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... 0 LICE INT LLIGENCE. CUSTODY COUBT-YESTnm.DAY. oi Betore ?Jesetz. F. 5 Ma2rC t'iv. RIIM. John . Briowne, YP. ; and NV. A^I Cornlick, J.?. 3 Buys in Trouble. gl James Kelly and Jotln MI4)j9lnucll, boys, were b cherged by liartunnr-Counstable Larmaour with steal- a : 1ug two eanmty barrels, the pronerty, of CoCtmn e. Idurn)L, o;f the barque oirwtn. 'ile tLad admittedlr beoinig in the coiDpanti f ...


... LAWNV INTE]AGEwNC E LitlAL NOTME-'R-TT'lS DAY. (From I-jet nig)ia Legal Doiary.) tO M1. COURT OF .A1PEAn IN 5lRELA'NJ. ROLLS. Martin v. Dale-~ VIOR-CIIANOCtLLOR. Actiene-Yoeeng, a Neart. Devids v. QllticN''pir- PENCrl DI.VISION.m v aterly 5 baring. AtD-liRtALTY. The Maria. LADC.04:,14N Appjeals for julEle'--lrkaa -tirt- a ('Wli Chairlererili JI-ephl1 fir ras .~lc ,ae P rt W: sri:--I., Jamr-, ...


... AN AIDIAGH BWhACH OF PROMISE CASU. Yesterdray, before the ViYc-Chancellor, sitting as vacation judge, in the case of Malone v. Ross, Mr. Joynt (instructed by Mr. Hunter Mloore) moved1 on behalf of et's defendant, for an order that the case should be r-emitted for trial before the County Court Judge of Armagh at Baelvbot quarter sessions. The plaiutiff, Ellen Malone, claimed damages for alleged ...


... IA W TINTELLLGENCE. DUBLIN LA W REPORTS. VACATION JOTIONS.-S3P:TEfsBEn 19. Before the VIC aaCsANCELaOu . )ICNEnSONt AUSO. Mr. Chambers (instr ctedby Mr. James Wilson) applied on behalf of the plaintiffs in this suit, I which has been brought for the administration of tihe estate of the late Mir. Benjamin Dickson, of Iilford, for an order directing the mode of service of the notice of the ...


... ASSJZE INTELI EK C i CONT OF TYRQNE. 0XO]x3a, FnXana.-~r.. Jusice Munegy3 etered the Crown Court at half-past ten o'clock this morning. TEE SZELLSE ABDSUCTION CASM, His Lonnaur toik up the hearing of these actions, brought by Mr. John 0. Blooafield and his wife, Mrs. Adelaide F. Bloomfield, of Castlecald- well. County Fermanagh, against Arthur Mi'agh, chairman of the Ballyshannon Board of ...


... AcW INTELLIGENCE. t.LW NOTlORS.-w Ddh1 FROM 7151IR aGAin DURt. COURT OF APPEAL. Thornbill v. Aitnesley (3). ROLLS. For judgment, Magee infants; Patrick v. d'tlroy (31 VICE-CHANCELLOR. Hill v. Comber (2). QUEEN'S PENCH. O'Doberty r. Frost (4); Henry v. De Cobalt M; ifPCa! v.Murpbj (9); Price v. M'Cualg (23); Campboll V_ ) M'Ganghan v. oenry (13). ILXCHEQtUER DlVISIOl. Baunter, Craig, anid Co. v ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCEO CUSTODY COURT-YzsinRsYr. Before Mesers. R J. Eaton, R.M., and David Corbett, J.?. Drunk and Disorderly. John M'Nally, for having been drunk and dis- orderly at the Work;house the previous day, was sent to jail for fourteen days. Mr. Lewis prosecuted. Maary M'Henry, who was put forward on the charge preferred by Constable Cochrane of having been drunk and disorderly on the ...


... .i F.E .IX AIKERICAM DIATE 01k, ADSTINBUKED JUDGE. UXREE MORE ACCIDENTS. SERIOUS- LOSS OF LIE. BY CAZLGE.t . FROM OUR OWN CORREPONDEX i. Nzw YORn, Tuzsny-.The unexpected death of Justice Lamar, of the Supreme Court, baaaroused widespz-ad regret, ana an estimate of the esteem in which he was held may be formed from thq feet that, withonttransacting any busihess, the Supreme Court of Washington ...


... CIARG'ES OF ARSON. In the Belfast Custody Court yesterdkay -t Mee~e-s. Francis G. Hefdcer, 1. M. W N. J. Johnston, J.P. Thomlas Shaw, J.P. and James8 Jenkins, JIPK-Joseph Cuily, en., and Joseph Cully, jun., fathier end san, wero cliarged with he;vlug wilfully cnrl maliciously set fire to their julbiic-h0050e, situate at 1'I, iDurham S~treet, fur Ithe purros;a of dofrar Hugti a-a iwe ran' a c- ...


... DTL D T- :PL -xcy. I LIE -DU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iLIN 3 ,tq~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a sutj5-s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lg-lJ~~~~~~~~~~~~t- 'I~~~~~~~~~ Dr7.LID:. FKIDA!Y.-Th'o two rnacJon rno. o ' E f 86. C1'eUg.,'on ier .?. dccc~ a n-f11 clcioL0. 1.7. J'hn No'lan.aed2_ .t -..nn L.' Srt-e. erc n n-c were Liu S C. a's ;~I- ni.. :r'-c- , f.1-!i ..tijzJit.i'n-n. I':Luo'eir a. -Ni . - OL -A A c ., L. L. t: ic ...


... LAINX INT1aJI LiGAENCE, LKO&L, No-~ IL.. DLAMY. (F on .ast n~rht'-' Lcgal Di'ary.) MT . CoC;IrT OF A!PIiiiAL IN IRB~L-ND. NIN; x. o ii. L;. . N;I o.irent. t hi hanotlord, 2: I , . .lar i, Tc-or-: tenart, 0: mC,)r-ri - a-,iariier'L 4; cord Or;, J~t a. Ii '.1> nr, o a-., ir.rc : Bvrne. tei-~n a Darii`ILe, landiorti, ci. a i DOia Pcv i MOirlal' P I no' .) y±.-.,' a . C IM.-'\~L ND.L'rIal-.-tLlI. ...


... DONEGAL GRAND JURY. Lifford, Frida~y.-Mir. Thomas .. Atkinson, Highi Sh8eriff of the county, with Mr. John S. MI'Cay, Under Sheriff, attended in the Crown Court at four o'clock this eveniing,, when the following gentlemen were sworn on the Grand Jury by Mr. Rob: rt A. WVilson, Clerk of the Crown:- Colonelt Robert G. Montgomery, DL. Honnuralble Ernest Coobirene, J. P, Charles F. Stewart, J.P ...