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Hampshire Telegraph


... SI AT S THERSUICIDE ATIS()UTHSEA,. . - I An inquiry *as held at the Town Hall e yesterday, beifre the Coroner (T. A.iBrarnsdon, Esq.), relative to thle death of Keziah Mann, who committed ruicide on Wednesday. i From a' statement made by John Marshall, 1 navat pensioner, of 108, Havant.ronad, it appeared that the deceased, hip niece, was a single woman. a30 years of age. She was a domestic ...


... COLD-BLOODED _MfURpER. D % i 0 .. - V ?? I I t A DRAMATX:SEQPEL. Pf The German newspap~escdontain accounts from r Pomerania of a crime .which rectalls in some D respects the murder of the 'Jew pidlar in Erok. ?? The Belifq2 ?? One evening last week a farmer and h'is' iitughtir,,on iheir.way pr home from the market at tRumintelslber, called'at fp, an inn situated between ?? tbe village at ...


... ar The Borough Coroner (T. A. Bramsdodb. Esq., Iy J. P.), eat on Monday afternoon in hire Court at the of Town 1Hall. Vs A CHILD BunNxD To DEATm AT L!NDPOAT. le The first inquiry hold was into the cause of ly death of Alibe Mlary Ann Baverstook, aged eleven in months, the daughter of William and Alice Baver. cd stock, who'reside at 21, Temple-,street, Landper ;d -The mother of the deceased ...


... LIGHT SENTENCE AT a- WINCiIESTER. 'At WinchesterABsizes onThursday,TJoR Allphoe e, Barbosa, 45, -ardener, a Portuguese, was ind for the wilful murder of Aurelio Augistae onterX on October 14th, when on the high seas within th; jurisdiction ot the Admiraity of Englatid.-rI, n- b. W. Mathews prosecuted on behalf of till' T'reasnry, and Mr. E. U. Bullen defended 'r to evidence was translated by ...


... ! INQUEStS AT' PORTSMOUT-h .I.. - . lie; i erterday the Coroner (T. A. Eranmsdon, Eesq.) n held three inquests in Portsmoasi, isne cts th~O . Ing DIED INh P;11(1N. at AttheConvictl'rison at ['ortsee the inquiry id related to the death of Erneat Salt, 24 years of tihe iage, te n prisoner undergoing seveii years' [id t penal servitude, which senteuce ne received for Ea .. iiorse ?? OD the 6th of ...


... THE COURT CHRONICLE, le Prisoner at the bar ! In taking this selernmi tnt oath to tell the truth, the whlol truth. ahud esar nothing but the truth, take care that you do not to allow yourselt to conmmit a wiliul periury. lier Remember that the eyes of an all-seeing Provi- )ut dence and of the village constable are upon you. tl 4I nhderstantd oung Brieflese is about to 'he marry the dauxtur ...


... PO:ATSMOUTH BANKRUPTCY - COURT. . . - -.I L., Thursday.-i efore His Honour JUDGE LxoKAtw itt- Ra JoIN PARRIY WILLIAMS, stay'feCtor, of Ports. ni, inouth.-ir ?? F. Gianville applied on behalf of' W. the Debtor that his lonourshould 'vary, modify, or 5. rescind an order made on the 11th August l i when the Debtor applied for his discharge. When. vr thetirst application was macde Debtor bad not ...


... TIME PORTSMOUTH TRAGEDY. n AN IMPRESSIVE FUNERAL. U: TJRRY CHARGED WITH MURDER, ' The funeral of the hapless child Emmic ?? took place on $aturday at the Portsea ir Cemetery at Kingston, and was witnessed by thousands of sympathisers. The crowd in ii Garnier.street, where Mr. and Mrs, Downton e reside, must have totalled from 3,000 to 4,000. la The relatives were gathered in the irant parlour. ...


... - -. - . . he Sonze Strange Coincidences. he ve Not so long &incea stowaway was found dead yn under the main hatch of one of the National Line by steamers. He had concealed himself before the he steamer left Liverpool, and died of snufocation. ,is Curiouslv enough, in his pocket was found a novel oe entitled Doomed on the Deep. of Another singular coincidence happened in ul America. A ...


... A PORTSMOUTH SENSATION l z i . . 1. I ALLEGED MURDEROUS ATTAK,. aA WOMAN OUTO (1'WINDOW. , y A sensational rumour gained curraeoy bo p Thursday evening that a woman. narmed Annia w . Wedge, of 32, White Hart-road, Port-l0outh, m 5 had, in itle CoUrse of a quarrolwith liaer para.iour, w 0 been thrown froin an upperwintlow and severm;y at injured. Her paramouri a coail.heaver workin g a down at ...


... HORRIBLE SENSATION AT FRATTION I ?? A PORTER'iS SUICIDE. h On Monday the Portsrnouth Coroner (r. A. Bramsdon, Esq., J.P.) held an inquest at thie t own 1iall, touching the death of Joseph WVilliamn a Ward, a young railway porter, who was killed d on the line, near Jacob's Lsdder, on oaturday evening. a Sergeant, Sainebbury, of the RailwAy Police l o DepOt, London Bridge, watched the case on, e ...


... rIlE POLICE COURTS. ae Saturdayiaf-I.t5ef Dri. J. \Yi Ccqsins and uI f ead. Esq. , Arc. BURCLLRY AT A HOUSE.-j L ;o o. wohty, 28, wan chrged witb ?? treaiig and enteriug tnle Ship Kent plublic-bouse ST. 3ary's-sctr -, I'ortsmouth, between 2.0 aud 3.15: n. this ?? leven o'clock last evening ?? Nievbury. tile landlord of the cavern. closed sl ,nc-c :scud boulted both front duoos. The ...