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Advertisements & Notices

... is le who, wvith an easy conscience, reconciles any 'oiiej *Opi ll ?? Nwith any other for the tinme beilg. Te individualist \Whig was a very' useful creature a hundred ;ears ago, but ihe ha.i served hi;i timle, and is now a trifle antcILiatd. T'here aire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... until further notice, magnificent production of 3r. F. WARDEN'S ANNUAL EASTER PA N TOM IMHE, THE SLEE rNGC'BEAUTY. :AST PRESS. Whig says xe Sleeping Beauty must be described as a brilliant success. Ird7s AXeive says: - It mruss truly be said that it is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £7 first yewr, ricing £EL-per annum to O02.(Pfo- - sdedthedutesare disoharged satislactarilyl, rations tno alcoholic liqor, whig, and unitorma. Particulars of the duties can' be eacrtend tte Workhiouse, popn agplication to the ~Mdaer tMr- P..Nlitchelll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... removin anod preventing incrustation in steam boilems-Address. 0. V76. 8P, el Adverttang Offices, Londcm. 966 1OILEB-PLTID (WHig--an~-BeDident Agent'Wanted; unique J advafflages; liea omsinterms; only inflosailal and experienced men of position need SPnly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... orothret ?? he test iAeS u ftefuio h TN'u GIRLS ?? & SCHdOOPul, SesTO o b 2ldLatILeSchSPoo the SAboettAY Jun Schoo, 189t3e Eg: Whig to tct Grove ?? of the Schoot may he ohtauoed by wiigehlod 7 Fa UBLIO SCHOO UideObe EICATION 1 N ONOCONFO MI IULMARtA~ SCHOOL ...