ATRE ROYAL, BRISTOL. H Lesseoe nd Manager--JOHN BARtR. ΒΆ0-NItGHT (MONDAY), May 20th,1893, Beturn VISit oM HARDIE & VON LEER'S FAST MAIL COMPANY. All Sconery and gilects positively Shown at Every 'Vfrormanee, Box Oe2ce at BRURTS, Drawbridge ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BEST WAY to GET ONE i3 to ADVER- 17181 Is the 1 EVENING POST. WANTED by a respeclable Man, a Situation Y v as PORTER or hardy man generally.- Apply E..P. Evening Post Office. ANTliD Xituation as G AR~fl0 E-K. W Single handed preferred. Good character ...