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... BELFAST BANK(RI-UPTCY COURT, MNr. ettry Pitrellbon Q. C local judge in ihan7ruptey. Sat ycsteofllay in the Crown Court oi thle County Court~hoese, and preceecled WWit ill heariog ot thle cases on the ;i;t. .;r. 1H. M ilie M Cosltick, registrar; TMr J. H. !I. Mlzrpbhv sistant registrar: and Mr. Edwtard Alil:crtih effii-ial as-,ignce. wror in antenoace0. T'wo or- rmigencent matters tvere henard. ...


... `'IVTXAV \T PLc NFLI,~~ I:; thei CesLD2y Court yest-rday (before II | F. J. M;Certhv. R.M., and Ales. Mesnan. T.>.!) a man namel Henry LMPliillips was fined 4is and costs for having bern drunk and riotous on the public street on Saturday evenin-. Mr. Lewis prosecuted. C'nstable Gilmore chirped J-,Ics 'Noble with having been drunk. The prisoner when arrested was wearing a workhouse suit, whioh ...


... ASSA7UCLT CASES AT POPTADfOWN. PORTADOxm, MoeeoDAY.-It will be rememberedt that about a month ago the Portiadown magistrates ti returned for trial to next Armagh assizes Jobn oi Furfy, sen.; John Party. jun.; Joseph Farty. an d d James Fearon, on a charge of having, on the night 3 of the 12th August last. seriouslyv assaulted a isLo11on called James Hunniford and his son Charles, when h the ...


... PETTY ' SESS IONS. Foi'rT agenv-Th~e monthly oourt of petty sessions was held at fortrush on 29thb ult., before Si;r F. . Maonacahten, Bart, 1HI.L. (chairman), the R[ight l.fIonourable Lord MAacna ...


... IE ISION SESSIONS. NORTII FERM&NAGHI. The revision sessions for the North Fermanagl Parliamnentarv Division concluded at Enniskillen last week. before Mr. Myles Xehoe. Barrister-at- Law. Revising Barrister. The Unionists were re- presented throughout by Mr. Charles F. Falls. M1.A., solicitor. Enniekillen (instructed by Mr. James H. Chariton, chief Unionist agent; and the Nationalists by dIr. ...


... E3FLFAST POLICE INTELLQENCE. In the' Custodly Court yezeonlay-bhfore Messrs. F. . ailcCarthy. i.f, .tJatric- Johntset. JP. ; and J Williatn :. -Coriniek, J. P.-a rospeneah!e tlosing ni-un ntrinecl Joisephd W rlisle was put fLr- ward I y S rge inh Itgan on tbe charge of the emn - hczzletlont of £S and otter divers amounts from tho eiriar of Me srs. J. and J. ITaslett, where tic had been cn ...


... LX W INi TEi ALIGETNOd LAW NGTICES.-TnIs DAY, ?rBom = EG .L D1iny. MY- COU~RT OF APPES4.L Spniway v. Spttrw.-, at bharinr (1); Aaron's Reels, Limho-lj, .Tiis s(2); Liclardis v. Malone (2). Mile*3 & Cc. v. Mardi- tan (4), Oreacen v. Lo-wry (5), in -e Wallis' estate (6), in rc Eiaahao'e estate (fl. ROLtLS. M'fEle'netlv. O'Cornor C1), Lewis v. ROys (2), re T. Fitz- So:me-s, dec.ase'l, Teituismos ...


... PETTY S ESSIO NS. 11th t-A. hous f-o fo~o'sto; sgiur1' w lr YindOT Q~ if th tost., .2?., trlo 'DflI..-'-in naitt P. -; f.' --r. Wilirano Slba-, Nifolio s .]ary. '~iira; ('tIa. kowaco-, Jame.-i Mltrrs5 (PBollllohl;1ob), ITA tIrI, Ci 'U f 14teni, iti--l eo Ii' n, nro--~'rt TtL ua M1 t,soir 1, p'ohIc an, nra-,r. r ~n!L'une1 fit or s11,r-, ~i- a'iulte-raed whisk y- Th,,,r Wvcr'hiit-' ...


... OITALRTER SESSiONS A -i '31 A G EE.j 1iL ciaartvr sessions for this divislon of thG I Courty of Aromagh were commenced on the 18th instant, before Ir. E. H. lisboy, Q.C., County Court JTude for the Conaties of Armagh and Louth. M1r. Thomaas J. 3Marron. Clerk of the Crown and Peace for the County of Armagh. was in atten- dance, MIr. James lIorrowv, chief clerk Crownv and I Peace Office. ...


... P-k I I, -I S I q INs J, il-(. ol. 1 L -1or o I'.n I -, IL - I T .fh_ f-IL Fi V ' N ', iI i0 IL LO rtilL' I iI I cl ILL fIr .II IIT, t I v. F a i t. t t-I i'' I -I ' ff I L , h o w .'II I f1 : iI r L'I: !r Li * 1; C tI11 Ihev. Tn ,I.. T 1tr I L. 11 ft ',' -. ra .oS I L oc. It Ii l ct'(I 'ti-It~or r !iw: '~% I ! ; I h. 1eq 1 f *ft. . c'I) 1 r '1raI' 0 fitl R I 01 fr r t ':, r t , -I ...


... POIL ICE L:NTEJLIGENCEK CUSTODY COlOUIT-SRIDAT. 31efor3 Moe isr; i J ScCarthy, R 1, and Charles M'Lornian, J P. Xtglcetinic bis Child. Henry Andreas Brasted, Crp:ration Street, shin slsr-e dealer, ..v3s charzecl at t7.; illr41r;*}e or 61b j So-ietyt4^o(i the Pteveti :ln.o of 6lrto tO C-I:elI for hcaving negletcte-I hid ten year oid chld-- Sarald~n-in a marner likely to ca use injury to hiiZ ...


... PETTY SESSIONS, Moscsroxouse Porn Szsaroeis,-Ths monthly court of petty sessions was held on the Sill instant, before Messrs. Thee.~ Meek (in the chair). Wmn. Bkit. George RamayJ.P.; and Unloadl D. Steevart,R.DL Sergeant Bell summoned Sarah Faulkenec, ol MeoneYmoro, under the 6th section of the Food endc Drugs Act., 389 and 39 Vie., cap. 63. The sergeant astated he purchased a, samlple ofcfe ...