... A SHEBEENING ASSIZ-i4 EPISODE. Justice Wlls put a simple question at the 'lamorganshire Assizes yesterday which suggests that he has heard about one of the peculiarities of Cardiff life, and bas been brooding over it. A wretched youth of the labourhig class. Frank Carter by name, and, seventeen years of age, -was on his trial for felo- niousiy wounding Charles Burke, with intent to do him ...


... BIRMINHGHAM POLICE COURT. YESThRDAY.-Before Messrs. Comore (Stip.), Harding, Parkes, Payton, and PovweU. A CASE FOR TffH Smssloms.-Edward Green (56), fitter, Great Russell Street, was committed to the sessions on a charge of stealing a mailcart belonging to John Walker, Wheeler Street. A COUrAGEoUS SERVANT GiaI;.-Alfred Millett, joiner, of Staniforth Street, was charged with stealing a coat ...


... I DAMAGES £200. Yesterday morning, Mr. R. 0. Heath (Under Sherit for Warwickshire) and a jury sat at the Victoria Courts, Birmingham, for the purpose of assessing damages in an action brought by 5etta Hanman, spinster, Kidder- miniter, againsb George Day Turton, carpet dye', also of Kidderminster, for breach of promise of marriage. £:1,0OO. damages were claimed. Mr. Hugo Young and Mr. JO. Lea ...


... PRO ONS UNDER TrE ELOSe I ACT. At West Bromwich Police Coum*, yesterday-befors Mr. Neville (stipendiary)-Messrs. Pter and &rauel Wood, of the Pump House Brickworks, Greet's Green. were summoned for infringing the Explosives Act. )i. Walker appeared to prosezuto, and Mr. J. S. Sharpe ?? Hollis stated that on the 30th ult. he visited the defendants' work&. He fonund Mr. samuel Wood in the office ...


... BIRMIGHAiM POCE CO0r. YES'flBDAT. ?? . J. H. Stone, H. Chseiberlin, and J. Lowe. A BAEMN AND His FBmNDS,-David Smith, beer- house keeper, the Old Moseley Arms, Balsall Hleah, was summoned for allowing drink to be consumed on the pterniees during prohibited ?? Biddle and Aston ware outide the p amises t 1L30 on the night of the S2 ait., ?? heed voices. They lacked through the window,. and saw ...


... III VERPOOL AS&ZES. rnit Pnms co~rnrr' BzFolrE XE. JUsflOt KDTh' AICD.A Sr't¶A aua.a . THEI CAKTTLE DEBALER AN THEi tt .B~OOIG CLERK.; i OxttsniVr I.OiNfON AND Noam-wzS'a R a- WAY Cosrraz.-~The plaintiff, Patriock Grant, a di cate dealer, pf Dublin, soutght to recover damages v afor assault and false imprisonment. The defence 1g was that he~was not areted, axnd if so it was done f~ without the ...


... SATURDAY, AUGUST 2& des BEFORE MM. T. B. SAMPSON, CORONER0r LIvzMOO Box WOZUAN'BURN'T NRAR CAzNRAi;-sTRE=. -On the ls body of- An Laura Dewar, 30,.whodied at the f . Northern Hospital on Thursday afternoon from T abock and exhaustion consequent upon burns. The deceased bad no Sixed abode, bu-recently was a t living in a court off Horatio-cteet. OnWednes an day, a she was stooping to pick up a ...


... BLUTOL POLICE OUZT, YPSTERDA.Y.. Before Messrs Oharils Willmand A1N. Piloo, AN AMEBIRAN NEWOPAPER EDITOR. WilIleM Knox Jonel, a young' man, wa obar ad with stealing a safety' bleycle the property-of ?? ?? it wrw aatdin. court 1ibat theta wee a'umodndmnoblne- pneumatic Ptyred~genred'ordinary-Whioh had beau exehanged'by, th e ddefesda tin' Bristol for a 'cushion tysed' safdtg. Mr -J .C lifton ...


... THlE SUICIDE MANIA. Mr. A. ?? flicks, corouor, hold ian inquiet yos-' tiesnlay at tho Court-house, tlireliloill, trlonoing thet death of Colouel Jineos Stirfing Mould, aesnd Gl years, latoly residilo; at 36, Ellerkr-e.itardiois, Itiohioid, who, s e ?? 03i 1 early oill MOnda11y inoruidgi byjinp- ing out ot a window at thalt addres.-Mre. Ality Louise Mtoulid stithtl Unit lteaxelld, who was lier ...


... - INT1,11'JAGENCE'. 1101001,1iW oSv,1 liC . QUES BENCH IiI V 18l IN.-AIti;I7i 5. At ~iAil .t Alt iNDi' V tl ?? 11.1A i lE. - Ni 1511 v AI' ,ti~ ii~ ii l Ititd lr ,. W i' e iL miie I Peti - (l iu a ltl' o'e eel ?? hililti li'lul Ilv tli yeilt ~ ~ Ill~alllN ill ibartt~l,100 Iil i i i lto t at's IitO itw 1ri'l'tit ill' i ! ., f il Is' tO 1:1 .1 I I i eV tl ?? v mice- 1 litter Witloteti it,, -lit ...


... LAW INTELLIGENCE, X E~~FrS;TERuDA.4Y VACATION SITTINGS. Yesterday the Vice-Chancellor sat in the 1A Nisi Prius Court to hear such applications as might be required to be immediately or promptly heard from any of the Divisions of the High Court. all TamS BRAY SWIrTCEBICK. ..we Mr. Gordon, QC, said that there was asl applicauon listed before the Mlaster of thol Rolls, in which fr. Breslin, ...


... SI AT S THERSUICIDE ATIS()UTHSEA,. . - I An inquiry *as held at the Town Hall e yesterday, beifre the Coroner (T. A.iBrarnsdon, Esq.), relative to thle death of Keziah Mann, who committed ruicide on Wednesday. i From a' statement made by John Marshall, 1 navat pensioner, of 108, Havant.ronad, it appeared that the deceased, hip niece, was a single woman. a30 years of age. She was a domestic ...