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... SliOU-LG MU: [IRDER ?EAR 11 N 1.EYr The special corre-poendent of the CentraI Newv,- telegrriphrs tbht a wrl.xner of a thiockuiig character ais comnrtte inear U'niey-co-TL.irre, in Ihe early part of Friday eavenieg. the victima bsrg lady n rIued Kate Dar-y. The scene of th- murder jsas a snall ffr-n on the titsekirt o'f Lax-bridge |Woll about a m3ile tiud a half from Merley. [t I ie a ninosti ...


... POLICE T ELLIGENCE. CIUSTODY COOU3T-YsTsiTnr._Y Before Messrs. F .J. MacCarthay R..3i T. tf. Browns, I.P.; and John Holywood, J.P. Druntk and Diaeoderlv. Atbbe Thon-all na put forward by Cotstabtle N-esamey or. the charage of hariinlg beet] driank and disorderly in orthStreet tile Jare-ious venuig, and also with lhavenr_ saied abusive Language toares the constable who effected the arnest, t1i. ...


... Yesterday morning his Honour Mr. D. Colquhoun, Q.C., County Court Judge for Down, set in the Trevor Hill Courthcuse, and commenced the busi- ness for this division. The following magistrates were also pfesent:-Messre. i. J. Anderson, M.D.; J. MCIay, M. J. M'Cartau, Johin Quinn Henry, John Toman, William Davidson, James L. M'Lcnehan, Alexander Gordon, Davil Martin. J. P. l'LeLugh- lin, William ...


... COUNTY OF ANTRTI. CROWN COURT. Mr. Justice Andrews took his seat it-the Crown Court at the County Courthouse yesterday morn- ing, and resumed the bearing of the criminal oases sent forward for trial at the present aesizea. Mr. H. M'Neile M'Cormick, Clerk of the Crown, was also present. EANSLAUGHTER BY AN OLD Bf &N. Franlois Maginnis, an aged, partially blind and deaf man. was indicted for the ...


... LALW iKTELLIG?ENCE4 TSA KUS D . le -iatet SIT RoLLS. C Palmner v. Orpen, H~amilton v-. Bates, Daizly v. Miurray r VICE-CHANC ...


... wT INTELLIGENCE LEGAL aOTlCES-qHS DAY. FROZ7 TIM LEGAL DIARY. LtE C0U01T OF APPEAL iV IBELAND. Attorney General v. Drapers Company (1); Maconchy v. Trowea (2); Delasunt v. 5t'Cormnack (a); Cusack v. Tuite (4). CHANCERY DIVISION. Before the Lord Chancellor-O'Gormaan v. Todd (1 ...


... ?AGEDY JNEAR DU?LflL, |URDER OF~ owE; wontD lDunuwl, T7uzsnarAbouts half a mnile frma Mount Jeromse Cemetery, on3 the left-hzand sid~e of the K~immege Road thters, are about as dozen smnall cottages, withb their reres abutitinrg on the road, and their front windows looking out on! thle exten~sive ponds wh~ich are locally term~ed quarries. In one of thiese cottages livedma old woman named ...


... IWYISXON 8ESS?IUNS. 5 C BELFAST. u ;lo Thewr'.i of reel Kieg btho list of par~lin~lentary volers for the borougrh of Belifast wa:is continued; yestesrday at '.he Coaenty Courtheoue, OrrnalinlT 'Road, ly the basristers eppo'iwtel for tile pur-c pose-Muists. W./ Irvine, thrC.; S. P. Curtis, Q.C.; J. iH. Stritch and RI. Bulry. '.Ihe vracious regis- Itr~ars andi other ollicials wfere inl ...


... THE RIOcrARDSON DIVOR-,E SUIT, LcONDONr, SATuDAty.-The case of Riehardson o). Richardson (Cobbebt int-rvening) was further heard to-day in the Divorce Division of the aigh i Court of Jostice, before Mr. Justice Barnes anda special jury. This was a suit in which Mrs. Sorhy | Mary Richardsoni. daughterof an Indign judge.peti- tioned for a divorce frone her husband, Mr. Jonathan Richardson, to ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCES CUSTODY COURT-YaSTauDA, Before Messrs. R. J. Eaton, RX..; John Gregg, . P.; T. H. Browne, J.P.; J. C. Payne', J.P.; and Johne Hollywood, J.P.- Drunkenness. Lizzie Robinson was charged with hawing been helplessly drual on Monday night last. She was discharged with a caution. Mr. A. J. Lewis prosecuted. Michael Calvin was fined in 10s for being drank, and also for butting ...


... I I DuMLIN, FRP Ar-To-day, in the Probate Court, before Judge Wanren and a common jury, the hear- ing of the case of Riordan v. Riordan was resumed. Counsel for the petitioner - Messrs George Wright, Q.C.; J. REche, Q.C.; and T. J. Wall (instructed by Mr. H. J. Horgan). For the re- spondent-Messrs. E. Carson, Q.C., M.P., and BI Brereton Barry (instructed by Mr. Henry A. Wynne). On the sitting ...


... VbLACE INTELLIGENCE RELFAST CUSTODY COURT-Yewtterday. Eafoie Messrs. R. J. Eaton R.M.; John Burke, J.P. ; and Alexander Meenan, J.P. Drunk and Disorderly. Nary J. Guiney and Patrick Guinev were I charged by Constables M'Caffrey and Plaits respec- tively with having been drunk and disorderly by shouting on the public street on Saturdaay last. Mr. Lewis prosecuted. The maie prisoner was sent to ...