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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland

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... COUNTY OF ANTRTI. CROWN COURT. Mr. Justice Andrews took his seat it-the Crown Court at the County Courthouse yesterday morn- ing, and resumed the bearing of the criminal oases sent forward for trial at the present aesizea. Mr. H. M'Neile M'Cormick, Clerk of the Crown, was also present. EANSLAUGHTER BY AN OLD Bf &N. Franlois Maginnis, an aged, partially blind and deaf man. was indicted for the ...


... j, -Nv TETLIGGEY KEX ~COUYIY orFAY_~'T RIM. CROWN COURT. V 7prpn,7 mo~rning,. at half-past ten o'clock-.Mrj Anrw neredthe Crown Court. andl rea-if oain'- of thae asit3174. B 1 -IN i~ ~,cmik.Cler'kof the Oov~ laac L&PX Crwn a-i! e~.e :uniltv to hav7ing brokcen1 rais~ hans~e of jane3hrar'i.l-~~jS e t(rk r 'a a niumber ('V art;:iklc of w~avr.ig Z~~m~are, and11 was orde~red to iI 2aNovc-raber. ...


... I E LEcG.L NOTICES-THIS DAY. Frori L&AST NIGT7'S LEGIAL DIARY. ROLLS. Hamilton v Bates, 1; Cordon ant Goodman v l-yster, 2; Stoker v Sy1nge, 3; Jessop v bnclth, L; MI'Donnell v O'Con. nor, 5; Hlcaly v Sc&arrlon, 6i; Buckley v, Buckley, 7; re MU A Byrne, leet-saed, Doraos v O'Donoegle, S; Fetherntn-D. haugh v Ebbcs, 9; Mssntgoe'rery v Ti'lrrrry, 1'1 Thormpson l.ondorderi-y Duildiclg Society, ...


... COUNNTY OF ANTRIMU. V b CROWNlN COURT. ?T4. JSSTICEo ANDREWS sat in the Croctn Court of the County Courthouse, Cruamliln Road, on Situr- o day, and resumed the criminal busineas. Mr. 3. M'3Neile M1'Cormnick, Clerk og the Crown, t was in attendance. 1:1LrtG TFIE BOORS. t John MI'N;eill, who was convicted of burglary. w avs seot to penal survitnde for four yeaes. o |iis Lordsh4p remarked that ...


... POLTCE INTELLIGENCE. CUSTODY COUPT-YESTFDmnY. Before Messrs. F. T. MAcCARLrTu, P.M., and SolsZ BUnME. J.r. Dr.UNK ANMD DISORDEELY. Jarmses Robinson, who was charge ' by Head- Constable Dor.oehue with having been drunk and disorderly in Cerriok Hill on Saturday evcning, was fined 4Gs anid costs. Mr. M;Ildowie proaseuted. hMichael Ward, who wvas nut forward on the charge preferred by Constable ...


... Mot-At this bi-monthly court of petty sessions, held on 26th instant, the following mnagistrates adjudicated, viz. :-Messrs. Norman L. Townsend, R.;. Averell Lloyd J.P.; Captain Richardson, .P.; J. R. M'Donald, J.P.; Captain C. B. Phipsou, J.P. R Eobert HXKean, J.P. ; and Henry: Tohall, J.P. William Powell, of Corr and Duna, valleyl sum moned Robert Farmer, John Vallelz Patrick Reag-h, and ...


... 5 ASSIZE ITINTELLIG-ENCE. COO11JY 0 iNTRIM. CROWN COURT. YESTERDAY morning Mr. Justice ANDREWS sat ig the Crown Court of the County Courthouse, Crumrlin Road, and resumed. the business of thess as5sizes. COMMON JURY RECORDS. A.'XEE V, A.DAMS AND ANOTRER. This was an action broughit by Dr. Samuel SI'es, Shankill Road, against Ma;rgaret Adams and Robert Waddell, to recover £50 due on foot of a ...


... BA.L.LYRiEN1 WUORKIIOUSE. THE LATE SWORN INQUIRY. TEE MAASTER CALLED UFON TO RESIGN. AT the weekly meeting of the Ballymenra Board oi Guardians, on the 22nd inst-the deputy vice- chairman (Mr. Andrew Kennedy) presiding-a letter was read from the Local Government Board acknowledging receipt of the minutes of theGuar- dians on the I 6th inst., when the Guardians took into consideration the Local ...


... ~ ,-, , i1LITGN~ TYnf~~l\E - I i iI .7 * W -. I,. ., !M-*erl ir. SLi S r~~~~~~F iF 11: 11 -n L~ W~ir 1-L -n t- R rs or li~r) tgi (i-: I.r; .- a Z _ i -- I r i . -~, X i: L1;: [e : # :, i i ::- .:1-I*i F - - -. f -7i_ .--E I. . 1-S . ! qii St 12-. l -::: : i ,:,-:i --ee [~ F::lr .iCr;* .: i . _: : in- . i -! . :-r - :;:.: ; a ::, I t! .20;, -n !\ I~ts r i i. - 1o t: ...


... I'THE CASE AGAINST ROME j RULEO AN INTERNTTIOXAL POINT OF VIEW; IqY THE MARQUIS OF SAMUSBURYI K.G. sFROMe THE PALL MALL GASErE-. BY OUr, PRIVATE 55V[LE. I bave been asked to explain in what resecte according to my judgment, Home Rule for Irelald would injuriously affect Great Britain in regard to her esternal relations. I will explain what in my view would be the two most formidable lkinds ,of ...


... ITAW IXNELLITENICE. LAW N- TICE- TiiP, 1w;,Y (From laCt ni niO't a,1 .. I ia i .r 1 C!I.ANCE11Y 1TI-K- '\ Before the L ,r: Chliawxeijo - in1 2 , i 7 : Ietata:i.1 the Hoez . 1 . 1: . 2 .. 2 j 2N '1', aw:t zIi-i e wIC ' r2 DC(2.-. 1 : * io 1qeapeiized a Ccli:- air 2 I :. - I - Couni:2 Fer:nl'a g, 3.1 A Btennaii.z deceasei. jrr:alEU-.:; :*: minnor n 2: JI E l]ch 1. Ei .t : J SeIl2ie, Ci '0' 02*2 ...


... PO LCE INTELLIGENCE, CUSTODY COURT.-Yn.,tcrz-a . Before Msessr3. R. J, EATONr PM.: Tiro7fA: TIT Bptuwoce, J.P.; and lJ i leoLL-wooe, J.P. I lry C~assidy was chavged with beggsing in University Street. Mr. Osborne, who proseoute,3, said the prisoner was a noisrance in the neighi-o'a-- hood, her halit heinr to stoo isr't-, and he g from thelm, and iH they dic not g've her assistala e she wooa d ...