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Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... 'O-TCE TO ADYERTISM EXQt'1RY OFFICE. Tte EMurj Ot33ce s in Roe-alley. in immediate conneo tion wit the Ad e Deat P rtment, at which Replies to Advere e-res appesai in the LirernoA Mercuvj are rereived fee ot crge, and erben ttY of the XlSrnVi may be colanited. Tne CHAPtfE FOR LNSERT1'ON In the DAILY MEgCURY of PRBIPAID ADVEPtTlSEMESThS (not e-. reeding three lines in length) referring to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~NOTICE TO A]) VERTISFABS. jFNQUIiRY OFFCE. of wlS h 04vmneaad weastment Alais eriee MIECUXy or FREY'AI ADVET1RXFf'athe DA-M'y and eeedRW. three lex. es asenpths. n fls Min lellth) eours 'atc, Sit~to Unts, rkiatgd the eal sels ~ ~ anxiooncements eseied uder Salcby~r~ee~tyP To be lt,' WEEKLY XMEICUR dhud-ahti ~sa ae il 11tAn 'roou ti Th~urday. ?? Sr Part'ies answein advetisemzents In the Mei-wp ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CUNARD LIKE. The Steamr oti Lieflob h il ?? and Homneward. Tracgillopet b the spcfe Lavepooxand ew Yrk tamgh1, Compania ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS FR OM LIVERPOOL Vn QUEENSTOW.N I TObRVI NEXT~v yoEI TY B;s' JO S ETlEUR-A RDSat., May 15 I CEPHAT) I CA9,,NItA ndaetr., May 201 CATALON IA.. Tla.-Mf L'ME11RIA, ?? May 17BOTHNIA ?? I AU'iANIA aSL J'no 3J~PAV0NIt-.. jb My2 ETRERIA ?? June51 SCX .~June I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. eNrTY OFFTICE. to~~I reo chare asz wherefiles of the Mercury may fe The HARG POEINSEWONIn tire DAILY! aBrCVY ff PREPTIPADVE T1SEMSI'lrTS (not ex. ceevlin three lies ;;lerbh refertisrg to Situations, Houses 1 and Person Wanted. Proseety to b Sld or Let, Apact- n on Maonet and all the ?? Wants of this cons- mntisSlXPE,;Y- The charge for THREE co'j - mu rED NN~~ i lE SHThUI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO AD DEM I& _ ENU.RY OFICE. - I Tbe~qd' ffie in E,~ly in immeffle cnonoeow #cs wi She ?? Dsp.tmnt at wbib Uep&- The OMAE yOB N n the W A;3 T MWUWXU tB of theI thu tai am hoe il mted fE 'a e by Paimte t tor Houmt .d dei= he., TS]s e~?e 0hp19 ADV~msiis b~mded I b WURULYr mvzpoVu! abod re** this ?? notp SD ams c umay L AV Parwdmse.,I. adiet~ents9t inthe gme 'Ted ?? s to e followh* Sdee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '!At COURT TB ATRE .ra, ji'A+SD OPZR EHOVSE -.CAXI ROSA OPERA C03fPAXT, LrXrrDp Director.rn I. B THE OYA-L CAR ROSA PEM oRACO11A fTIMT NIGHT OF THE NEW OPERA. TO-NIGHT AT '7 30, HER MAJESTY'S SERVANTS will pedortn, Vo the Firr. Time on Any Stage, GoRt-a TROy&as New and Original Comic Opera, in Three Acts, eutitied THE GOLDEN WEB. I Uibretto by F. CoiDzs. and B. C. STgPNE'sovr. e;tt Scenery by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVXERTISERS. tnwihtedvris De ' tnen., a imcso Mapliceae io Adutii st roeferring toe L Seei-yooi fi ac reoiwe fre f carg, ad her Sold o t et Apa-rt may beormsnlbe The CHABE MMiso tcaded fro marm n in1 A4 FEEBCU'R CRY ef PdHreah ?? A V dkej '250 ler- Lhai No nd Ca length e ent t ?? O Paties audmori~nie meou nts' I the cow- wwe7. ~ arg ftoTH & ON Are fftT l f( =bisclas tat reboke will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CUNARD ,LULN W Y TheSteslzlera of thia Le buoy bthe Speciflied A & Outtw ard and lomeward Tralck adopted by the d Yhork S1eamEi Ceaies. -14&98'~~M TEA'TE1R'i ThU N LIVERPOOL vIA (EENSTOWN'. TO NEW YORK. I TO BOSTON. mrmti&.. *- .Sat. AorDl I STYTHI . ar.Th, 2r AU .AN A .April Ij CEPHALI)NLA..TIL,Aprli1 ?? A4ril1S IC&TALONLA..Tb.,April 13 GE CAMPANIA-.Sat. April 221 ?? April In UMIlBIA .. t., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at ast iIST., AUGtJ8TMC Sasburyhnree LW teld. lM e86>£~trhoi~a Muzle CANIDS11ATEB or twauder P.T.- d Aply at thea 24mb3) n, WANTEA a Sitvntionn~q -Ktirer COVmERlN88; mou of r ?? to mbe F. Boone, 4. Park. ;venue, Southport. 29ibh7- W8ij ANT% ihnediai In A8SISTAN Ex.PIT. ifc be X v the Wesleyan Infant School, Prinoe dwin-etreel_- y- Apply at the SchooL . 2nh50 .Y iCHGOL FU-R~ff} to be Dioped ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NO =Thi atBlOeIwAo'loc, RadnHRnOMGliesV Zj OnC;.ozTne Daxss B : 1r. BY MESSES. BRaN~C k IiEE,5Y Ths a7 sidy. h 13th Iat,. end foin.,y Cn at l~v Bootc eac dvrateet, in tk, b3anoe~s Gaiscc 7 Isalrooin-% N Acumultionof OUSEHot1) inthe B nte oM$ and of Msn er Bran& and inok.,;,'iccEba3 t , 6ow, s,:e-sret stb 005 AmltS O3w0jI A OCY O RV'E RODee Unclamned buggaM. I 60!ff- -0DD Inr T-k Zra em ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VA= - - P P EYNOLDS'S EXHIBITION. p~. F-VO DRB1 AtonEngL1STS T'CL s DF.0:xQ1U3 stonishinig -IGa SEA£NCE. MSIen. I a AD CLLE-, P ATTI, M enluma and Clairvoyants. And the Child Bicyclist., VADLLE. FATL YOlUNG ADONI3. Magnificer.t Military, Groop. h , C4OG:ESS of NATIONS! the yOUNG ADONIS. peceipol Cronteed Heads of ! 'Erope. - d QT. JAMES'S iALL, LIAE-STREET. 3 Soe Le .. ?? ;MR. SASM HAGUL TO-N? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I THE NMW 114BThATAI XONTHLt, A. No. I Now Beady., zles PEMICE ONE SENlTG. rVEMPALL MALL -MGZINE. ,trys r 7HE PALL MALL MAGAM . of a READY. re MTH PALL MAL MAGAZINE ln , ,ett, ellenor will he aimed at, to Mr. adirme whico neither labor nor the will beap She -Us No a ndor a ?? s~eeiat headiog. entiled YeVxd laeo, Qoeos. i e a srill be open to ravs t od io disaoioo of hair t f llm e vithoat ...