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... | LIVERPOOL POLIC COUit WEDNESDAY. MAY 17. a711P02 va.STrwAzr 8MU4D1AUY XAM I WA WXD Mtz C 4sz-Tbe following LdIe fined for sellin= milk moeor less ad _ .8 with water, *e extent of the adcherato, .% , from 6 per cent. to 221 catasanessa' ?? tres 6y > 2}}10 ad coss; Mary Hoad 67, EP4 L~j i rez~tonoe aelyaonvctf n~ PLS5 and cs% 20| and =a Ofi a b eood A. wn, 1., Copperas-hill (peeriosjy ...


... - -rwh tir r ck) FRIDAY, MAY 19. an S Et O ORR 1EIR8. 7. MOiRS AND M. P. JON Wi CRAEGE or Cowpu.tzu OF BIrrW-Minnie in s Clare, a respwetablv-dressed young woman. was tri ma- charged on remana with having concealed the fo en birth of her child on the 21st of January last.- S or Mr. Moss informed the magistraes that prsoner St' so had been in service in Liverpool, and on the 21st January she ...


... I TVE #OrPWICH TRAG DY. SBNTM1'4CR OF DEATII. At the Livetpool Atsike8, on Friday, before MNi. Jusitiea Willli Robeet Gay, 44, fotgeian, Vtwtt indicted !for the wilful marder of Georgina Gay. his daughter, 1 aged five months, at Horwich, on the 22nd April. Mr. M' onnell anrd Mr..T. Yate5 ?? for the prosecution ftd Mr. 0. 111'Reftld for thle defelce. The piotmiloprtk short, wiry man of daik ...


... CROWN COURT. . YWEDNESDAY, WAY 10. BEFOEi upa trist4cs wzrai MISPLACED CONFIDENCF, d J.mev Daniels (34) collier, wa charged wit i having, on the 28th March, at Liverpool, tosgo,. . and ustered a postoflice warrant for the sw, o d M60. It seemed that prisoner's father had L1l4G e i the Postoffice Savgs Bank, and pnsoner htd i.. the care of the pan book. Osn the date in questios prisoner left St ...


... COUNTY MAGISTRATES' CO[RT. c, WEDNESDAY, BUY 17. ;BEORE NESSWL. W.S. BARSEtT AND C. i. VT n Crv=&S Assic;rAN-cz TO -=E POuc_-Ma:: - Id Fannon, labourer, ws charged with Aaat-t 5 Polioe-onstable Ferguson in Sinitbhdo-r-*.a w The constable arrested the jri-oner .or te.22 e- drunk and disorderly, and was taking hlim w . ins lock-up when he assaulted the off cer a.d DeL ±so violent that the latter ...


... ?? -. L ?? , A .S IZI I . CQRWx COURT.-`IO1Dn4V. . (REPbe htr, Justice FV:;Im. '.itt LMVERPoOLu TRAGaDY. thmeA Lavender. 21. laboarer, was indicted for the wilful idhtrder of 'Richard Scott, at Liverpool, on the 10th Apt!]. Mr. W&t onnell and Dr. Spartow appeared to coudnat the prosecution, and the prisdrner was de- fended by Mr. Sogpr. 1'r. bI'Connell, in big opening statement, detailed the ...


... THURSDAY, MAY 4. BIORo K. e T. 3. S&MMO?4 (otO1'M or vVI3Poo, t FATALLY Bu Dn.-O utbabodyotMarySmith, tix, daughter of a stone broaket, living at 8 ock- i street, Old Swanm It seemed that on the 28M ultitmo deceased was trying to draw up the fire, J when a draught of wind blew her pinslore againat the grat%, setting it on fire. Her ten-year-old brother tvied inaelectually to extingmiah the ...


... I SINGULAR PUBfIdC-HOUUE LON'EPY: At the Salfold Pobze Court, on Wedae3dap Arthar Johnson, licensee of the Cauterbary Hlotel, Chapel-street, Salford, was summoned before ]sLr. J. Makinson, the stipendiary, for having used hfi place for a lottery between the 26th AMarch and the 26th April--Mr. Vverend Fvans (instructed by tha Town-clerk) appeared to prosecute, dpdBlr. W. Cobbett defended.-Mr. ...


... MAIN'HTER ASMZES. ho The (Eefo'je Mr. justice (COMin) Tebusiness Of these assizes was comme~hoed on WE IM1oday in the Assize Courts, StrangiswayB, ge A SALPORD B3tIOAaiy CASE l James Bartholomiew Gleave, 49, hawker, pleaded w( guilty to commcitting, bigamy in Sialford. He had, in rif Novemnber 1891, married it woman nalmed Martha t Hannahl Wilman, his formier wife being then alive. TI 'The ...


... BIRKENHEID B.AN-KRUPTCY COURT. WEDNESDAY, MAY 17. PEVORB M1R AGtSTRAR CAVL I BAD TRAnA.%N.7 THE LONG PULU-Thomas WVynne, of the Clarendon Hotel, 109 and 111, 'hester-street. and the Angel Hotel, Camden- treet, appeared for his public exainatior. Mr. iL D. IFrancis appeared for the debtor, and Mr. - Frank Moore for the petitionina creditors, Messrs. Eaig and Haig, distillers, North-walL D ...


... 0 COLLMEMN I OTITHES IN WALES. | JUDGMENT. J In the Queen's Bench Division of the High g I Court of Justive, on Saturday, btefore Mr. Jusrice ! ay and alr. Jitstice Bruce, sitting as a Divi. sional CouArt, judgment was given in the cases of inD re the Ti Act, 189I, and in re an aoplication C E t by .Jones against }otts, and in re the same against ac C ?ooke, argued before their lovrdshrps ten ...


... MONDAY, MAY 22 BEaos: MR. C. -S. 5samL.. GBoss CRUMTr ro A Pony.-A Vouth named Stephen Kennedy, of Egerto4-street, was charged wit crelly ill:treatig a pony hy working the same when suffering froteuwvknees amd emacia- tiom He was. further charged with beating the ?? Osbarn, of the Royal Society for the Frevention of Cruelty to Animals, said he saw the panty. at nine o'clock that morn- ing ...