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Advertisements & Notices

... EO be i- 3 | ^ bn~~t. £S l&G ain4l cet e; ULnsoos it ay timeC-MIAIN16 pav 1er. 56. Q Leaenk-z&. BertoWL h AjLUBaZw and OXDATbe-aetd.w a I be ljychaae and FOBXS. WB WOO r e ihow Freto - Eqzai tto I r £2be Wal7kerA. i 6d , pber. a e aa,] klT7nedD L'A bg=.ed on.5 1 exe. 0J. bed r bt cbWBZ k iee PDae. n. Equal toolas. Odersa Ca e iOSO vnigefa x .Api 34 ~~ -new, _akln. tjyf d. i1 S ca im oyujowood ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'MAC ANDTOOLS FOR SALE (wand,) 5 mr~sa~ke. Can be seen rA work.- riN 515B Ruontalkwith Or Without conlesc.Wll Md jjpF m turns out 5 o6 oe e bni~r. Also, Turnmover ~t&qffwEn's pat-nt. Pie£1thlo.Can is' seen at work fo few Ii days, puttin down largerplt-' ~)SaaO ecletBikMoin.v. newlc yerr;mkr ?? thoroug workigorder, Witinpoe table; ,l s-sate fro 2080t 21brik. aday. Cheap, to clear nut.- 11.5-.0. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILL YOUR rIPE WITH PLAYER'S | NAVY Cam. E AUTIFULLY COOL A-ND SWEET SMOKING. *&s&; AT Al-T TVBACCO SELLERS, STORES. &c..A %D I TAKE No OTBER. AMUSEMENTS. C II; G. H. MACDERMIOTT. in all his latestl c,.cces.'t5. ?? his sensational Sketch. Our Lads in iRed. , ;,pr'Lt SAM1SON. the POWELL-S. the COMOsS, Jl. P ?? v,rsr.s creamnc Ske,.thea THE WHsItTLF.` and the Iicj Jv. LOwLE. Seats can be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... m ~partS tlfto be wet. e L&2IHTON.-Comfortabte 'PARTMENTS, with or .'-wrtboet beard, for one or two geeotleren or ladie eon- venient to Park and Cemral Station Ters moderae- ,d Addreml 18r7. lMfereoff-le. 7jyl3 ?? War ?? G JL too gntlemea C5D Oare ?? SiTG and BED- BOOM. bath (hot and cold). 'Bue and tram pases door. Ters modrae _- __ _ 6jy12 or QUPEERO APARTMETS; bed od wwing rooni z PonY 6nd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. . ?? .ENQIlRY iFYICE. _ ?? 2.1 ,1= nuniteA3 Bosy thein M thas _Xo0onr,rljb3&y 1 r~~ieS ?? advertfsesnenis In e41e Jfauv ere _ ;iee Rthre Utine to len~the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WING-OON SITEsolid walnut faercl Park~rcaii. 24jy2 ~ CottagePIANiO Lyt graiagann1 Gr ~ mo ten t. tosen . ernd; mah Ogaytp anses ~ ~itee~a Fir Sealig, two drawersnie flou SorgAM b3 rliabled maker advanc24 keys. ne deriver.- ?? re. betree die CourIC4e4o oraL ,c~ail T.-I VIOLAS bus. Setalneram. elegante wih and Co., evening.~ ?? _2111027 Ai jtol Eiiitewh Top CaonyEm.ocsh drawer abour 1 . marelou ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCALE, OF PRE PAID ADViiTI7SE- TIhis Scale does inot apply to Business Advertise agCents, -Noticesi of B2isteddlfodasi, Sports, COD- ceits. or to Announcemnents emanatinig froml FbjBodi es.' Six Times Threo Six DtI3, and Wods nce. Times. Times. 00cO 5111 ?? ~ ~~Weekly. S.d . d. S. d. S. di. 20 0 9' 1 6 2 0 2 6 28 1 0 2 330 38 36 '14 304 0 4 10 44 1. 8.3 9 50 6 0 Each additional Eight Wvords. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCAMlE OF PREEPAM &.DVEMPTSE. ENTIS. T - Tills Genie do-iot' not ?? to Thssuin~isci 4dvaccin ziicecits. Iciftic-- i, i liiietdfodan, Sports, Corn- CC.ra-, or to Ansiorcneeitnc'uts onraifiati,- a fromr- 7rclsiic Police. 1six'Xieri Wordi.. I Three Six:n ai Onci' Times. Times. I ir' na W ieekly-. ci . d c. il, . 20 'In 1 6 2 0'2 6 56~0,4 0 410 E Friclh Iactiitsrlo e i l Tcims ca-1!~q wbhieh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PASSENGERS BOOKED -1'THROUGH to ALL PARTS of the WORLD. by ROYAL MAIL nnl other Steamners.. Apply SAMUEL J. DAVIES, ' [1622n29 9, Edward-plece, Opposite T.V.R. Station, Cardiff. OA R-DIFF AND 1 ORDEAUX. The CaOdilf Steamship Company's first-class Screw, Steaieers will Sail as follows (circumstances per- mittlng):-.. f DORDOGNEB.¢.Cmrdiff for 80rdeaux . ?? July 27 EY .E.. .Borden.,u for Cardiff ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '393-NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTIONS. TS H''b tald tlbe }Et,.nf. Times or the Wnet eyld a be Posted r -ulsrl ' or any Ient of time to any .'mt~2 -nin? ii tb ordered from tho st b~g Oi~cor ro BrnbO~Cies. at the tolowis ?? prepabif rntes:- .-TI O ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... =ORLEY, 33IWRLLXMS AND SILmv Em rltS; No. I BUCK&e STszrT.-A Selection of Scoad-harsE Orantan Plaste alvways on Sale. 7VPPS'S 00C0A1N-.-Coeoi1E %6radt (Tea- -12l ?? roasted nibs (broken-npbeansiof :he natural Cooe on beiog subjected to Vowerful hydraulic o,reveiire give forth theitress of oil, Iravinsi for use5 f tely- vaoured powvder, Ccooaine. a product vhicb, when Pro- p~xeot Fitb boiling ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SSORil3, SZWRL1 S ABDSum N8. Iv. 1 BV1,ONaq amE-A Selecdif of Uead-bno 4ame~fsnt PDi aite ~alnys ov Sale. EGAL AD-VICE FREEF THE WE IY MA~LI T LARGMST WVEL Yorma aD admirabie ?? tO -!3o d ynew D8 C ?? f Tde, varied. auif Isae . s c tw snitedwto hetate ofeveryinem~ of TR-El HobjUs CIELE. IFhi1ot its Comvleto Summry of rasc Bvenh ?? it t B~ll' 3T EWNPAE &tosendt FRIENDS ABROAD. MAKY BP HAB CF A ...