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... 'A WOMAN IN flAN S CLOTHING. ROMANCE OF NIAJNY YEARS AGO. The further hearing of the sensational case of Clarke and Others v. Stanley and Others was tesumed on Saturday morning, before AIr Justice Chitty. in the Chancery Division.-The action, which is-for the admini- I stration of the estate of the late William Henry Smith Cullener of Larkhall Rise, Clapham, who died about 40 years ago, ...


... TRtIALS AT NEWCASTLE. The autromr Assizes for the City and County of New.- castle and the Coonty of Northumberland were resumed on Monday in the 'Moot Hall, Newcastle, before Baron Pollock. SHOOTING NEAR NORTH SHIELDs. John Crooks, 32, wvho had been found guilty of having wounded Joseph Pickett, at Chirton, near North Shields, on June 30. by shooting him with a loaled re- . volver, with intent ...


... TERRIBLE RAILWAY DISASTER I . , ?? WALES. A TRAIN HURLED DOWN AN EMBANKMENT. On Saturday afternoon a terrible accident occurred on the Tail Vale Railway, three miles from Bontypridd, resulting in the loss of twelve lives and serious injury to a large number of persona. The hall-past four train from Cardiff was proceeding along a sharp curve near Liantrissant Junction, when several carriages by ...


... TRIAL AT THE DURHAM ASSIZES. tc At the Durham Assizes on Wednesday. before Lord h; Chief Justice Coleridge, Patrick Hardigan (59), driller, hi was indicted for the wilful murder of his wrife, Catherine h, Hardigan. at EHebburn. on the 8th April. Mr Waddy, Q.C., 1.P., and Mr Giowan Taylor appeared for the prosecution, and Mr Scott Fox defended the prisoner, st at the request of the Lord Chief ...


... POISONXERS AND THEIR CrIMUMES. 'Unlike nearly all other crimes, a great proportion of the most notable poisoning cases on record seem to have lacked a ratirnal motive for their commission, and the authors have ueen tried and sent to their doom withount any elucidation of the perverted gurpos's which drew down upon them the law's venggeancs. Even the confess sions frequently volunteered by the ...


... PRISONER BEFORE THE COURT. At Weston, noar Bath, on MJonclay. Arthur Stevenson Coombls was charged on remand with the murder of Elizabeth Luke, alias Wilkie, at H1ampdon. Down in August, 1891.-5Mrss Annie Poola. wife of a solicitor's clerk, residing at Kingamill Terrace, remembered sjeeing the deceased in a neighhdb:r's g'rden on the morning be- fore her disappoarance. Shie wore a white apron ...


... In the Divorce CoutO at London, on Saturday, 3r Justice Barnes had before him the case of Bruce v Bruce. The petition was that of MIr Charles James Bruce; a cattle salesman, of Newcastle, fora judicial sep3ration by reason of the cruelty of his wife. She answered denying the charge, but did not appear. M~r Priestley, who appeared for the petitioner, said thlt the marriage took place on the 6th ...


... RESULT OF THE SECOND TRIAL. The Assize Court at Pariswas crowded ?? the resumption of the Panama trial at half-past twelve. As soon as the presiding judge had taken his seat Maitre De- mange commenced to address ?? on behalf of Antoni Proust, one of the defendants. Counsel endeavoured to i show that the charge against his client bad no foundation in fact, and that the money which he had ...


... TRIAL OF NOEL. Additional interest wia imparted on Wednesday by the fact that the prosecution had been undertaken by the Treasury, who were represented by Mr Emery. For some time before the commencement of the proceedings large crowds arembled at the Market Place, and waited in vain to gain admission to the already overcrowded and inconvenient Town Hall. Noel was brought from Canter- bury Gaol ...


... NEW EVIDENCE At Ramsgate on Tuesday, Win. Nnel was again charged witb the murder of his wife. As several magistrates were absent on Saturday, some delay was caused by the reading of the evidence taken on that occasion. Mr Harman was re-called, and MrSanders was cross-examined as to events on the day of the discovery. Henry Villiam Marsh, an entirely new witness, said he was a shepherd in the ...


... Adam Bacon and Samuel Jones were wont to rake lunch together in the Selwyn cellar. They were sinder in taste, liking quiet, plenty of recm and air and a deliberate dis- oussion of some such trileo as a grilled bhne, a Wsl-xh rarebit or a salnuon salad to the limr:d tiow of Muerehiner beer. They had their accustomed table and waiter, and the former was always as prepared as the latter was ...


... EXTRAORDINARY STORY. The judicial authorities and police of Amsterdam are doing their utmost to unravel the mystery attaching to the disappearance of the English girl Mxrs De Jung, nee Sarah Anna Jnett, and Miss Schmitz. A placard has been despatched to every police station in Holland giving excellent portraits from photographs of De Jong himself and the two missing Isdies, together with exact ...