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... TnE N-EW-YEAR HOLIDAYS. For some days past the streets of the city avc preaeutedr qniit e a holiday aspect. Since the elosc of last Veek, the schools have been elosed, and the youthful section of the corn- nauflit have been engaged making a round of 1e ouecrlt5l~lenils and otherwise entering into hc 51oyoniuta so liberaly provided for them thle present season. In the publc works :lbor w ill be ...


... IINSTITUTE OF THE FINE_ ARTS. The painting of portraits may become an ensnarement into which the successful painter is in danger of falling. It is so easy to make likenesses and nothing more-to copy the features, shall. we say, of a pig-sticker from Chicago, who pays handsomely, and values his purchase in the inverse ratio oi its art. Why refine when the plait truth will best satisfy the ...


... (Frkm the Athennan) Tim final instalment of Bishop Wordsworth's Reminiscences, which Mr W. Earl Hodgson has edited, is to be issued on the 28th inst., the date of the celebration of the cuincentenary of Winchester College. The book will contain many letters from ir and Mrs Gladstone. MR, Feasse. RAE, an old friend of the late M. Taine, who first made his merits known to our public by an ...


... LITERATURE NEW BOOKS. HISTORY AND BIEORAPHY. L'Epopde Mystique de William Laugland. Par J. J. Jusseralnd. (Paxis Hachette.) RELIMOrus A-ND THEOLOGICAL.- The Resur- rection of the Dead, Studies on the 15th Chapter of First Corinthians. By the late Rev. John Paisley. (Nisbet)- TheBrotherhood of the I New Life and Thomas Lake Harris. By Richard M'Cully. (Glasgowv: John Thomson.) NOVISs AND ...


... IU'E THEATRES. | ROYALTY -BLUE-EYED SUSAN.'. The managers of the Royalty Theatre still pin their faith to entertainment as bright an the weather. If the public can be induced t4 go to the theater at all, such a piece as Blue-. Eyed Susan will prevail with them. Its- music, if not brilliant, is sufficiently melodious. There are several good concerted piecesv with old English suggestion, ...


... mUSIC AND THE DRAM I (mror OUR ow'. CbRlsPO2NDMnT.) Londqn, .Sunday Night. Whitsuntide brings with it Iul of a few days in the flood of concerts and other malscdll entertainmiients3; nor will it be marked on by any important novelties at the thcatres. T. Some years ago it was considered by theatrical mnauugers the conmsuenceinelnt of the summer season, bat this year tlings have not lo been so ...


... LAST CENTURY VISITORS TO GLASGOW, | ~ ~ ~~IL Shortly before the visit of the poet Gray an interesting figure, the evangelist Whitefield, terminated a long connection with Scotland when, in 1762, he embarked at Greenock for Virginia. The voyage lasted twelve weeks. He was then within eight years of the end of a singularly busy life. In twenty years he had paid nigh a dozen visits, coining first ...


... LITERATURE NEW BOOKS. FrSToRY AND BioGPtA.riY.-' Victoria, yqieen and Empress. 2 vols. Bv John Cordy Jeaffre- son. With Two P'ortraits. (Heiuciemann.)- Seventy Years of Life in the Victorian Era. Bs A Ph;-sicsian. (U.nwvinfl-; Historic Townus Ye+l' By James Raine, M.A., D.GUL. (Longmans.) REaTG.OVus AND TlOJOGI.cAL.- The Ex- positor's Bible-Tlhe Epistle to the Philippians. By Robert ...


... NEW BOOKS. HssTonv. AND BicooFAPHr.- Dictionary of ?? Biography. Edited by Sidney Lee. Vol; XX.IV. Llwyd-MacCartney. (Smith, Elder & Co.)- The Family Life of Heinrich He Heine, Illustrated by 122 Hitherto Unpublished Letters Addressed by him to Different Members _of hisFamily. Edited by his nephew, Baron ?? von Embien, and translated by Charles _ Godfrey Leland. (H~einemann.)- Life of ...


... In this country and in Europe at large we have of late years been treated to not a few masterly exhibitions of magic. The names of Hermann, Heller, Lynn, Bosco, and Imlaske- lync and Cooke, to mention only a few of the professional conjurers, will be easily recalled as those of magicians of no mean order. Setting the laws of nature and ordinary coudi- tiens of matter and force apparently at ...


... I I Messrs Boussod, Valadon & Co., artpublishers, London, send us an album of reproductions of works by James M'Neili Whistler. The original pictures formed part of the exhibition of Mr Whistler's works in the Goupil Gallery last year. That exhibition was doubtless a surprise to those who had not fslloweel the artist closely, and who knew his art only in the formof fougitivepieces. ...


... (,Prom the AtAeausn.) THE late Sir W. H. Gregory had during the closing years of his life compiled a volume of reminiscences, social and political, and these are now being edited by his widow, Lady Gregory, and will form a volume which is to be published by Mr John Murray next spring. Sir William's recollections dated back to the days of Lord George Bentink,; and he was known throngh life as a ...