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Belfast News-Letter


... PETIaFY SS, -s I .S iI-li1i> Joo j, ' a 1tiioy0to, LI t. I fr,-di- r' 1 e ~~~ LL a 1 1,C~~~~.1of ilia Hit, ~~'gri cw'k ::,ICI t,',it itirid tO' 'iiC. .k-,. '. i Jo 'w1151 it I r 11 o ( 4o I Ln it 2 ;i I inoL ..0'i i f-T -'it! So icc. - r to~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. i Al ;i:I: tO 1:r S LLII 1T -it e0 - i -J -31~~~~~''l 1 ' oi 't cu rit e .i , I 1- dr, v ia IIFr 2 IJ XV Mr t' ' IT: rd h CO:O' 1, ...


... PUTTY -111'---',?-??, - ,_. ar , II - ziho | 'clicti.\-i.''s.G6' -of ,> tcl ;: t.r ;;-. y1-; I: i iil . - . : it-- Vil L 1-k. w: t ;: --1-. -- c-niitt H-1 ; : - - - 0)],r a- :v:.e r r.i :-. :i. i-u ' . v -'^ I i - 1 .r . .,. P- t -' ,- ..' Yr PSorte tht.^ fr. ait eu io t *: i L . z f- ...


... TI IN L EiE Th J X I LAW _NOTWCER~-Tan Doi. n to '-r .-~~v.~, zla,'a u,'Don~~~~r v. V. 352. A' - o tIr -4nd an 7 ~aye 16): Cl )2. Go-.v. *T rF'ya Tm, urn oil C) -no :- L C-. :I- .- - - - 2- JEti Di't0 TIN L1. '-7 -t, 1- T) COUR:T OF APPEAL-Nnva,7,,r--v '7 --e '-ht Loa~D Large J~t~ic--m , -i-to i 'T]7 LorId JUIn~t. zeoisr. : Iusa3 1 .we REGISTRY ArpPnLS. flaIVGR0PEY, AT~TFLL.NT: Cryr-;nec'33 ...


... THIIE TBGIC OCICUIP'EXE NEAR BAILYMENA, INTQUESTF AND VTERDI)CT. Yesiter lav Dr. J. J. Adais. J.P.. coroner. Antrino, attend e.I at the house of Mr. James Kyle. (Garvaghy. and resumed the inquest touching the death of Francis II'Keewn, of Linlnaharry, who Was shot dead by young Joespeh Kenny whilst the deceased and a number of cthers were, as alleged, attempting to ecoter the house -f John ...


... B2LFAS1 iS POLICE INTELLIGENCE. Tn; presdinlg magistlates in the Custody Court yes.erlay were Messrs. F. J. _iNacCarthy, R.M., and David Corbett.J.P. James Spence ivas charged, on the complaint of Sergeant Rock, with havingt stolen .a pair of trousers, value I 0s 6d. the property I of the Criterionl Clotht Company. ir. A. J. Lewis prosecuted. The evidence showed that on Satur- j day night last ...


... LAW INTELLIGENCE, LAY NOTUCES.-TIs DAT. FROM TEIR LWkAL DIARY. H.3£. COURT OF' ASPP Verner v. Coebrane, at ecariog (0); Cotnpanis' Bel. fast Shipownreo Company (2). ROLLS. nc T. Caldecll deceased, Couch v. Rodgers (1); re J. O'Donnell, leecared. Waltv. 7. Walsh (2) rc t3. Swith, deceaned, Orion r. iellv (3; Davidson v. IHlutton (4), Ite J. B. Barry, deceased, Barry v. Barry (5); Doran v. ...


... Till . RDJ1A ?ON ThA? 1DY? MaOllSO IN CODSX. Edin~burghl, Saturday. -in oonnect~inn w~ith the Ardlanuont tragedy, a spec~ial pleading diet of Ithe Shleriff Cou~rt w~as held here to-dlay for the |purpose of allowing Alfred Johu Monson to plead I in answer to al ciarge of2 attem]pting to murder and mlurder Lieultenanut Ilamnbreugh1 at Ardla.- monot House, ANrgsleahuire, on the 9th A~uglaco ...


... QUARTER SESsIONS, DERRY COUNTY. The general quarter sesions of the peace f£r the Derry divition of the oeounty were opened in thre County Courthi use yesterday morning, before Judge Oereaud. Recorder and County Court Jadgec. Hfis Honour wac accnmpsnied on the bench bv the following raagistrates:-Captain Gage. . M. Johll D. Beresford, D.L. ; William E. Scott, D.L. .James Acheson Lyle, Hugh Lyle ...


... PETTY ? ?J. II I1i1 rR:'r'a 'C .. Ii ' IL C Ci L' ile fi ' N ' u E C' r I l i ' lI ' t I 1 . c' '1 It iiJUNc I' I' 21' j'hi , N lt I; N, It ri I, r, TiaI'II li' 11 1. JI11~11QlN I'; t. M rl N d INLIN r,- Lu. L ' F c-e' ''r I' N' C' Ii'- tl d ' (i, v,' iC rF 'Li; 'j m 'iNrr 'Inil , _- Ir , z I rl 1 II'' ~ odIN I ~ ~ o Ic I~ ''N 'N' I lll c r rN', I IL i, Ir 'A ''; 'IN N'S''. NO1iDU' I ...


... BELFAST QUARTER SESSIO'Nj MR.. Hxirin FuTZ-iBBaoN, )C0., County Coasrt, sat in the Crown Court of the County Courthouse, Crumllin Road, on Saturday. and zen .SUILed t~he lbusine~sl :ir. Tiaornas Cunninjrlar, Deputy and Acting Clerk of the Pcace, w-w in atoeil1lance. PALM1.: V. ,!1 (A:fNEY. Thomas Pelrncr, farrier. Billlrrnacornl. sonrio . recr'bor from Janm>- e lICarenesy. i'.,e:eihrnt ...


... BTLFFAST PTJTTCI-' ClLL1iJJlE. In ih5 F rptea - Pr' vest-a-Ny ,be & tr-t . R. J. Eitio !1a. f -Ir; Tiao j~sg. J.P. W.r lt. Cviln lIl' ~i. L J. oud, _ l\UI 11l._1 '-1 e' a ? .3i 1 tei le nr cv, g L b l . ~- hef - man with the bar- iy: iyf aa irl, Brick Works. Mr. L;iS ' as - .e i soner. upon wiwit A l-n Wrle;te a tle - fneuld admnitred ha:in'r mOcia it .ron 1 Ir,- e- rllnr.Me l :nt J'eit, ...


... PETTY SE'eSSONS. , I Nawrt~sowS..-Penos. - The fortuigitlty Cictt o n petty sessions ras held yesterday before t followingt mag£Jistrat : -s Messrs. Will. lay-n , (chairman), George Dickson, Francis J. Mtcornlccl. a, and Andrew Menoirn. Mr. John MNPLeau, solietor. li applied for the transfer of a li::ense from a rs ~s Bowdon. Conway Square, to Wmo J. White, which a. was pranted. i Ascocac-A-- ...