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... THURSDAY, JULY 27. BEKOEZ XE. W. J. SITWART. LivinG RB TEnrS WiTr-Two young men, named William Brennan and Arthur Empire, de- scribed as Germans, were charged with obtaining food and lodgings by means of a ?? Grubb stated that on Tuesday last the prisoners went to Albert Garson's public boose in Frederick- Street and said they belonged to a ship, and were to be paid off the following day. ...


... ?? - - ?? - I ffERPOOL LICENSING SESSIONS. T11E BENCH AND BACK i DOORS. 101tCE REPORTS & OBECTIONS. h tv ^ aeoeral annual licensing sessions for the 6, -t Liverpool were opened yesterday morning D &-l pcosce Buildings, Dale-street Aldeiman Si , 523aughes presided, and the other maRis- ?? e00 theoerc were Colonel Morrison, Colonel ikter. Admi ral Cough, r. Whitford, Dr. Flinn, tt s xslle~b ...


... tALLWIAY OFFICIALS FINED FOR ASSAULT. At the Salford Police Court, yesterday, before Sir. J. Makinson, stipendiary. William Chadwick and Ellen, his wife, and an old man nadned John rine, wers charged owith ?? coenduot at ,mcban1ge Railway Station, and assawlting two Viicials named Richardson and Grantham, 'the former being an excess luggage oficar, Cud the latter a constable in the em- ploy of ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCO. MiANCHESTEIR CITY POLIOlF COURT. TUESDAY. S.AVAGE ASSAULT ON A POLICrEmAN. F rederick Hamsr and James Wilson. two young men, were charged. Wilson with being drunk and disorderly, an i Ilamer withi assaulting' the police. On the after- noon of the 6th inst. Poliee-constable Whiting bad occasion to take Wilson into custody in Bradford-roed, Beswick. Hamer was then in ...


... I TVE #OrPWICH TRAG DY. SBNTM1'4CR OF DEATII. At the Livetpool Atsike8, on Friday, before MNi. Jusitiea Willli Robeet Gay, 44, fotgeian, Vtwtt indicted !for the wilful marder of Georgina Gay. his daughter, 1 aged five months, at Horwich, on the 22nd April. Mr. M' onnell anrd Mr..T. Yate5 ?? for the prosecution ftd Mr. 0. 111'Reftld for thle defelce. The piotmiloprtk short, wiry man of daik ...


... IMPORTANT CHANGE. A.n important order in Council hae juut been issued relative to the Assizes. Up to the present time the Assi2es for the different circuite have been fixod only a fevr weeks in advance, but the order in Council re. above permarently fixos the dates of the Assizes. all3 over England. As far as regards the Northern Circuit, which embraces Appleby, Carlisle, Lancaster, ...


... AN OTLEY TR&GED&Y. ?? - hi1 I An inquest was held at'Otley, near Leeds, Oen Monuy, jeopecting the death of the three years old chil of trthflr.Robinson, a carter, ?? iwas drowned ;a a reservoir on Saturday. The jury returned a verdieov'f gumal marder against the B hild's mothewbo iSe~ bged to have drownaed it and attempted suloide, antd ?? iS jtOW in a critical condition. J ~~~s is FIFTEEN ...


... WORKING MEN AND G-AMBLING. i .. I .. .. IMPORTANT O1FER. IVTIlCEDITORF OF r;ltkE UAX0t:8TtsvE~wiYTN Sir,-It is to be hdped that the attention aroused by the proceedings in connection with the missing Vord craze will have the effect of leading many persons to think seriously of the gambling evil. Therean, I imagine, be no question that gambling under any form is productive of bad results, and ...


... i BY A BARRISTER-AT-LAW. WILLS AND INTESTACiES. W. F. T.-I. Ib is not abrinately necessary to omploy a solioitor in making a ohauge of executors, buti where they have beon aeting for some time under a will it is highly expedient to obtain competent legal assistanne. 2. No porson who is named as edecttr shorld be an attestino witness to a will. T. B. II.-If you know the solicitor who made the ...


... TER IBLH X3AULT ON A CHLD. An outrage of a ?? atriooiou'oharaeter* has ocourred at Denmark HiU, Camberwell, the victim being n girl aged il, namee Edith Weedon, daughter of a onkohminn, living at 8, Coldharbour-plaoe. On Taes day afternoon a bsazaar was ooened by Mr. Charles E. Tritton,' MAI.., at the benmark Piace'Baptist Chapel, the' girl Woedon ' ''being' - 'moug those 'who 'gave willing' ...


... LIVERPOOL CITY SESONS. A general Quarter Session of the Pawn for tl : city of Liverpool was opo yes at 8St lv George's HalL before the er( C. Id. in Hopwood. Q.C, NP.) dtt ?? to (Mr. W. HE Butler). The c r contained ths L narmes of 37 prsoners The Reorer, in eharging the grand jury. co. grasitated them ;hatne calendar was by no rwi a heavy one; rather could it be looked upon a s light one ...


... CROWN COURT. . YWEDNESDAY, WAY 10. BEFOEi upa trist4cs wzrai MISPLACED CONFIDENCF, d J.mev Daniels (34) collier, wa charged wit i having, on the 28th March, at Liverpool, tosgo,. . and ustered a postoflice warrant for the sw, o d M60. It seemed that prisoner's father had L1l4G e i the Postoffice Savgs Bank, and pnsoner htd i.. the care of the pan book. Osn the date in questios prisoner left St ...