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Belfast News-Letter


... BELFAST RECORDERS COURT. Mr. Henry Fitugibbon, Q.C., County Court Judge. sat in the Recorder's Court, Municipal Buildings, !yesterday, and resumed the business. Mr. Thomas Cunningham, registrar, was in endauce. Brown v. FitzpatrickL This ewas an action brought by i)avid Brown,127, Tate's Avenue, Befast, against Fitzpatrick Bros., Shafestbury Avenue, building contractorsto recover the sum of ...


... The following bill to remove the disabilities of the Royal Irish Constabulary and the Dubln Ieiropolitan police to vote at parliamentary elec- tions has been prepared and brought in by Colonel Howard Vincent, Viscount Cranborne, Mr. Caven- dish,Mr. Barton, Mnr. T. W.Russell,Captain Norton, Colonel Waring, Sir Thomas Lea, Mr. Burdett- Coutts, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Butcher, .Mr. Whitmore, and Mr. ...


... ASSIZE INTE1?Llii ?NCE. cntSTT lox) SEAS GRASP JURY. rlf-o ?? oe CcloC? Mr. .Tatre' Sc a, JE. KiwL Shr.rift for the Canary of 3&fl. ? ?? Mr N. U. Swan. 15' -a: rift. ?? '-ci tin Crown Cior; of the Cojom- 30. ?? -rCmV?ii? Cionag1?an. Ev'n the followtng tentic- M ?? rand Jury by Mr. Robert Cnr? 0. -t C ?? 'cc P ?? ' B c milton, B B (foreman). Sb Cr -n Yitnv J.P. I N ? Farser. ??*E I ct wrci r ...


... IN the COstody Court yesterday-before MBeer;. P. G.Hodder, R.M.; A. J. Doran. J.P.; and JasmesS Johnston! J. l.-a hairdresser, named John Fergu- son, was charged with having asesaultd Samuel M'Giffin, another hairdresser. Mr. Spiller prose- cuted. From the evidence, it seemed that a heated discussion took place at a. trade meeting between the prisoner and. M'Gifbin. with the result that both ...


... ALLEGED EMBEZZLEMENT AT BALLY. GO VAN. AT a special court of petty sessions held yesterday in the Courthouse. Saintfield, before Dr. Fulton, J.P., Saintfield. and Thomas Murray, J.P., DaIly- go0wan, Henry C. Carlton, a servant in the employ- ment of the Ballygowan Mafnufacturing CompanyS wvs charged in cutstody with having on the 25th March last embezzled, as alleged, the sum of £245 Ds 5d, ...


... PETTY ' SESS IONS. Foi'rT ?? monthly oourt of petty sessions was held at fortrush on 29thb ult., before Si;r F. . Maonacahten, Bart, 1HI.L. (chairman), the R[ight ?? Lord MAacna ...


... QUA_,oTDR SESSIONS. B.OLERAlN E, incraiagtlie Crowin business of the hc~i lr e ini were chanted ewith liee'ist'. C ric Sghenas £es. ?? -Keussofl Y sir -di in Deilbouse Lane. Colerairee foe dav,s .1.tIr Fie--~tlURbcy wr t to Be'lfast. wllcr he ialbott ai *ro iiub aqiaect ?? ths o si ta lirs-'- 01-r (Lso a nose piss cnsrss the ?? ccl I an- ?? 's lisve ea--nid:l ) Wnll. ' :a-rid He-nry se-a'rt ...


... ALLEGE' D RITUALISM IN BANDON. SPECIAL TELEGRAM. CoRK, FRAY NrIGHT.-At eight o'clock to- night, in the Town Hall, Bandon, a largely- attended meeting of the Protestant inhabitants of the Derry of the Sonth-as Bandon has loag been designated-was held for the purpose of denouncing the Ritualistic symbols and practices which have latterly crept into the s eervices in Ballymodan Church, of ...


... IJEWEL J ROBBERIES AT COUNTRY HOUSES. THE recent theft of jewels, said to be of the value of £30,000, once more draws attention to the unri- valled facilities afforded to burglars by occupiers of country houses. It must always remain a mystery (says the Fiel) why people wvhl possess a large quantity of precious stones take so little care of them, or why they think it incumbent upco them to ...


... ASSIZE INTELLITEN CE. COCNTY DBONEGAL. C .fll. n Honxr Es resumed the criminal bhi - mesa at Lifford yesterday. c ?? OPMCS PROSIIIOOO Jobn Bell formerly letter-carzie? fro CM3 a broy to Whitecross, County Donegal, was prose- cuted by the Post Office authorities for stealing a letter contain~ng two postal orders. e Mr. Drummonif QOC.. and Mr. Gaussen (in- t structed by Mr. Baillie Gage, ...


... INe the Custody Court on Saturday-before Messrs. P. L. :qamilton. J.P. J. C. C. Payne, J.P.; and Charles M'Lorinan. J.P.-a woman named Mary A. Douglas was charged wish having been insubordi- nate at the Union Workhouse, where she was an inmate. and also with having assaulted Ellen Gilmour, another pauper. Sir. Lewis prosecuted. As the injured woman was unable to attend, the case was adjourned ...


... ASSUTE INTELLIGENCEI COUNTY TYRIONE. COLo>st WILLIAM HuTcaEsoN For, C.1 3. High Sheriff. accompanied by Mr. George A. Rogers, Under Sheriff, entered the Crown Court, Omagh, on the 10th inst.. and the grand panel having been called over by Mr. James Crossle, Clerk of the Crown. the following gentlemen answered to their names, and were sworn on the GRAND JURY: Sir John lof. Stewart, Bart., D.L. ...