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... LIVERPOOL POLICE COURi. FRIDAY, MARCE & REFOaE X& W. Y. sMr5X Tmri- or B1M&-WldkaM Newnhatl, a younz man, was ebarg~ed aith having soclen na enmttv petroeum barrels fro tbe premsue of tie C'heshire Line6 Railwy at Brnik Dock. rbe harris were cosigned to Mers. 1Meafie Ki:M arind. on the 27th nIt., it seeed prisoer s-nt. carter to remove them.n to Msrs. Ciaresnin Sun- hope-street, where they ...


... IMPORTANT LICENSING APPEAL, I, -I lesteiday, in the Court of Appeal, consisting of the Master of tlh Rolls and Lcrds Justices Lindley and Lopes,tbe appeal of tbe plaintiffs, the justices of the city of Manchester, froI an order of Baron Pollock and Mr. Justice Vaughan Williams affirming the reversal of the refusal of the licensing justices to renew the license of the Pbeasant Inn, No. 115, ...


... CORONEWRS INQUESTS. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 8 BEFOBR M4r T. E. 8SiAxsiox, CORONRR 0 LirvmSFOO INFVA!T MORTALITY.-On the body of Jane Hewitt, tour months old, daughter of Fredernck Hewitt, 23,%Viddows-itreet. Deceaed, the jury found, was ac identaliy suffocated in bed on Tuesday morning. THE MYSTEBIOU1S FALL TM'O TEN IMBY.-On the body of Charlee Badham, 20, a mason's assistont, who till recently lived ...


... -- t01 FRIDAY, MARCH.10. at BFOfs i T. E. SAM&PON, CO R01451 O-LnRPOoL.fO S1NGuL.kR DrAsTH OF A FUawAVXUsAN.-On the body of George Anderson, 52, a furnaceman, who C lived at 51, Harewood-street. Doceased bad not tb been in good health sinee he hurt his finger four re months ago, and on Monday feeling cold and sick e U. got inside the furnace, where no fire was bqroing, I for 20 minutee. On ...


... I - 1 A 6TATEMENT OF TEX REMARIKABLE f CASE OF 2ISS RAhSAY. I v Tra Some remarkable circumstancesd wbich ot&--* ' 2 a noticeable stin n public opinion at Moutreal. . Canada. have been myeatigated and described I e by the Montreal Le Mortde, a newspaper of good Iaf standing and larp circulation, from whose plo ;h columns the following is, by permission, to reprinted. Le Momste ?? the past vear ...


... BIRKENHEAD POLICE COUPE. frnr-r 11 a r tr bossr ,, THURSDAY, MARCH 9. BEFORE MYSSR It. ZVA3%S .&fl-ISAPO'WA PRO,% B!TLVG A MAN'S LIP Oi.-A yoQunZ M named John Burke, who lodged in Albion-;eraca was charged on remand withaliciors' wounx2 Thomas Rvan, 2, Albimac The prtwmt lodged at the prosecutor's houaeaad o- Saturday night both were under the influence of drink, havinz bad eight or nine ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCO. MiANCHESTEIR CITY POLIOlF COURT. TUESDAY. S.AVAGE ASSAULT ON A POLICrEmAN. F rederick Hamsr and James Wilson. two young men, were charged. Wilson with being drunk and disorderly, an i Ilamer withi assaulting' the police. On the after- noon of the 6th inst. Poliee-constable Whiting bad occasion to take Wilson into custody in Bradford-roed, Beswick. Hamer was then in ...


... 1-| ACTION AGAINST SHIPOWNEM. I vt Yesterday, the aotiou oE Robert Prooter astd is Sons v. thes Owner of the Etniliano for damage MO to cargo was concluded before Mr. Justice Goore Barnes in the Adairalty Division of the High Court. 'fhe plaintiffs are corn merchants in Liver- pool, and they claimed to recover from the de- fendant%, who are the owners of the Spanish steamship Emiliano, damages ...


... TUESDAY, MARCH 21 d inCRO COURT. a 3 SPPORS U- 3US-1EW - P 6r ALLEGED WIFE MURDER IN b LIVERPOOL P D Peter Brannigan, joiner, aged 40, was indicted sfor the wilful murder of his wife, Margaret Bran- 13 nigan, on the 25th December, 1892, at LiverpooL 21 The ca for the prosecution was conducted by Mr. 4 C. H. Hopwood, Q.C., MLP., and Dr. Thomas; ,6 and the prisoner was represented by Dr. Coumins ...


... THE BARy PROSDCuoN. WITrUDRWAL OF ;TIMCUR.Gis At the Mfsasi Home Coamt La&a,, Yesterday, Wili* Bw, of t f of Bark end Co., ag&i4 appewred on chates of frud. Mr. Alfred Lytte ?? the Trenury. caid that, ?? segad t the ?? OWSp of the c§e aused tby e9ismoe oi do ?? bretbea, Mr. H. C. Bwjw, the proeantioup WjPwg to awidw d I es ThOUgh the Psisae Wm imimathy amobsced wit), b Mse mm at ?? ak~rit &d ...


... WEDNMDAY, MARCH 22. 3 3B OzREona RMSU. - A RSA GOP, I. POOLEY ANSD iI F. JOHMtOS. Si aTHAOiDINDARY NEGLIGENcE of PUBLIt BODIRP, 3C r -The Wirral Railway Company were summoned by the Wallasey Local Board for the nonpaymenb 3j of the district rate for the current year. Mr. I 0 Danger appeared on bebalf of the local board, and 1 M Mr. Dtpudu represented the railway company. 31 Mr. Danger said the ...


... I - LORD HOWARD'S Csk FURTHER DISCLOSURE& Sir F. Jnas anda special jury bad behoae,% again yesterday, us she Divorce DM i High Cour, the petition of Ea d Waldn for a icialm band on thegroaom of hist her, asd the oo oto f od rd Walden for &Aissouti of is ground of r allegedt s Madre and CGpta Noel Wi Tbe charz are denied byeadh of the paties Waga they are made. Sir Henry James, Q.C., Vz ...